World War 3

Will it happen? How? Who? When?

ITT we speculate wildly about future armageddon.

when israel kaunches it's nuke as promised when the world stop catering to it's demands

Where do you reckon they'd launch it to in this hypothetical?

I'm holding out for Bluebeam myself. I can see them going all out soon in one final gambit.

The last few countries that the ZOG went to war with (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen) were all countries without a Rothschild-controlled Jewish central bank. Iran, Cuba, and North Korea are currently the last countries left in the world without a kike-owned bank. Cuba is safe to say not a threat and already largely destroyed and irrelevant. ZOG mainstream news meanwhile has been hyping North Korea and Iran as potential nuclear threats for many, many years now. I think WWIII will happen within our lifetimes, and Iran and North Korea will both play central roles. My prediction is another 9/11-styled false flag terror attack - only this time against Israel by "Iran". Either that or against South Korea or Japan by "North Korea". The crashing economy is another key factor in all of this. Populations in the west are swelling, the economy is stagnant, and more and more people are getting restless. If ZOG waits too long then they risk widespread chaos. Chaos may sound like it's in their interests, but not if it risks destabilizing all that they have built up.

The standard opinion is that they will fire at as many major targets as possible, all over the world. This includes "allies" like the US and Europe.

This is the reason everyone bows to Israel, not necessarily because they love Jews. Israel is holding practically the entire world hostage. However, if any country (looking at you Russia and US, get on it) were to develop an effective anti-nuclear defense, Israel would be fucked forever.

Pro-tip: both the US and Russia are working on such systems and both are slated to be done by or well before 2020. It's no (((coincidence))) that you see people talking frequently about Israel not existing in the future. The second their nuclear threat is extinguished I'm betting they will be wiped off the map, one way or another. Call me an optimist but it makes sense to me.

This one sounds the most realistic. Although with so much things happening all over the world (Trump in US, shitskin invasion in Europe and war in Syria), shit can start pretty much anywhere.

There's two types of WW3. There's the kosher version, where the US goes to war with China/Russia and everyone gets nuked, and there's the version where America has been made great again, and it liberates Europe, and help the nationalists remove kebab and menorah. I think if the western world can uncuck itself , they will consider this whole time period "WW3", culminating in our return to power.

How likely is this really

There won't be a hot WWIII unless Hillary wins.

With Trump, we will have trade and cooperation with the great powers. No more of these little pissant wars that we keep somehow losing either. Any of these conflicts will be halted simply by Trump changing US foreign policy, or via cooperation with Russia and/or China. Between the three of us, we control every country in the world, including so-called pariah nations.

It's gonna be beautiful.

If the US collapses it's decently likely. It's possible nationalists could take power because the demographics would change drastically without welfare. Not only would a massive amount of nigs die( with the remaining ones being higher IQ, and separatists), but Mexicans would be flooding back into Mexico, and the remaining whites would be redpilled as fuck due to having to fight for survival.

So, it's possible if we go into full collapse mode.

Don't you think there'd be some kind of mass left wing revolt before it got to that stage?

The Samsom Option is just yet another kike hoax, much like the Holocoaster, meant to squeeze the shekels out of everyone through fear

What would anti nuclear defence be?

Not sure myself, but I would assume it would be something that could shoot the missile down over the ocean where it can't cause us much harm. Or some sort of wave that can be sent from a satellite to disable a nuke while in the air.

I might be sounding like a retard here, but I know nothing about this technology so this is just how I'd assume it could be done.

I know nothing either. Anyone able to say if this is realistic?

I'm predicting it's going to happen by mistake.

Or "pure coincidence"

WWIII will probably herald the end of international waters and be over ocean territory (see China claiming South China Sea).

If Russia gets painted into a corner that might be another possibility for WWIII.

Shooting down a missile over the ocean, yes, that's realistic but very dangerous. Shooting a wave down to disable it, not so much.

I think the U.S. and Russia would both end up doing what the U.S. and Soviets did to each other during the Cold War, only to Israel. M.A.D. Mutually assured destruction. Increase our nuclear arsenal, and point those suckers right at the kike nation. They fire on us or our allies, and it's by-by kippah.

Here is a scary scenario that I hope doesn't happen but I think is possible

If a WW3 happens it may be a scenario of the future NWO against any dissidents. Daily reminder that the Jews are your mortal enemy and this future is what they want

Good guys will win, perhaps not this war (a mere battle in the long run), but we will win. If we live in the end times, we will see a far more messed up world, where everything not based on Christ himself will fail or succumb to the rule of Antichrist, and Christianity will be underground- with the potential exception of a northern nation.
If we do not live in the end times, we can have a massive victory now, fulfilling this prophecy.

Russia will, as always, suffer heavily. Europe will as well. Here's hoping it will be a victory, pyrrhic or not. Asia will have one or more of its major powers fall, India/China/Pakistan/Japan/Indonesia/Iran. Afganistan will devour an empire, Israel will panic and launch nukes. Western world as we know it today will face the struggles of 5th century yet again, but with Muslims enabled. Religion will be everywhere, as will foxholes.

Aircrafts that attach to the missile and redirect it into space.

WW3 is underway since 9/11, every single thing that's been done to fuck up the middle east by both the US and Israel which lead to the same fucks displacing the kebab straight to Europa. Those threats by leftists and retards that if Trump is elected he'll start WW3 is utter bullshit since we're living in it right now. It's just not as overt as both past world wars were.

Actually the Samson option relies on the Russian death hand that was set up during the cold war era. Israel plans to shoot nukes at Russia so it triggers it, which would send Russian nukes all over Europe, North America and I believe other US allies. If an anti-missile shied is developed that can target them pretty much anywhere, it'll be possible to smash Israel and finally restore peace to the Middle East.

It depends how long the collapse lasts before order is restored. Having to fend off starving niggers trying to rape your family while hunting for food has a way of waking people up. There would still likely be a bunch of commies that hid in their gated communities that will try to stage a revolution, but the vast majority of Americans at that point wouldn't put up with that shit. What would make it even better is if people like us survive and spread the good word. Red pilling someone would be a lot easier without TV or their teachers breathing down their necks.

I mean, it wouldn't be easy, but it would be possible. That's all the hope you can really expect from this world.

hopefully not dude. youre telling me the people of russia are really going to ally themselves with chinks against their white brethren? no. eastern europe is crucial to saving the white race.


Probably some damn thing in the South China Sea that drags Russia into it.

if it happens, it very well could start in a few years. there's just so much shit going on in the world.

- usual suspects (muslims and Russia) looking to invade Europe
- Europe weakening due to cucks running it
- USA facing imminent collapse if another leftist president is elected, or forced into isolationism if they make the sensible choice
- Chyna colonizing Africa and trying to take over the third world
- everyone vs. everyone in the Middle East

I think Brexit and the election in the US are the two greatest geopolitical events waiting to happen right now. if we can't stop the islamization of Europe and the marxist takeover of America, we're in deep, deep shit.

I had a dream a few nights ago, that at the time I swore was real. I was watching the news at work, when they had breaking news. It was Donald Trump announcing that Russia and China had declared war against the US. There were other countries with is, but I don't remember which ones. Then it cuts to a few days later, while I'm trying to plan my families escape to the north, I'm reading something on the Internet about where the least amount of radiation is so I could navigate my way to the wilderness. Due to the large amount of nukes that had hit the region I was in, There was only a few good routes.

It was pretty weird.

Were the other countries BRICS nations?
I'm not sure if BRICS is a part of the zionist plan or not. I think Israel invested in it (don't quote me on that.).

I honestly don't remember, there were two other countries along side ours , but it was almost like they were blurred out. Russia and China were the only ones said out koud, the others were just words on the news.

Oh, another weird thing. When Trump was speaking, it surprised me, because he wasn't suppose to be president yet. The whole time I was making my way north, everyone seemed to be in a state of confusion. I tried to check the Internet, but it was in complete chaos, no one knew anything and everyone was just arguing. I remember asking someone why Trump was already president, and what happenedto Obama, and they said that he had gone to a summit the day before this happened, and hadn't been heard from since. I wondered for a moment if Trump had been made president because he was about to be inaugurated in anyways, or if he had started a coup.

Always when I see mushroom clouds on horizon, when all this human trash dies and this sick system with them, when freedom intensifies and I become stalker - I'm waking up and start cring because it was just a dream. I hope that some day I will not weak up.