Bernie not allowed to speak at Mexican event


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tell reddit


Not such a big guy anymore Bernie. Better get more loyal hired guns.

We need to spread this kind of stuff to white Sanders supporters. Get them to understand that leftists don't hate our ideology, they hate our identity. I'd love to turn these democratic socialists into national socialists.

Fuck reddit in their hairy kike loving assholes.

typical liberal mentality that non-whites are their loyal pets

fucking jew


tell me about loyal hired guns
did me, my men, and dr pavelheer try to snag your prize?

Not dark enough.

Guess thats a vote against spics.

Exactly what I was thinking. If he had been as masculine as the two who had crashed his own event, it might've worked.

Wew lads now is your chance to troll the normies with your goy media accounts.

Checked, they HAVE been used as vote slaves for decades serving as their golem.

I guess $hillary is promising them more Gibs so they turned on Bernie.

Dude, you can't just crash other people's planes!

To be totally fair to the sandkike, he wants tighter trade restrictions. Sandkike would also take money from Mexico, if he is to be believed.
Can't let your hermanos in the motherland go without if you're a spic. Remember, they are Mexican first, above all else.

Its anudda taco shoah! No wonder they were so hostile to him.

Loving every laugh.

Never fall for the "IM A MEXICAN HERE LEGALLY!" bullshit.

Some are decent and want Trump, but even the ones who say they want Trump want to bring 30 of their cousins over to soak up jobs and social welfare programs "legally."

Fuck them all, even the "good ones."

I get it , I get it, commies and all that. But tht's nobody feel it's weird that relations get strained with him instead of Hillary?

bumping with fresh OC

use this to cum on bernie pics

At the end of the day, the Jew is more like Trump than Hillary. Bernie at least somewhat admits that wholesale illegal immigration hurts America and Mexico is killing us in trade.

This hurts the spics' bottom line. So yeah, he isn't hated like Trump, but beaners have found reasons to dislike him.

How dare those disgusting mexican animals turn down Bernie? Don't they know he's fighting for their interests? Who do they think they are? THEY OWE US.

t. /r/SandersForPresident

This. All they saw was an "old white guy", and that was the basis of their hatred towards him. They don't even care if he's as left as Cesar Chavez.

I can't handle this sarcasm over the internet.

bernie is the biggest faggot cuck ever. didn't anyone know he was coming?


There are mainly 2 groups of Mexican voters right now, both are for obvious reasons legal Mexicans, otherwise they wouldn't be voters;

1.) Hard-working, good people, who busted their ass to get here and support Trump

2.) Retarded fat Beaners who support Hillary only because they do not want to support Trump

I legitimately do NOT think there are many legal Mexican immigrants who would want to go for Sanders, if illegals could vote then sure, we'd see welfare whores going after Mr. Socialist, but to the dumb kikes surprise, immigrants who worked to get voting rights tend to not be on that side


Spic detected

Trips confirm, rouge kike is only seen as "old white guy" by mexis. Not even the Jewish establishment is for gib'me'canidate, funny not even the stupid minorities like him. Only the cucked whites who want to "help" those minorities.

Kind of funny here in California when they say its "their land" when they killed way more natives then any Americans or Russians did, oh well all things fair in war.



Where the fuck are you from?

Yeah I'm sure it was a tough job crossing that border without the police noticing

This is some of the funniest shit I've seen all week.

The Bernie campaign in a nutshell

Bernie is literally getting "no platformed."

Shitlibs like to use that term all the time but this time it actually applies to a real world event.


DnC shill detected.

Wrong. Illegals vote illegally

hhahah fucking cucked the kike again

If this was an Event for the Veterans and Trump wanted to speak, he would speak
Bernie can't speak whewith BLM, Trump and now Spics , its too funny


Double cucked, lol.

You're the DnC shill
Mexicans don't get paid more, its just they're allowed to live in worse conditions in the US which means they can get paid less, which means they get the jobs


Top kuk


also whats good about this is it might wake up some bernfags to the fact that all the other races are highly supremacist and hate white people.

it may be said that they can stay and/or come back but we wont rest until they are all gone.

man twitter is all a-salt

Got any links or handles to check out? I am low on sodium files.

Share the salt user. I could use some keks this morning.

It's hilarious how these minority groups shit on him so much when he's probably the only candidate that actually does care about them.

You'd hope after it's done he'll see that his lofty ideals only appeal to white people and all his pandering was fr nothing, probably impossible for an old commie to change their views though

We actually memed him into being a cucked. I love it, this commie piece of shit and his supporters are just so utterly pathetic

gg Holla Forums, who is the joke candidate now?

thats what happens when you give these animals an opening, they shit all over you.

If you still don't understand, that is exactly what Sanders was trying to do. Namely: Organizing the nonwhite races of the world against the White.

It's just that he's too cucked and "white passing" to succeed in the present anti-white political climate.

It's funny how Bernouts thought that would stump the Trump, but hardly anyone remembers it by now.

Kek, the beaners don't even want him.

And we shall call them:




It's at the end of the 46 second video. Bernie points up to the stage and Mr. White Hat shakes his head no.

Absolutely nothing stumps the Trump.

Remember 7/11?
Remember impersonating his publicist?

Hell, those are just two that I barely remember but got at least a day or two of media coverage each.

The mainstream media goes on about this La Raza judge being the end of the Trump presidency but it will be forgotten within a week.

oh the irony

Isn't this supposed to be the time when California gets a visit from federal alphabet soups for possible treachery to god and country?

It's funny that white Bernie / Hillary supporters think it's great that beaners riot at Trump rallies.

These spics are only interested in themselves, and harming whites. They aren't rioting in support of white liberals.

Trump rallies are just an excuse for illegals / beaner thugs to riot and assault whites with impunity.

Yeah I just saw alan colmes get completely destroyed on fox. I wish I had saved the clip, but I don't have the equipment. Regardless he was babbling and clearly bootyblasted about how you can't call a mexican, mexican.


> treachery to god and country

who do you think is behind this..?

what was that?

I honestly don't remember either of those, in fact I can't remember a single MSM anti-Trump hissy fit that's over a month old

The "7/11" """""""Incident""""""" was when Trump was talking about 911, and he commemorated the first response firefighters. He referred to them by name, the 711 fire department, but people mistook him saying "those firefighters, down on 711" to mean that he called 911 a chain of convenience stores. Journalists through their usual tantrum, Trump supporters defended The Donald's words, and everyone against Trump stopped talking about it after they realized what he meant and how it couldn't be used to hurt his campaign.

Oh no?

The only Mexican soil is in that fuckers pants when he gets deported.


geez…. desperate much?

Yes, very desperate, actually. None of their infantile insults are working. Everything they throw at Trump slides off.

"Look at his spokesman" - Trump supporters
"Read Art of the Comeback"
"Four cases Chapter 11 out of the 500 businesses owned by the Trump Organization."
pic related

None of their usual shit is working with people who aren't lefties or stupid, so they try attacking him any way they can, without ever actually trying to refute his arguments. It's so sad it's funny, really.

Sorry, that was redundant.


dirty wetback detected

It's crazy how opposite things get in the large scale.
Like how looking through a magnifying glass will wind up turning everything upside down if you move it far enough away.

That image has absolutely no substantial proof to it. I'm sick of it being shilled on here because common sense will tell you that it's all false.
Okay first off, if you knew anything about psychology, IQ testing, and average intelligence then you'd know that that kind of IQ is beyond exceptionally gifted (well, the image even states it's above 99.99%). Realistically it's the kind of IQ score that only autistic/retarded people can achieve. The idea that there's some college out there that only accepts 156 IQ or higher is ridiculous, especially a college only for business and finance (again, this kind of IQ can really only be applied efficiently in very advanced fields of science, such as physics and mathematics). If Trump truly had that kind of IQ he should have no problem tutoring me on non-euclidean geometry.

Two, who the fuck is Gary Forbes? No really, google him. All he has to his name is some small blog, where that image originates from I'm assuming. He's not the owner of Forbes magazine. He's some nobody with a blog.


This is really good. White Berniecucks can see exactly what minorities think of them.





After so many blindsides to the face you think those fucking morons would have opened their eyes 20 years ago

Believe it or not, but there's probably more than you think walking around hating themselves because their observations about niggers and spics aren't matching with what they want to believe. Watching Bernie getting shafted by the DNC and minorities along with the rioting should be enough to push those who can be saved over the edge. Plus a lot of his supporters were in diapers 20 years ago.

I don't have a problem with mexicans if they get in legaly.

The legal immigration system is basically designed to keep out poor and the lazy anyway, you only get in if you have a certain income level.

Retarded means someone with IQ under ~70 (Lower 2%). You are an idiot.

IQs over 145 (top 0.1) can not be accurately measured. Any number quoted over that is to be regarded with suspicion.

On top of that tests are not standardized.
They are centered on 100 being the average, but values other than that may vary between tests, more so at the extremes.
This also means they can not be compared directly between generations.

They measure different aspects of intelligence, and even on the ones which have high variety, more weight will be given to this or that.

So this is the state of Holla Forums.

With all this ridiculous amount of failed attempts to stump Trump, the media is basically meme'ing him into the second coming of Christ himself, "he who is without Sin".

Fake and gay.

Right? Please let this be fake at least.

I read about the thing with his shirt but I still can't parse the image. How the fuck does a guy with a Secret Service detail walk around with his shirt hanging out like that? Do they all hate him?

Who's the shill, again?

sanders on suicide watch

oh man his voice is hoarse as shit

There are plenty of retarded spics that think this is a legitimate argument. They get fed that bull in Mexico from birth, and can't see that "owning" land for a couple decades means crap if everything built upon it belongs to another civilization. "Make Mexico Spain Again" is just as valid.

Sanders is probably the least talented Jew who ever lived. Think about it, a Jewish civil rights activist turned US senator has been unable to defeat a hugely corrupt, rich blonde WASP woman in the primaries. He has a surge of support from millennials and the entire mainstream media ready to defend him due to ethnic loyalty, and he still loses. How the fuck do you even do that. He should turn in his Jew card and convert to Lutheranism or something.
