Mp4/webm thread

mp4/webm thread

Other urls found in this thread:




i fucked up

i fucked up

That fucking thumbnail


I will NEVER understand why white people don't want kids while they are the real minority in this world.



Rad trips.










Last webm i am posting. Bye lads.





second one is clearly fake. A pity..

what the fuck am I looking at here?

mmm delicous

Nah you did fine
Wouldn't have clicked if I didn't see that thumb




looks like some giant fucking barnacles to me


can someone link me to their VK profile?? I used to have all their vids. Post more pls :)




not sure about that song but alice is my waifu back the fuck off


you can change that, user




Nice bottom tier coke fiend waifu








Holy shit.

moar and context, please


Refugees welcome :)

blood blood blood
chock chock chock

Why does my Créme Fraiche always run out


















Tiny really likes asians

wait isn't that cp?

Cables faps to this shit

Nick likes this

Nope, cam girl









that actually made me wanna move to usa












would do betting on 10/10






I had no idea those fighting games were that well balanced, that they could have such crowds.






Why do I feel these feels for this pornstar?
Why do I feel as if I'm the one who is doing this?


Because you are a softy.

I hate when people are getting judged for slightly offending the fashion taste.

People should be focused on ideas, not on clothes. and faggots that insist on talking about "the shell" of people should get ridiculed.





I bet she can get my dick slipery






"Hurr i'm going to offend these hipsters for their ugly shitty dumb subhuman clothing taste and completely reject any possible idea that they might have actually spent their time on developing. Why? Because I have no idea how to communicate and keep a dialogue about ideas that actually matter."



Any way to upset the fragile ego is a win, faggot.


Dewb IRL



Meh. I've grown tired treating people like shit online. It doesn't please me anymore, as it used to do. And also its a waste of time.


So is replying to a faggot online, and yet you continue to.


It's the closest thing i have to human connection.


Might I suggest Daddy Issue chicks galore, have fun with it kiddo





I have no idea what to do with that site.

Btw, the few conversations i've had to gothic degenerate freaks have been quite pleasant.


Good for you, make an account, hit random profiles, have human contact. Jesus christ




















She, and Germany as a whole, have much bigger concerns than a furfag son. Really, furfag sons are just a symptom.













Even dildos are made in china..

God damnit, no wonder why there are no factory jobs available anywhere anymore.





tfw no autistic anime gf













thank you user



we need a proper chimpout thread


















Want sauce, really bad




give me details on her, i wanna watch her


Lt. Corbis.









But i'm just a normal guy?

I don't think so.

I'm tapped. Sorry gents.


whats the song of this webm

Well then

thx, black nigga, u da niggest

Strange, most of my posts got deleted.

yeah i noticed a bunch of webm's got lost. I didn't even get to see them all

Wonder why

It was probably due to that little girl video , with the little girl saying all the nasty stuff.

Oh, Corbis? She's 20 something, she has some kind of illness

yup, same happend to my posts. Was having a convo, with user about a butterface.

it looked like some 10 yearold

CP is not allowed. Take taht shot somewhere else. Although, i got in trouble once, for posting Monroe

I know it, she's on the youtubes

Ah, even if it isn't actual stuff they put the hammer down, I can understand that.

I can understnd why they banned CP. I mean, thats disgusting, and no one wants to see it. Plus, its a crime, not free speech. As for MLP, i can't wrap my mind around, the fact that people like that. Why?

what is wrong with her?

btw, im watching an ASMR video where sand is cleaned from my ears. Its pretty comfy.


i don´t get ASMR, user. What is that suppose to do?

you're supposed to pretend that someone is grooming you, and that way you get "tingles" and relax.

If i wanted to feel "tingles", i would put my fingers in an electrical outlet

It's not the same, this is the one you get one someone is stroking your skin with the fingertips.

Give me two please

so basically, its videos for people with no significant others?


Well, I often listen to it while studying, it cancels out surrounding noise in a pleasant way, and it doesn't take away from the focus in the books.

i used to study with music.

well, if there are voices in the music you lose focus that way. And if there are like "intense bridges" then the focus sways away from the textbook to the song due to emotions. For some reason classical music makes science harder for me to study..

For me either total silence or ASMR works. And to be honest total silence is probably better, but i like the relaxation ASMR gives too. Especially the wet mouthsounds that give me the impression that someone is giving me a blowjob while im studying.


















More circumcision please.

that nigger has to be on drugs or something.


It was probably a public punishment, they do those in africa all the time. In that case, I doubt they gave him drugs against pain.

Oh, goddamn. Would wreck utterly, repeatedly and nearly continuously

but fuck man come on, he didn't even flinch.




There is a bunch of deleted posts in this thread what happened?


nice clip.
post more sam hyde stuff.

Well, maybe he blinked when they did they cut. He gotta stay proud when everyone is watching, you know.

I love these gore+pop music vids

make them have deepthroat porn, twerking and more gore.

only on Holla Forums


I dumped most of my webm folder, I dunno why they were deleted. I posted one of a lady getting her butt licked some dude called CP, i figured it was a cam girl (still think so) but I figure Admins nocked it down on thought alone due to the looming ICANN ordeal



yes, of course. my argentinian white brother, we are supreme!

Anybody have sauce on the song in the Welcome to Humanity video? Who did that remix?

thanks user you have no idea how much I love these vids

No problem

because autism really does hit.

this is coming from a person who actually watched and enjoyed the show. pretty sure at least 90% of them are pretty fucking pathetic.its one of the reasons why i dont have any friends anymore.

This was in portugal. A bunch of drunk guys were drunk and wanted to eat at this kebab place at like 5/6 am. The restaurant was closed and the owner didn't want to open it because it was too early so the drunk guys start fighting.

Just bee yourself.jpg

it was long time ago before i realized how autistic i was. im not only calling them pathetic, just watching the show and being all open about it made me pathetic also.

refugees welcome to rape me and my family


Can you share any stories about how your anime pony fetish drove away your friends?




Phosgore - 20 Ways to Kill Someone

I don't think the issue is jews but the fact that you guys had a shitty education.




KMFDM - free your hate.



ha that horse was funny



Around black, never relax.


Anyone got the video of the guy ddosing Holla Forums with the jihad song in the background?

Literally everyone in that video is now dead.

Godamnit you do some retarded things when your a teenager.

Holy shit, I haven't seen Conflict Desert Storm in AGES.


creeping me out


Worst thread ever








Please tell me there is a longer version of this or a higher quality source.


the history of my life
im going to upload cancer


That's not Eurofag traffic any more bro, get with the times


Anyone know the song?

Yes, because that's exactly what the Stoics want.

Long Live Fan-service


And because that guy was white there will be no riots or protests

What's with all of the deleted posts ITT?






commencing dump of old-school wbums









just warning, i have forgotten most of these since i haven't seen them in ages. I have no idea what I am posting for the most part











What could it Holla Forums?








oh wow i forgot about that one











I'm pretty sure Mann posts on Holla Forums now.

Never heard any audio from 9/11 before.


That's actually a refreshingly good joker voice/persona he's got going on, despite his size. Needs to be a lot more facially animated and to drop 50-60 pounds.

Do you ever leave the house?

this is what happens when you don't beat your kids

alpha as fuck


I don't want kids because of the world I live in. I want to make it better before I have them… otherwise you potentially create more degenerates.

Its because they have been taught they are the ultimate evil in the world, while in reality, they are the closest thing to a savior it has ever seen.

Imagine an collective of angles that live on an island being lead by a devil, and around them is full of chaos. Throughout a few generations, the angels were taught they were the true evil of the world because the history that has forced them to become what they are, is worse than all of the devils around them.

What else has been demonized so aggressively but the westerns own culture, the culture that does not exist, and is no longer taught within its schools?

Its because the white mans culture lies within his past, a past that contains no other race than itself, and that in itself, lies the problem the world is blind too. The white race is not a race. Its a generalization of the multitude of European races that are each distinct, and each with its own culture.

Is the past of the white man that is his greatest achievement is the result of its history, the history of its past, combining together to form the culture of the present and its because of that, the fact th

In other words, the white man does not belong in this world… And as far as the world is concerned, the white man needs to die so it can go back to the way it suppose to be.

The western world will become so demonized it will never be allowed to re-create the very building blocks that allowed it to become the greatest place in the world. It is the white man's history that has created the concept of small government in a practical format.

It is their culture that is the enemy, it is their history that will be destroyed.

The angels would rather not exist than continue to be taught that their good is evil, and true evil is good… And can you blame them?

The truth must be realized if they are to continue living, and without that truth, the entire world will become enveloped within its own chains.

At 3:30I lost my shit.

song name?

Based Anons

kill yourself

These threads would be so much better without the flood of shitty songs, m-muh white nashunalizm, and repeats.










hol up

whats the new filesize?

You could try uploading something too big but I just so happened to try that so now you don't have to.























And that's how you do a weebam-na thread.

Learn from your superiors or get eaten by maggots, faggots!


…why did I waste my time casting pearls before you Holla Forumsoars?

Have some shitty silent weebs because fuck you.


