Trump will build a firewall

This is what will be used to justify censoring the net.

Thanks assholes

I hope Trump builds a firewall.


does not matter, but the corrupt media and an establishment is using it to censor the internet in 2016.

Holla Forums didn't have to go out in the open using "h8 machine" tactics to become a candidate's personal army and attracting tons of unwanted attention to us.

Ugh fuck this meme is so fucking boring.

da left eyes da left eyes dey wont evryfink muzzoxican negro press 1 for espanol blah blah blah
t. who gives a fuck

I am sure you do /jewpol/






Holla Forums are a liability to the Trump campaign and an asset to Hillary. If the lefty medias can firmly associate Trump with the morons on Holla Forums, the election is lost to him.

The whole journalistic universe will barbeque him over the kikehate and niggerbashing of his private troll army as the election approaches. It may well start later on today.
Nevar forgit that enough normies to swing it will vote for whoever they think will win.

You fags are basically the ethicsvolunteer that made GG lose all of its bite and momentum.

Do not listen to these people, they are either shills or genuine retards.

I guess one successful wall out of two isn't bad

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Donald take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Donald take my energy

In the name of stamping out Jewish Degeneracy I see no problem with this.




CTR fuck off




hey looks its Mr. PR again how did that go last time?

they would, but it would have taken them much more time and effort.
trump is not the issue, it's the so called alt-right faggotry.

But GamerGate proved the internet needed to be controlled already.

The Fappening proved the internet needed to be controlled already.

Ghostbusters 2016 proved the internet needed to be controlled already


We will build a beautiful firewall and we will make the internet users pay for it.





How fucking retarded can you be!? Call yourself a child molester and see how many employers are willing to hire you.

More than you'd think, if the sjws offer any lessons on that. They don't seem to care whose lives you wreck so long as you parrot the correct opinion du jour.

That offers a great model for not being afraid of what opponents can do to you. Sometimes getting people to agree with you requires throwing a brick through the Overton window.

m8 if it wasn't nazi frogs it would've been something else, don't kid yourself

