Who loved this ep of south park?

who loved this ep of south park?

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good ep i guess

member berries suck tho



wow they are still making south park


wow that looks ok for less then 10mb

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SP is good again tbqh


Kek wills it, South Park will have a great season this year
I know the premier was already really highly rated

this show was better sucks it was cancelled


That was 22 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Completely predictable.

It was pretty fucking funny that they made the jew the troll though

what the fuck is with the captcha lately? Shit took me like 7 tries to complete successfully

How does a non-american see south park now that torrent sites are dead ?


If you can deal with the ads and have flash enabled, watch it on the CC website.

You're probably going to have to use a US proxy, though.

are you new to the internet?


Most accurate depiction of trolls ever
We aren't *actually* as mad as we pretend to be and the "pretending to be retarded" thing is just a meme by easily trolled faggots
I know I am pretty content with my life
It's all about the reaction we get. I think the only place where it might not be worthwhile to troll is here and 4chan (minus Holla Forums) because we all have such thick skin from being trolled and trolling, but given the autism of some people here they can still be farmed for lulz

t. Professional troll and certified samefagger on The Trolliest Site On The Internetâ„¢

internet trolls have been around for years and in the news a lot the creators of south park where a little slow to do an ep about trolls you would have thought they would have done it ages ago

sure was a good show

damn gj


tweek and craig will show the way out
butters becomes a crossdressing school cum toilet slut




So are they not killing Kenny anymore

Great ep the 4 posting


Not since he went Super Saiyan