Comon Holla Forums lets find some of those Undocumented and unafraid guys and help them get home!

Comon Holla Forums lets find some of those Undocumented and unafraid guys and help them get home!

They're even using up American scholarship money, now I know why I was denied from like 7 different scholarships.

Here's another one I found

There's tons more, all you have to do is google "Undocumented and Unafraid"

Other urls found in this thread:

top fucking kek

These shitskins really believe this? High school is incredibly basic.

I just can't believe how entitled these guys are, they fucking came here illegally, they weren't even supposed to be here in the first place.

Yeah keep telling yourself.


She has a kike nose too tbh.


if you're too lazy to sign some papers and become legal, then you deserve to keep your illegal fucking status and get kicked out since your lazy ass is up to no good nigga

my momma had to wait ten fuckin years to become a citizen and prevailed, getcho lazy ass off the hot cheeto couch

Somewhat related.

she has to go back

click show post options and paste the url in the embed field, brother


welcome, it rejects time-setting urls from youtube, though, as an fyi

This is what liberals don't get, and why, as the money runs out, their tricks are starting to blow up in their faces.

Why won't pol turn this into blm vs them?

so is there a method of deporting illegals at this point in time? or do we just have to collect information, then send it to the deportation squad when Trump gets elected?


We need to get rid of the legal ones too and close immigration for 25-50 years

fuck me, typos.

Checked. Here's another.

now is not the time for fear

that comes later


wait a fucking minute, she's holding Chipotle, isn't she.
caught this bean bunz-n-burner in the act

Hope people are actually reporting these. Seen a lot of hot air on twitter. Get on and report!

gr8 thread. very helpful to these poor souls so far from their homeland.
send 'em back, Holla Forums!
