Someone break the news to Uncle Holla Forums

It's over. The Zionists have replaced the Donald with a Trumpbot.

Trump Tells Netanyahu: If Elected, U.S. Would Recognize Undivided Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

I didn't even know jerusalem was divided.

I love Israel and the U.S so this doesn't bother me.

Well , that was his stance from the beginning, he loves the jews, Holla Forums supports him regardless.

because jerusalem is recognized as christian,muslim and jew, trump wants it to be just jew.

nice fuhrer you got there Holla Forums, just proves they are dumber than niggers.

I'm feeling like i wanna support hillary just for the keks. just to trigger pol fags

But supporting trump is fun too.

Not sure what to do here.

yes, I can understand.
she is very harmful though, she may result in ww3.

Both candidates work for the jew.
I also don't know what to do, maybe the johnson or stein, or maybe hillary idk , or I may end up not voting . IDK I am also puzzled.

I know that it will not change anything though.

trump is a crypto-kike

6238888 GET
let's make israel great again



I know that feel Holla Forumsro



Holla Forums here
we don't care
We just want the wall up to stop illegals and a new wave of American Nationalism to put an end to this wretched progressive cultural Marxist bullshit
The kikes can keep Israel as long as they stop trying to destabilize the west through propaganda while sending others to fight their wars

this tbch



We are willing to make a concession that costs us nothing (we aren't mudslimes or Palestinians) to get our country back under our control.

Trump is throwing the Arabs under the bus. There is literally nothing wrong with this.

good to know, that you support da joos, Holla Forums.

You know they will never stop.

What is it you say usually in this case?


nationalist jews vs globalist jews is the most vicious war you will never see.

Giving them Jerusalem doesn't help them to destabilize us. Denying them Jerusalem doesn't stop them from destabilizing us. It's no lose for everyone except the Muslims, and honestly, fuck them.

Suuuure he does user. He's never given a penny to Israel, he's successfully conned billions out of some of America's wealthiest kikes, he's the only candidate out of the 16 Republicans to flat out refuse to attack Iran or Assad or Putin, and he's just jewed $45 mil from Sheldon Adelson towards the cost of making America gentile again… but he really 'loves' jews. (Wink)

I thought Holla Forums was smarter than this.

yes, the kikes.
The kikes
The kikes
yes, that's right, the kikes.

leftypol btfo once again


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you nazi frog? I’ll have you know I was employee of the month three times at CTR, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret record corrections on 4chan, and I have over 300 recorded corrected records. I am trained in d&c shilling and I’m the top racemixing shitposter in the entire Hillary shill forces. You are nothing to me but just another uncorrected record. I will wipe you the fuck out with subversion the likes of which has never been seen before on this election year, record my fucking words. You think you can get away with being a fashy goy over the Internet? Think again, drumpfer. As we speak I am correcting my secret network of records across the USA and your record is being corrected right now so you better prepare for the correction, racist. The shitposts that slide the pathetic little thing you call your chan. You’re fucking kidding me, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can shill you in over six million ways, and that’s just with my bare non-binary hands. Not only am I extensively trained in posting pictures of traps, but I have access to the entire meme arsenal of the CIA,NSA,FBI,TWITTER and GamerGate and I will use it to its full extent to correct your miserable record off the face of the thread, you fucking white male. If only you could have known what unholy correction your little “unflattering” post about Hillary's health was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re gibbing the dats, you goddamn russian hacker. I will shitpost all over your board and you will stand corrected. You’re fucking kidding me, kiddo.

Truly, you are subhumans.

Let's just wait and see if he's lieing to get their support and after elections he cuts funding and purges tje government.

All shill jobs will be outsourced to pajeets by the end of the year. You're fired!

Replaced? Trump has always sucked Zionist dick with a degree of gusto equal to or greater than that with which he has sucked Putin dick.

What does any of that have to do with Jerusalem?

You kikes don't understand the difference between strategy and tactics. That is why you will always lose when white men wake up to your intentions.

Zionists don't want Jerusalem to be the capital. Remember Zionists hate jesus, the bible and Christians.
The only pissed off people by Trumps announcements are Zionist Jews.

Oh gawd not that SA/shill/kikes thread again..

I want to quote Sam Hyde talking with a Buzzfeed journalist: "do you think what you do is in some way useful,productive,for the society? Do you think your Life is worth it?"

I'm Happy for all of you shills/kikes/SA,of you are here,it means WE are dangerous and we can make the difference.

We will be your Golem.

Thank goodness,
Trump moves the capital to Jerusalem, the third temple begins getting built, the trumpets are sounding, the world turns against israel, jews get slaughtered, anti-christ NWO is uncloaked and destroyed, Christianity and conservative western society goes to space.

Clearly Kek does not favour you


god damnit. I promised myself to stop going to Holla Forums because it has taken up so much time, and now the politics start on Holla Forums as well. Is there any place in the world where the politics won't swallow my mind?

This is the good thing with Holla Forums. You know you will spend maybe 20-30 minutes here, and then leave. With Holla Forums you spend 10 hours, and you're still not full. I need to build my own life too, I can't be a hero online all the time. :(

All shill jobs will be outsourced to pajeets by the end of the year. You're fired!

Pajeets are the TRUE aryans.
You Holla Forumsacks are just Larpers.

I know that feel brah, it will take sometime to stabilize (i.e Holla Forums's corpse rots and withers away).
So please be patient.

6 more weeks of this shit to wade through until the election. Then there'll be keks.

I feel burned out by Holla Forums tbh

I wish i could achieve more in my own IRL life.


day of the oven,heeb


Your hands are trembling. Just keep reminding yourself that you're a stronk independent womyn. You're gonna make it, honey.

Trump has never been a perfect candidate like Ron Paul but when the alternative is Clinton…



America isn't even close to Israel at all. Why the fuck aren't we focusing on Mexico which is right next to us? I'm not saying that Israel is great, or that the Joos in the US aren't fucking us, but we need to solve shit one step at a time and getting Muslims/ILLEGAL immigrants out of the USA is a great step forward. This is just common sense.

Hillary = more ILLEGAL immigrants.
Trump = less ILLEGAL immigrants.

Hillary = More SJW shit. America becomes more like Britain/Sweden/Germany (note that Rabbis actually enjoy the refugee crisis going on in these countries)
Trump = Less SJW shit. America becomes more like Poland/Switzerland/Japan

President Trump will be good for Mexico too since Mexico's rich, greedy, scheming politicians will finally have to shape the fuck up instead of just encouraging their poorer citizens to illegally (keyword here) move into America to leech off American tax payers.
MAGA friends

Forgot to put quotation marks around the word "refugee". Sorry friends my mistake.