‘Lego Movie Sequel’ Getting Rewrite From ‘BoJack Horseman’ Creator


Okay, this movie got more interesting

The fact that it's getting a rewrite and they are choosing the Creator of BoJack fills me with much more confidence with this project.

It could still suck, but it seems to be at least have the proper amount of thought and care into making it a good movie.

I've always thought that if youre going to have a sequel to a movie, it should at least be a sequel to a good movie. Considering how good The LEGO Movie was, Im fairly confident in the sequel.


Three years ago, if you'd told me that the words 'LEGO Movie Sequel' would actually be something I'd be interested in, I'd have laughed in your face.

The fact that not only was it good, but the sequel is looking promising, is just absolutely mind-boggling to me. The 20-teens continue to be a bizarre fever dream of some sort.

How is that the only anti leftist movies and series that get out today have to be really ambiguous about it.

The Lego Movie
But also the corporations are the only ones with enough power to fix this shit and rebellion or any society without the order companies possess is futile.

Looks like blatant propaganda.
Everyone, EVERYONE is a scumbag, is racist or discriminates at some degree, fills a stereotype, shows the danger of affirmative policies and shows the hypocrisy of playing victim and both the white male and the womyn get arrested.

BoJack Horseman
As the series progresses BoJack follows a path of self improvement unrelated to changing his points of view in the most.
Diane realizes she's doing nothing to sustain her way of being and breaks at the realization of her hypocrisy.

Just like real life!

That's why I can't understand, well I do.
I can't grasp why SJW's think is progressive and Stormfags think is SJW propaganda.

Because both SJW's and Stormfrowns are as deep as the first layers of this movies and series.
And (((they))) won't allow an obvious anti establishment movie regardless on what side the establishment leans towards to.

I had never even considered the possibility of problem hair and problem glasses in lego
I hope the other characters hate her instead of fellating her at her every whim

What is that face trying to convey?

or constipation

She looks like an old bitter cat lady instead of tumblrina.

Everyone else just seems surprised. She peeved.
New villain?



Could it be?…

Don't forget Angry Birds.

With that, Soviet Union 2.0 losing strength, Trump being a viable candidate (Regardless of his competence) and all the kikes and NWO changing to the right it seems that the left swing on th pendulum is almost over.
Weird, only 8 years, probably due to social media swings are more fast and explosive.

Why is it always cartoons?
Is it because actors being real people have to measure what they say.
I hope to see the day when the swings are so fast that they have to face each other.


Dis nigga asking the real questions here.

It's Emmet's catlady neighbor, did you people even watch the movie?

I don't think so.
And if it is chances are is n gonna be that new BIONICLES and not the 2000-2009


You guys do know Bionicles were in the 1st movie right?

but it wasnt that important to go into further :^)

Bojack is shit, and its writing does NOT match with what the Lego Movie is about even if you like Bojack.
The main fucking song is 'Everything Is Awesome,' for christ's sake.


That's why you faggots are hyped. You expect it to be like Bojack.

To be fair, everything is awesome constantly gets shit on for being the most lowest common denominator appealing dreck in-universe. It's not like the lego movie didn't have any layers.


I know, but what is she up to now?

That wasn't funny at all

Not everything has a political message you tard.

Nice conspiracy theory, Holla Forums.

It's grey hair, you bright sparks.


This is exactly what I've been pointing out, especially with Zootopia, but people keep calling me a retard.

I don't understand what this is.

I think you're looking a bit too hard for something that agrees with you.

That cake looks nauseating

It's clearly meant to be a candy pizza.

I figured it was a homebrew tart

I want my 1980s Lego Space Movie and I want it

