A question. Why do reddit comment chains always end up in puns and witty successive remarks? Has anyone ever noticed this?
A question. Why do reddit comment chains always end up in puns and witty successive remarks...
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Yes. It's easy karma.
I'm pretty sure that social marketing companies have bots scanning for thread titles to make puns. Animal puns, especially horses, seem to be the most prevalent.
How can I find out my 8ch karma?
As a rule of thumb, don't bother with the final 3rd of reddit comment chains. You can find chan culture all over reddit: the memes, the pasta and the irony. It's where the original fags hang out these days because at least your sense of humour can get an airing, whereas all it gets on the chans is drowned out by screaming children.
Karma has nothing to do with it. It's just how grown ups behave.
I wonder how many of those are sitting on their apple pro with stickers on the back of the screen, wondering if they cleaned the dragon dildos last night properly.
Nice irony reddit fag.
It has everything to do with karma. Behind every post, users are consciously (or unconsciously) calculating how much sticky reddit cum they'll get for posting their shitty pun.
I used reddit for a while. Those karma points got quite addictive tbh
Top kek
As a 2006fag I have never managed to hold an account on reddit for a few months without losing my shit.
Reddit is more smug than every Holla Forums anime reaction pic rolled into one, it's only worth going to for the few people that aren't retards and even then the mob downboat them to shit half the time unless they edit in something like "no idea why im getting downvoted i am a phd of doctorology" or some shit.
This is why people hate reddit, although most anons couldn't tell you why because they're fucking newfags who only know that they should hate reddit.
Then they already know enough.
Unless you're a total cocksucker, you'll be shadowbanned in 5 minutes anyway.
Nice virtue signalling chummer but you only get banned from the SRS boards easily.
Well we all know where you're from, cause only reddit fucks say stuff like this.
CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE then fuck off back to where you belong
Every time. Get on my level and start posting for the keks you little baby.
If you know reddit, you'll have noticed that you can hide all the karma bullshit and that anyway, it's much more fun fishing for downvotes. Many redditors aspire to the levels of unpopularity achieved by arrowtotheknee, but it ain't easy.
Well if tourettes is your problem, Holla Forums is the place for you. Civilised conversation obeys a certain etiquette which tends to encourage freedom of expression and discourage hecklers. If you can't make a point without threats, obcenities and a kys, reddit ain't for you.
The beauty of reddit is it's diversity. If you want to get into the minds of the wider population, understand what makes normies tick, perhaps learn something from a lawyer or a particle physicist or a pure mathematician, all without the constant background roar of foul-mouthed children vying for attention, reddit is there and it does a good job.
Get over it. Reddit's userbase is >1000x larger than Holla Forums's, cleverer and more influent.
This site is for losers, the sick of mind and soul, the illiterate, the bigotted and the simply dumb. It's a travesy of chan culture, where the wildest falsehoods are peddled as truth and where there is nobody with wisdom to call the retards out. A pathetic little hugbox for pathetic little american shut ins, closed to the world and to reality.
This is a bait thread
You have been caught. What will you do user?
This is hilarious.
Reddit is just as insular as any other internet community. It's just one massive circle-jerk, and probably more imposing to newcomers even than chans.
The voting system makes the hugboxing way more intense.
Post Le monkey face?
This, in a certain way. But at least 90% correct. But also is absolutely correct about:
The smug is through the roof, the ionosphere and pierces the core of the sun. Drives me back to this place time and again because the decent people make it worthwhile until I can't take it and switch back.
when was the last time you laughed on Holla Forums?
Reddit: Where Americans go to congratulate themselves for being American, and to get data mined.
hamplanethate where?
coontown where?
I can, but so many users of reddit need to be called out for the retarded fucks that they are.
Middle class, white male, 18-21s, socially liberal, economically centrist. Enjoy consumer rights and a sense of decency in a world gone mad.
These are the rare users of reddit that I mentioned and the only ones worth listening to, and even then only on their specialty. The rest of it is just as uninformed as the most illiterate retard here except with a dismally predictable sense of humour.
lol. I'm sure the social marketers are very pleased that you enjoy talking to them so much.
This is probably the most sensible part of your post, but reddit is fucking shit. It's like getting a choice between a footlong of shit with mustard on it and a hotdog bun of shit and you're raving to me about the mustard.
18-21 are horrible ages, when one is at their most smug and obnoxious.
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Meanwhile, user, tell me of kekworthy subreddits
Hey Ive disliked reddit since long before it was cool, I still lurk it occasionally though, you should look at reddit like you look at a daily local paper, to find out what the norms are huffing and puffing about
what really drove me away, long before the first exodus, was getting banned from /r/anarchism for telling some femtard that Pussy Riot was State Dept. funded propaganda. granted I wasnt very nice about it but "she" flipped her shit and started shouting about triggers(first time i heard that term as well, wew)
I even appealed the ban, apologized and everything, that lead to a very interesting discussion with said "she", I offered up a hypothetical of sorts which she responded to with basically:
this is when I realized that I was talking to a delusional mentally ill person, it was my first aha moment about the state of the left, reddit layed bare all the identitarian bullshit that they are now wrapped up in that is slowly pushing normal people away, all of this long before "SJW" was trendy to throw around or gaymergate was a thing. So thanks for that I guess
Just recently a gambling aqquaintance of mine who is kind of an old school union type, used to be a teamster, told me he went to a local union meeting that started off with some guy babbling for 20 minutes about being gay and black
I miss GNN, all the "good" places on the internet eventually go kill
also the guy above saying its social marketers talking to social marketers is spot fucking on, wouldnt be suprised if reddit in a few years is literally bots botting bots.
this is the future btw, not outright censorship but instead carefully crafted "debate" that is entirely artificial yet engineered to appear genuine to the casual observer
valve has figured out how to game reddit almost perfectly
I know you said it was before the first exodus but do you remember any names of mods or regulars there?
oh god no, I dont even remember my exact username was hjust trying to find the thread..
check this out though from their sticky, basically the exact argument I was given in tumblr form, "not my comrades"
I didnt even know about SRS at the time but its almost definitely the same crowd.
I actually enjoyed reddit for the first few months when I was new there and had no idea about all this shit, I was also by default pro-homo trans etc p.p, I didnt even really think about it much.
funny that the "left" has probably pushed me more towards social coservatism than anyone else, now im a lot more suspicious of "alternative" lifestyles
All these 'revolutionaries' don't seem to understand that they are fucking worthless. They do nothing but critique current affairs, TV shows and other media from their snowflake ideology perspective and they don't for a second think that at some point they may have to get their hands dirty because they're roleplaying dorks.
Facebook is pretty much bots botting bots at this point. This Palmer bullshit is just another nail in the coffin for the internet, as it becomes a sprawl of corporate bots peddling products and ideas to further their agenda. People are idiots and will lap it up.
jaysus what a bouquet of LARPing western liberals
yah huh i bet they are buddy
so can I still say fuckboy if I give it that ebonics twist a la fuckboi? thats probably appropriation
how can these people not see that all of this shit is clearly working against them, and to put a cherry on top of their shit sundae while using their own terminology, how can they not see how fucking priviledged this is?
I doubt the fucking sandinistas have time to sit around jerking over identity politics, if you were actually revolutionary in any sense of the word you would be looking for "comrades" anywhere you could find em, even "slacktivist" is too generous, you would think a slactivist would at least be pragmatic.
They truly are roleplaying, there is no other way to put it
they arent even arguing that these people should be "educated" they simply want to exlude them, thats downright supremacist, so much hypocricy and dissonance looping in and out of itself like a fucking escher painting
very sad
you cocksmoker, orange pepe man doesnt have a fucking copyright on "sad"
I spent more time editing the posts together than finding them too. I'd put money on 'unapologetic ageism' being 'FUCKING BOOMERS GET OFF MY PLANET REEEE'.
They don't give a shit and probably have acknowledged it, but as a gaggle of faggots think that it's actually helping their cause and not some bullshit misdirection from the likes of Soros. These reddit subs need to be subverted and taken back through underhanded tactics away from the stubby fingered rainbow haired frumps and set back on course for actual agitation, although that would probably break reddit's rules at this point.
Well intellectuals are fond of words.
Puns come naturally to people who use language to explain rather than emote.
Well said. My good gentlesir, you are a scholar, I tip my fedora to you!
Reddit is for fags.
But guys he typed up an entire wall of text telling us about how grand reddit is. Surely we should listen to him right?
Wall of text = redditor
breety much, its excusable if you have something really funny or really informative to say. Like an user writting a copy pasta up, or just explaining some shit.
But walls of text trying to explain why others are wrong? That's pure reddit. The sort of person who writes long diatribes trying to convince others they're clever, and of course, gather more upvotes.
it's the same thing you 8er cock-goblin. just how much stab-ur-eyes stupidity can one encounter in one place in the space of a day? You beggar belief.
b ecause theyre all tryhards
They only say what gets them upvotes
99% of content on reddit is entirely fabricated.
They have neural networks running 24/7 creating endless repetitions of text and comments.