Scott Adams: Hillary Campaign Signaling It’s ‘Morally Justified to Assassinate’ Trump, ‘Likely To Trigger A Race War’

Scott Adams: Hillary Campaign Signaling It’s ‘Morally Justified to Assassinate’ Trump, ‘Likely To Trigger A Race War’

I’ve decided to come off the sidelines and endorse a candidate for President of the United States.

I’ll start by reminding readers that my politics don’t align with any of the candidates. My interest in the race has been limited to Trump’s extraordinary persuasion skills. But lately Hillary Clinton has moved into the persuasion game – and away from boring facts and policies – with great success. Let’s talk about that.

This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.

That is good persuasion if you can pull it off because fear is a strong motivator. It is also a sharp pivot from Clinton’s prior approach of talking about her mastery of policy details, her experience, and her gender. Trump took her so-called “woman card” and turned it into a liability. So Clinton wisely pivoted. Her new scare tactics are solid-gold persuasion. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see Clinton’s numbers versus Trump improve in June, at least temporarily, until Trump finds a counter-move.

The only downside I can see to the new approach is that it is likely to trigger a race war in the United States. And I would be a top-ten assassination target in that scenario because once you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an “apologist” on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels).

If Clinton successfully pairs Trump with Hitler in your mind – as she is doing – and loses anyway, about a quarter of the country will think it is morally justified to assassinate their own leader. I too would feel that way if an actual Hitler came to power in this country. I would join the resistance and try to take out the Hitler-like leader. You should do the same. No one wants an actual President Hitler.

So I’ve decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, for my personal safety. Trump supporters don’t have any bad feelings about patriotic Americans such as myself, so I’ll be safe from that crowd. But Clinton supporters have convinced me – and here I am being 100% serious – that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump. So I’m taking the safe way out and endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

As I have often said, I have no psychic powers and I don’t know which candidate would be the best president. But I do know which outcome is most likely to get me killed by my fellow citizens. So for safety reason, I’m on team Clinton.

My prediction remains that Trump will win in a landslide based on his superior persuasion skills. But don’t blame me for anything President Trump does in office because I endorse Clinton.

The rest of you are on your own. Good luck.

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So a cuck is singing cuck a doodle doo. Who got to him I wonder?

The mob, lad

The premise is a joke, the purpose of which is to show Clinton supporters as being violent and dangerous.
DYER bro?

Scott Adams is a weak coward.

Therefore, in order to get him to back Trump, we need to persuade him that all people who didn't vote for Trump will go to the gas chambers.

I'm sure he'll reconsider his endorsement, especially considering that he already knows Trump will win.

This still doesn't change the fact that this is a weak attempt at getting around endorsing Trump.

The guy is being a complete bitch

Neither candidate is more or less likely to put us in chains. When they are ready to do so, it will be done, regardless of the figurehead in charge. Sorry, goys.

I don't think coming to to endorse Trump because it's the tough thing to do fits Adam's style. Using his endorsement as an attack on Clinton fits.

also, check'd

oh… I get what he did there. Thats an interesting psychological twist. If it is indeed what he meant to do intentionally.

Scott, you're a coward. Nobody likes a coward, either, even if the coward admits he's one. It's not charming. It's just spineless.

Your liberal SWPL friends might abandon you, yes. But I think it's become clear over this election cycle that you've already abandoned them - good riddance.

…Also, it's amusing that even the kosherest of moderates are realizing just how violent and aggressive the Left is whilst playing the victim.

ITT: people who don't understand sarcasm

How the fuck do anons not recognize shitposting and mockery when they see it?

And Satan, I'm disappointed in you wasting those digits.

no I got it, its just hard to get the satire in something written, specially the way he phrased it.


Well, I guess I want God-King Hitler, but we can start his procession of titles with President I suppose.

When the race war starts, it's the people who would actually vote for Hitler that will win it.

I didn't know that he wrote entire posts to fuck with people. Oh right he doesn't.

Probably the navy seal who got 300+ confirmed kills


We got Scott Adams to start talking about race war


He doesn't want to be affiliated with Trump because he's a neo-con

This is just a cop out to make people believe whatever they want to take away from it, when in all actuality he's still sitting on the fence

Here i thought that his message between the lines was too obvious, but apparently it wasn't for some.

If it's less obvious than GTKRWN, it flies over the heads of a good 30% of the people here.

I guess that means it'll work wonders on any normies and convince them that Hillary supporters are violent animals

Didn't mean to sage

Clearly satire. He's not actually endorsing her, meanwhile he sends a very clear message that the left is being openly violent.

the attacks against trump are just getting ridiculous and laughable. people will see through them and trump will win

Gee user, why'd you have to go and get so fucking smart all of sudden?

I think you meant to quote some of the other anons in this thread who clearly don't get it.

Kek, let me get this straight

Correct me if I'm wrong but even to the outsider this makes it sound like Hillary is a despot.

He's been doing lots of things like this lately.

"You're so smart, Democrat-kun, see how Trump is only playing with the silly Republicans and is secretly on your side! It's obvious for people as smart as us to see! So it's fine if you vote for him. Damn you are so smart, Democrat reader!"


E-x-a-c-t-l-y this.

Pretty fucking much.

This fucking election mang

Scott's bantz are off the chain, I love it.

Quick, someone shoop one of his comics.

who is he persuading? nobody, he's telling a joke that relies on tone in a text format. Now excuse me for not seeing the absurdity he wrote as a joke because I currently inhabit an even more absurd world.

Talking about pacing and leading, while pacing and leading Democrat viewers into thinking Trump will convince Republicans of the veracity of climate change. That article is a masterpiece.

He's working the cognitive dissonance of those who have sympathies for Hillary by carefully implying that she's a bloodthirsty tyrant. You don't just flat out say that to a believer like that, they'll just dismiss you. What you do to get your point across is to seed it in carefully in what sounds like absolute support for them, but when they'll sit down and examine it on their own time, they'll find that something is off. The whole idea of what Scott is doing is planting the seeds of truth into people's heads in ways that go around the psychological defense mechanisms, so that they can sprout to fruition on their own time, making it seem like the revelation that, hey, wait a second, isn't what Hillary wants to do a bit too crazy, their own idea.

Subtlety is key to successful persuasion. You always want to make it seem like the one you tried to persuade came up with those ideas himself. That way, there is no resistance to them, they're much more enthusiastic about it and are even more open to more truth. That is the proper way to redpilling a person.

Holy shit raise your standards Holla Forums, read a fucking book that isn't the fucking Protocols, anything

Holla Forums is full of zealots. Zealots never understand irony.

This shit is brilliant, all you cunts screaming about treason need to fuck off.

He's painting Clinton and her supporters as dangerous violent nutjobs and Trump's supporters as calmer and more reasonable, all while pretending to endorse Hillary.

This is fucking basic reading comprehension, same technique of Mark Antony's "Brutus is an honourable man" speech in Julius Caesar. All you faggots screeching the Adams is a traitor need to fuck off from this board since even without trying, you're just shitposting and ruining it.

It's not a joke. He's saying, "Hillary tacitly endorses the assassination of a presidential candidate, incites a race war, and marks her political opponents as valid targets for violence." In case you don't leave Holla Forums often, those are generally considered bad things in American politics. He even follows it up with what is, effectively, "I'm going to publicly support her, so none of her supporters gets the wrong idea and murders me."

His entire post is:

The real joke is that these same retards believe there is nuance and persuasion in trumps simplistic speech style. Seeing winks and nods to themselves in every somewhat vague statement.

He's not a Republican. Why would he endorse the Republican candidate?

"i'm a vegan cunt, please give me attention"
fuck him

Holy fuck, the autism and lack of satire detection skills in this thread is fucking palpable.

Scott Adams artfully planted the seeds here. We need to do everything possible to shift the narrative towards exposing the violent left.

pretty much this.

This is the cringe-inducing mewling of a beta male. An ironic cuck is still a cuck.

I can't wait until that leftist violence video is complete.



This is some reddit tier comprehension.

Not everybody's first language is English, asswipes

See you familiarized yourself with communism america.
They are demonizing you so they can intern and cleanse you more easily.
That's why they're attacking white males in particular.

Those are shills spamming.

So half the job is done for us. The next half is to spread this around and paint Hillary and her supporters as violent psychos.

I'm not so convinced they are shills. The past few weeks have convinced me that the public education system is pumping out nigger tier retards who can't into reading comprehension.

summerfriends are among us

…or maybe a significant portion of Holla Forums is niggers LARPing as White Nationalist.

I find it hard to believe someone would pay for such terrible shills. They're terrible. Sad.

This, anyone who can't see it has autism or is just looking to be offended/d&c.

I'm convinced that a significant portion of Holla Forums nowadays is as retarded as leftists. Basically right wing but with a left wing mindset. They're basically the same: unable to understand nuance, desperate to label people traitors if they don't virtue signal correct at all times, and eager to find things to be offended by.

In this case they might just not be native english speakers. The thread was posted in the middle of the night for Americans, so most of the early posters are likely yuro or worse.

From a skinhead to a hair combed nationalist, there are slower and more dumb people in every side of the playing field. People seem to not understand this, but I wish people that were stupid on our side could at least comprehend that.

Just remember what we've learned, you can't fix stupid, but if their heart is in the right place you have to be the one to find a way over the stupid without fighting eachother.

Use arrows to quote, goyim

Sieg heil dubs

God damn guys I thought some of you were clever

Come on now

It is, bruh. But the cuck mods only endorse their own videos, not straight 16 minutes of anti-Trump protestor being animals. Check the catalog.

Also, what the fuck you niggers? The sarcasm is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I can't believe this many Holla Forumsacks were triggered.


PSA to anyone who doesn't understand the satirical nature of this article

If you are not a native English speaker: You get a pass, but you should try to git gud. Sarcasm in text is not at all impossible to detect.

If English is your first language: You are a useful idiot and will be used as a meat shield by the rest of us, just so you know. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

how longer until they start throwing pedophilia accusations?

you know they will, its the ultimate meme boogeyman


Assuming you mean throwing them at Trump, they can't. The best evidence they have of something like that would be the inclusion of Trump in Epstein's flight records. Unfortunately for them, Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express, so that would only backfire.

I think it's funny that they're trying to own the ((())) but fail to use it properly anyway.

There is the satire element of this but it amazes me that no one on Holla Forums of all places has figured out what Scott is trying to do.

He's using persuasion tactics in general to get people to support Trump. If he just openly supported him all he would accomplish is fellating Trump supporters ie us. If he pretends to not like Trump or emphasize points of disagreement while speaking highly of him, people on the fence will see this and think that if this guy of all people has good things to say Trump there mut be something good about him, right? He's been hinting at this with his posts for a while now.

I expect Scott to come clean after the election and tell us all about how he rused us with hypnosis before shilling his book briefly at the end.

I for one welcome this newfound race war.

NEVER underestimate human stupidity
Genius has limits, stupidity knows no bounds

Dear fellow anons, if you had Any problem recognizing Scott's post for what it is you need to re-examine your reading comprehension skillset.

C'mon! can you really take
as a sincere endorsement?
the fact that so many have is a good indicator of the work we have yet in our future educating our people.

Move to a communist country if you don't want to use your reasoning skills.


Scott's always been slipping pro-Trump messages into his articles. Even his "I don't support Trump" disclaimer that he used to end every article with basically read as "I am not endorsing Trump, who is the best smartest most persuasive most qualified candidate".

Just like with Trump's Art of the Deal - in which he plainly lays out ALL the techniques he is now using to stump everyone, up to and including impersonating his own publicist - Scott discusses tricks of persuasion, and then uses all of 'em to convince his audience that Trump is great. He's even bragged about having turned someone from a Trump hater into a Trump supporter in ten minutes.

I think the Hillary endorsement, aside from being a very funny joke, also DOES work as a little bit of a defensive shield - because it seems like a surprisingly large percentage of the population will just take it at face value.

I just hope that Hillary supporters who read it might also think about it and realize "wow, we ARE lynching a bunch of innocent people. I wonder if we're really the good guys?"

Been reading the list of books he put together in my spare time. You should too, Holla Forums, so you can actually put something of use in your NEETSoc brains.

But failing to notice that this is his style of persuasion goes to show how low you tribalists can get once you're riding the high of being part of the white master race. It'll wear off, remember that, and your genetic test results aren't gonna do your work for you.

Women don't think.

Samson Looms bitch. Even if we finish this race now, we're still in first. You're in last. Deal with it kike. Site 911 Doesn't have room for you and is leaking just as hard as Dimona is. I hope you enjoy your Sheol you've made.

I certainly will!

Ashes and Echoes

tbh its an obvious bantz laden joke.and tbemh I went along with it to see how bad this summers gonna be. tbqh its not gonna be as bad as summer of 14

Scott Adams himself endorsed Hillary, fuck him

tbh id be asschapped as well i werent white.


People get it. It's just not funny. There is so obviously only one correct choice in this election that his playing coy puts him at odds with everyone. No doubt people will make a point of stringing this fucker up if this war talk turns out not purely hyperbole.


Now they're just doing it to fuck with you because you sperges have been bellyaching about it the entire thread. Get a clue

It definitely could be worse than 2014.

Here's how:
Socialists riot because Bernie is "cheated." That creates a vehicle for all sorts of other conflicts. In other words, La Raza and BlackLivesMatter would piggyback on the chaos stemming from BernBots who initially will spark the whole thing.

Niggers have made it abundantly clear that they will steal the spotlight. One thing everyone should know by now is that niggers will not stand by while others take the spotlight for committing acts of violence. So while commies may spark the unrest, you can bet niggers will perpetuate it.

not our problem pedro



Heil fucking Hitler checked and checked.

All the people ITT needing a /sarc tag are despicable. You're almost s bad as the pro-Trump twitter guys who got mad ar @demsrrealracist and didn't get the OBVIOUS sarcasm, thinking he was genuinely pro Cruz or something.

Violently agitating my upper bodily extremity to be veracious, proximate kinsmen.

I am French first, fluent in Both english and french, english is NOT my native language either Pedro, and It was still crystal clear what Scott was doing.

are you fucking retarded? what does any of that shit have to do with summer you fucking summerfag

And? you're a fucking weeb. shut up.


satire and irony are lost on the plebs, this article does nothing to hurt Shillary

also: the ability to be a sarcastic shit is on par with a woman's intelligence, hence why they are so naturally sarcastic

"satire" and "sarcasm" and "subtlety" are just excuses neurotypicals give for being liars

brb gotta watch wapner

Apologies Paco

Tienes que vueltar pinche maricon


tbqhya fam, this thread and how many people missed how he clearly illustrates hillary as hitler and the rabidly violent left as nazis, when he CLEARLY illustrated that hillary is hitler and the rabidly violent left are nazis, gives me more keks than his "subtle" post

They already sloppily tried in regards to what he said about his daughter way back in the day. It didn't stick, except for the "drumpf" using faggots.

I liked this place a helluva lot more when it wasn't crawling with retards.


What a moronic cunt who knows nothing about Hitler.

From what I see, he's feigning fear to highlight the fact Hillary is attempting to agitate her followers into a frenzy through intensive fear-mongering. He's mocking her strategy by pretending to endorse her under duress.

It's basically saying, "She's threatening to fuck everyone over if she loses". In a way it also shows Trump is a far more sane candidate than she is.

This is satire. Unfortunately it is far too complex for any normies to understand.

Wait… if this whole thing is supposed to be satire, does that mean…

Kill yourself faggot, filtered.

Guys, Adams made this in 1990.

Good piece, but
Better to get it started now than when whites are a minority.

I've been watching Mr. Adams for a few weeks now, and he is about as pro-Trump as you can get, publicly. If any anons really think he supports Clinton, try reading between the lines. Scott is trying to be a rallying point here, folks, don't let the D&C shills get us divided.


The first one is pretty good.


Scott has always had a keen sense of the absurd

This is exactly what I said, when you looks at his actions, not his words, everything he does is sympathetic to Trump. Fucker's making me buy his book now.

he called trump a racist

dude is a retard

The thing you have to remember is that on Holla Forums, 'candidate most likely to start a race war' would be a genuine endorsement.

Read his fucking Twitter feed, you dildo. He's being sarcastic and ironic as fuck.

Basically this.

Holy shit, I have no idea how you people manage to be this retarded.

No troll could ever achieve this natural level of stupidity you just showcased. Good job.

Good thing that my first language isn't English either und ich hatte trotzdem kein Problem die offensichtliche Botschaft in dem Artikel zu sehen.

Shouldn't the direct object be at the end of the sentence….? Whatever, german word order has always confused me

Part of the problem is that a lot of people here are simply waiting to be triggered by something, and seem to want to complain more than they want to problem-solve.

And yes, many are also retarded.

There's a lot of overlap there.

No, he is saying Niggas are complete and utter retards, because they are the only block left to her.

The man is a coward
Go fuck yourself Scott Adams you faggot

Famous comedian writer writes a comedian pitch.

Spergs and autists frown upon him on both sides of the spectrum.

I thought Holla Forums had a good chunk of people with severe autism, but not by this landslide. This is a masterful writing piece.

Быдло по всему миру, особенно здесь.
Wieviele hier auf diesem Brett sind nicht aus den Staaten?
Penso que… plus de cinquante pourcent …ne do USA.

Now Murricans be scared af and think the whole world watches them. Ha.

Holla Forums is so infested with shills and retards nowadays that it's hard to tell when somebody is being unironically or ironically stupid.

So when Trump points out facts that people fear it's bad, but when Hillary lies to make people fearful that's just "good persuasion."

Yeah, the whole thing seemed to be an obvious indictment of her tactics and the endorsement was pure mockery. This guy is known for his dry humor.

except all the parts where he said trump is a mastermind who he thinks will win in a landslide
Anything but braindead unadulterated praise doesn't seem to penetrate your thick skull does it?

That's it, exactly.

He's using this as an attack against camp Hillary.

That doesn't mean he's a Trump supporter. But this is a backhanded way of calling out the left of their violent campaign of assault and murder.

Listen up people. No matter WHAT he meant and his true intentions, we need to turn this AGAINST Hillary. Constantly bombarding normies with this shit, to the point he either has to recant, make Hillary comment on it or make him double down on it.

THIS IS A GOLDEN opportunity!!!!

I legitimately have Aspergers and I still understood the point he was making, some of you may want to get checked for the Downs.

Holla Forums is crawling with retards nowadays. The fact that so many people here don't GET what Scott is doing is mindblowing to me. I think we've been invaded by cuckchan faggots. This place was never perfect but at least it wasn't packed with shills and genetic garbage a year ago (outside of raids).

How is it that so many anons are not getting the joke?

Have we been invaded with double digit IQ retards?

They think, they just don't do a very good job of it.

Dunno. Did Reddit drive away a chunk of its userbase again?

underrated post

Holla Forums tends to expect betrayal. They are paranoid about shills and think Adams was turning against them.

PJ O'Rourke? You have to be shitting me.

No, it's never at the end of a sentence when using the zu+verb infintiv composition.

as I write this, it becomes apparent to me that it never does come at the end of the sentence unless it just so happens to have only a subject, verb and object in the sentence.

Scott Adams is like the Goebbels of Bantz, goddamn.

If only he knew. Soon he will find out.


and you tards who didnt get it, wtf
read his fucking blog


patrician taste

sarcasm doesn't register over text for some spergs

You're all a bunch of morons: it's a slap in the face of all those self-righteous Trump hating assholes who call Trump a hater but want to beat up Trump supporters like a bunch of rabies infected monkeys.

Yeah, probably this. Pointing out the hypocrisy is important at this point.

Then what are you doing commenting on something you don't understand?

Top kek