ITT: What are the most attractive female names?
I'll start
prove me wrong
ITT: What are the most attractive female names?
I'll start
prove me wrong
My roommate's suggestions
pleb tier tbh
Annabelle strikes me as kinda trailer trashy, Aleksandra sounds a little too exotic/nigger ish
Natanya I'm on the fence about because I'm not sure how you would pronounce it and would end up just calling her Nat.
Most of these sound like a nigger pulled them out of its ass hole.
Shit thread.
Those all sound incredibly mundane m8
fucking contribute then you dumb nigger, give us something better
Every Nicole I've ever met has been a basic bitch who irritated the shit out of me. Never met a Charlotte or a Dorthy. Isabelle sounds good, but I'd probably call her Izzy.My whole thing is it needs to be easy to say, or else I'll come up with a nickname that's 10 times less sexy.
Always name my rpg chars one of those
Chloe would be good if it didn't make me think of Moretz and how terrible she's aging. Sophie is cool though. Knew a girl named Julie once who made up this whole story about a friend named Sophie that died. Most peculiar thing ever, she was like 16 when she made this up.
It's hard to find the right balance between basic, cringey, and unattractive. I feel like girls with attractive names naturally become basic bitches because they tend to be attractive