Am I misreading this anons or is the person analysing this at vox just retarded?
Am I misreading this anons or is the person analysing this at vox just retarded?
All Amerifats are retarded.
I literally don't care about their nigger shooting problems.
Same here man, It's not like the nigs are doing anything for me anyway.
Sure, but I also don't care when they shoot back and kill cops
Perhaps they should just let the niggers become cops and let them shoot eachother that way.
Yeah, I guess you're more worried about the roving gangs of muslim youths raping your country's women.
Or just an edgy teen.
I wonder what the guidelines are for that… I bet if a nigger was standing there with a gun, they would consider that "not attacking. Most niggers killed by cops are justified.
That post made me convert to islam.
You should convert too inshallah.
To make it fairer, you'd need to include the proportion of crime committed by races, to show how often the groups come into contact.
To assess it further though, you'd need to check things like wealth by group, school funding in districts by race, access to rehabilitation. The amount of racebaiting in America though means they'll stop at the first stage, black people commit more crime, look at this graph.
Pretty low energy stuff from the liberals though, they could make an argument but they want to be fucking cheapskates about it.
Shoot niggers, shoot the police, send americunts to the gulag.
the US could start by compiling reliable stats on a federal basis instead of relying on press reports to know who killed whom.
I'm a Eurofag (as I imagine many are at this time) but I'm starting to wonder what exactly the point of the USA is. I know talk of breaking up is treason, but do many Americans feel this way?
Pray explain why you think federal stats are a priori unreliable.
Do you just spout what grandpa used to spout on the stoop after a few beers, or can you think critically at all?
They actually get shot less then whites going by the chart.
Niggers are responsible for 50% of violent crime yet only make up ~35% of police shootings. Statistically whites are mire likely to be shot by police.
Turning this into a race issue is fucking retarded, US cops get away with murder daily and instead of being help accountable people just argue over what race gets shot more
If you look at the percentages of population it is correct. Though 'Black people are savage literal retards who commit disproportionate amount of crime' would be a more fitting title
run by a kike, pure coincidence
I think I see the source of confusion. Are you reading the last line as "percent of people shot who were not attacking"?
Vox is quite literally an antiscience antiintellectual propaganda project
Shit, youtube and watch the replies to their retarded spam
some of the "sources" they use like when saying race doesnt exist prove the exact opposite and prove them wrong - but they link like 20 sources and use pseduointellectual babble knowing that few check sources and just assume its good cause muh sourced opinion