Coming out as a white nationalist/It Gets Better

I'm interested in starting a series of vidoes where people come out to their families about their political orientation.

Stuff like "sobbing" Dad , mom. I'm a national socialist. I'm not a monster but someone today told me I'm an evil killer. I dont want to kill anyone. Please Im not evil. I just want to be accepted "chokes back tears" "queue sobbing"

"entire family gathers around stormfag son and hugs him telling him its alright and theres nothing wrong with his political orientation"

This way we can normalize our beliefs while encouraging others to be open about it in real life.

Thoughts? If I started a Youtube channel for this would any of you send me coming out videos to your family and friends or make ones detailing your coming out? I'm dead serious.

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Nice try Holla Forums

Are you serious, my man?

A R E Y O U O U T O F Y O U R M I N D , M Y M A N?

What exactly is wrong with my idea? Also I'm a regular in The Daily Stormer IRC. Im not intl.

This is bait. Don't respond to these faggots. Holla Forums is being raided again. Anyone that responds to obvious bait is an asshole. Filter, hide, ignore, and focus on the OP instead.

Depends. They already know what I believe for the most part, so it wouldn't be a coming out video.

Besides, that kind of bullshit works for normies and gays. What I'd have is something like murdoch murdoch making an ironic animated short, examining different angles and reactions, with the moral of the story being pic related.

I was thinking of having something that humanizes NS/ alt right people though. That should cut through the media's demonization of people with beliefs that fall outside the purview of the social democratic consensus.

Why wouldnt it work for us if it worked for gays and other normies?

You want to portray nationalists as crying babies desperate for mummy's approval because they got bullied?

Are you sure that's the message you want to send?

I'm not baiting

I all honestly, lefty and christian families don't usually produce natsocs or similar.

So, you would get a "dad I fucking hate the Jews" and dad will be like, yeah don't let people at work know this.

This is pretty fucking lame

better idea

old people react to commonfilth videos

Just give it a chance, man. Lets see what happens. It worked for gays.

This. If you're going to be open about your beliefs, hold your head high and don't be a little bitch when someone doesn't like you/what you have to say.

I've give this question a shot.

It wouldn't work because it wasn't the coming out videos that all of the sudden sparked acceptance in the hearts and minds of normies, it was the decades of lubing up to the idea.

In order for this to work you have to destigmatize being a white nationalist to normies FIRST. And the the coming out videos would work.

If you just release coming out videos then a normie will ALMOST ALWAYS side with the upset parents. This is not what you want.


Sounds like a good video tbh

We have to give it a shot. It'll give people perspective as a third party so they can contextualize their anti-white bigotry.

Does anyone here want to film a coming out video with their family ? Drop your e-mail and i'll get in touch with you.

Sorry OP but for now I'll just stick to complaining to my co-workers about white genocide.

but why?

I understand what you are trying to do.

But understand that it will probably backfire like all those anti-trump Shillary videos that actually turned into reasonable pro-trump propaganda.

The only people who will agree with the white nationalist are other white nationalists.

But if you are serious about doing it, then just do it.

Underrated post.

A compilation of grandpa and grandma reacting to CF vids would be a red pill to normalfags of all stripes.

i would pay to see these videos (my old folks dont speak english)

I will donate to this cause

I actually thought this was an interesting idea until this part. The answer is a resounding: NO! There's a reason we come here to shitpost - we prefer to remain anonymous.


How about coming out as a jew?

There's a daily stormer irc?


Everywhere is a command center.

Good luck fighting this.

No more Jewish inspired "White Nationalism" please.

Thank you.

Stopped reading right there. Kill yourself, OP

Lad, I play moonman songs around my home, have let friends borrow my ipod and "consequently" had them listen to Ernst Zundel and Mein Kampf when it's been on shuffle.

Make jew jokes all the time, very critical of Israel and the way kikes act, show distate towards queers and have made it clear I don't give a shit about political correctness. Whether or not people like this or not is another story but there's nothing they can do about it, I tread wisely in the workforce but have the reputation follow me around. They're fine with me. I'm not purposefully controversial with my views but I am frank with them and put things in laymans terms if somebody wants to know more.

The key is repetition of your points but also just being a helpful and human person in every day affairs. The news always gave ripe opportunity for a quick snipe at niggers and muslims. Entertainment TV always gave a ripe opportunity to have a snipe at queers.

It has to be persistent. Neve rback down if you have a liberal little shit in the family, put them on the defensive, prove them wrong and make them go off in a strop.

My views on race and inequality in general are clear to pretty much everyone.

The only thing which people really don't like or think I'm joking when I say it is that I'm pro-polygamy. Even the most so-called hardened white nationalists get snooty when I bring the subject up. Some people just say I'm "nuts" and the rest (mainly middle aged women who are past it) are "disgusted". As if being married to one person and then oggling other men/women or cheating on their one partner should be more acceptable.

OP you have good intentions and I can see this working well.
But personally I think you are a massive faggot, "crying", "I'm not a monster!" holy shit

What this guy said. Never cry, never apologise for being awakened.

Could you imagine a man like George Lincoln Rockwell crying when he became awakened?

Rockwell(Jewish?) did a fine job of nothing but tran nazis embarrassment to protect Whites from the coming hell we must live through.

Didn't some kikess plan something similar to that with coming out as a fascist?

As others have mentioned. This is gay.

Just be honest about your views when they come up or if asked. Be thoughtful, well-informed, cool, and don't show anger. Don't act like your views are anything other than common sense. Jared Taylor is a great model.

Probably the worst attempt I've ever seen Shlomo

"Coming out as a white nationalist/It Gets Better"

Why base if off faggot videos for Christian families? Why not base it on someone who is joining the Army videos like in the 1990s and their parents are worried but it gives them pride and eventually dad takes him aside and says, "I proud of you son for standing up for your country and race"


I will take a shot at it.
I think it would work, but it would be after enough time of "martyrdom" has passed.
Yes, I know whites have been silently martyrized (?) for a long while now, but an idolatrized NS martyr has not been presented. The closest person maybe was Dylann Storm Roof, but he did the opposite, doing what he thought best at that time. He will (maybe not? idk) be killed by the state and all that will remain is a DiscoveryID episode of white extremism.

We need martyrs and heros willing to take a beating for standing for what they believe in.>>6238522


everything has been subverted through education. suddenly mormons and amish seem completely plausible in this era of degeneracy, because they keep their moral defenses up even in times of peace.
this will not be done in six months. it will take generations.
and if we don't do something similar to what OP is proposing (the goal, not the method, which is to communicate with our family-community about what is going on in our country) to speed the process up, the USA might find itself in the place of the kingdoms of spain in the twelfth centuy, where the christiandom was cornered and had to resist for 700 years, only to drive the Moors (muslim) disease back and out of their country. I honestly don't think whatever is left of christiandom in the USA will be able to last so long or to survive in the coming years, but maybe Trump will make christians and souveranists come out of the fucking closet

Nationalism, Fascism and National Socialism are the ideologies if the strong.

It's Marxists that act like crying babies and show off their weakness.

Why not?

Because playing the sympathy game and using victimization as a tactical play for social power is a Jew trick and has become the quintessential root cause of the downfall of western culture. Every movement that has been co-opted by the "victimization" angle has had their (for the most part) once at least semi-honorable intentions derailed into degeneracy. Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, liberalism hell maybe even communism (assuming communism wasn't a Jewish invention to begin with, which I'm not sure it wasn't).

Basically youre suggesting letting national socialism be co-opted by kike philosophy. In other words- garbage in, garbage out.

This is the weak link in the chain my friend. White nationalists love both Viking and Christina traditions. But one used hypnosis and symbolism while the other used outright force, the end goal being to secure more women for the elite males in society.

If you want to promise lower males even a chance at a wife that means raiding, and there goes isolationism.

Is that you Rachel Haywire?

Nah it needs to appear alpha and the same time sobby. Kinda like what the Jews are doing "le boohoo mexicans are in so much danger from themselves but only because white peoples fault and stuff abloobloo" no male should cry basically females should weep is all that matters and kids should appear sad.


Lots of people have grandparents they love. It would be a hell of a redpill.

fucking THIS

Also OP is an insufferable faggot. I refuse to lower myself to the level of some cocksucker sobbing about acceptance.

The thing is normies don't care about old people. Jews have inplanted years and years of propaganda in their and even our heads that they are simply old and dement from a different era. It won't work. You NEED CRYING WOMEN AND SAD CHILDREN while ALPHASISING MEN. That is basically their formula.

You have to explain that you're a Nazi because the Allies were actually the bad guys. When they hear you're a Nazi, they think you want to gas everyone that isn't blonde hair and blue eyed, but you have to explain that no, the holocaust didn't happen, you don't want to gas anyone (even though you do).

My mother calmed down when I explained that the Nazis were actually the good guys, and we (the allies) committed horrible war crimes against them and not the other way around. I said if the Nazis were actually genocidal maniacs, I wouldn't be a Nazi.

That sound extremely faggy and you should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting it.

We are NOT some degenerate sissy faggots. We are NATIONALISTS, everything we do, we do it from a position of strenght.

Holy shit kill yourself.

What. Indiscriminate genocide is degeneracy. People literally believe Nazis are Hollywood caricatures that want to asphyxiate every non-German on the planet.

im just racist as fuck around my parents. it has been slowly redpilling them. i point out the fact that blacks are much dumber than whites at an opportunity. i also bring up how disgusting some quotes from the talmud are.

Monogamy is the reason Whites are White. See

Well, that went better than expected

What kind of faggotry are you selling user?

currently whites are lsoing. Something's going wrong. I take David Lane's attitude on the subject.


le fagot

Maybe more WHITE NATIONALISM! More "niggers, kikes and ovens!" More memes and wanking on the internets! Don't do fucking anything normal in real life.

Yea, that's it!