So user, what do you think of the recent rise of white nationalism on the internet? do you think it's a big problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're way more racist than white people.
I thought they'd be worried about white nationalism since they are in fact gooks and American history hasn't really been kind to the gook
That's all in the past, and they know that.
But it's not really in the past though when the fire takes whitey and he has the urge to remove gook
anyway how would you respond to the girl in the picture anyway? seems like you would need to clarify your response more than normal
riveting interaction here. Fantastic thread… Good thing OP had a plan. To start a shitpost. Barely.
The fuck you said to me gook bitch? Bend over and show me that sideways vag.
Nope. See you in the killing fields, round eye.
gooks hate niggers more than white people
Gee I wonder who is behind this post…
No, I think its a big solution.
You just described 95% of men. Pussy is the ultimate bribe.
I'll take money over pussy, and have done so before.
*sips coffee*
*makes eye contact until she looks away*
"So babe, how much do you squat?"
If you can't stand by your own beliefs you don't deserve it
Never said I couldn't lad. I said this is the truth of reality
If by "white nationalism" you mean my penis, then your fat yellow titties are entirely to blame for its rise.
For me its just a way to achieve some chock-value. At the end of the day, I don't really care about shit.
Also, these motivational videos, they just give a small jolt, but they really don't matter.
they don't care. mexis and blacks racism reflexes come from personal insecurity. and low intelligence. and racism.
azns are intelligent and capable, they can approach it rationally.
I had a girl telling me a story about how she had slight concussion this past year:
I said "sounds like you're thinking a little bit ahead of things"
Haven't talked to her since, thankfully.
is it ?
its pretty hard to notice outside 4chan and Holla Forums and even then 90% of it is on Holla Forums
the average Holla Forumstard isn't a stormfag tbh
no because that is a meme made by the bourgeois to keep us classvolunteered
It's great love.
If you don't agree then, well, here's the money for what I consumed at this establishment. Here's a few bucks so you can tip the waiter.
See ya.
fug, i miss leftypol
you got my hopes up that it's finally dead, just checked, but nope, still there
fuck you
He haven't gone anywhere.
We are staying.
Commies can't leave the commie hugbox and join a real discussion.
this place is full of shitpostings by Holla Forumsacks and there are a dozens of fringe socialism faggots talking shit about ML constantly
you have no fucking idea what you're talking about
you can't have discussions outside of a "hugbox" when on imageboards you stupid cunt
we have BTFO of Holla Forums on almost all topics.
Stay delusional Holla Forumsyp more and more lefties are joining to organize and discuss leftists politics in here.
we will use this platform as the lolberts and Nazis did and we will take advantage of it in the near future.
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
People running the world from confinement
That is just what they call nationalism in white nations, no one calls Japan a "yellow nationalist" nation despite it being very nationalist.
Free education solves all the "class" issues and lets those that deserve to succeed do so. This should be funded by nationalized resource extraction as the resources of any land are the inherent right of the people of that land.
your fellow comrades
your excellent meme magic lol
Don't make me go that route buddy.
in your dreams
leftyvolunteers are a pathetic bizarro version of Holla Forums that cares more about how special of a snowlflake their eccentric version of leftism is than actually accomplishing anything even close the degree Holla Forums accomplishes on a daily basis
your userbase will always be less than a fifth of our
Holla Forums dominates Holla Forums
fuck off to another chan
Holla Forums is the the spirit of Holla Forums
Uh oh! you got me!
Dang… just when I thought that saving all those Nazi furries was unnecessary.
holy fuck i want that first guys shirt
There's a virtually 100 percent chance everybody in the first two pics actually has a job.
All of you are pathetic, Based Zionism is the answer.
although they look very unhealthy and ugly, their composure is nowhere near the level of degeneracy of your comrades
also all your leaders are jews
youre being played
btw i know youd love for me to be a nazi because its so convenient for you to hate me but im not.
yeah i hate jews and communists, but im not a nazi
im sure that causes dissonant cognition in your prole minds
Muh Jewish boogie man!
Therefore I'm right.
Some of my comrades might be just as ugly as the people I posted but that doesn't disqualify their Ideas
They moved here because they like white nations and, while they would like to stay here, they would only want to stay here if "here" stayed white.
It's easy to BTFO extremists because they are driven by emotion not logic, Holla Forums is just as extreme and retarded as Holla Forums.
t. isolationist socialist libertarian
doesent even matter
im not a nazi you volunteerold lol
youre just slave meat for a fat commie jew somewhere
go join the EU fight for their cause
they are the biggest commies today
martin schultz is your man
you dont know anything
have fun in the badly dug trenches graves with your non heretonormative, non cishet, pandakin, genderfluid, comrades
oh its just a boogeyman right?
That is givi you stupid fuck.
yup totally never jews
just a made up boogeyman
anybody who hates jews is obviously a nazi right?
nobody else but evil nazis could possibly despise jews?
I name files like that just to annoy autistic faggots.
Wew lad.
Kek more of this retarded shit.
There should be some sort of final solution to the jewish problem
I don't know what horseshoe theory is
its j-just a boogeyman!
that link isnt real its just some stupid fake propaganda
i dont think you can read or use google
keep up the denial
the ones who are awakening are beginning to outnumber you fools who remain willingly ignorant
Holla Forums graphs are invalid. If its not published by an actual academic from an actual university or major scholarly firm putting his actual name on the line by getting reviewed by his actual peers, its trash. Tabloids. This isn't an unreasonable standard outside nazi circlejerks and autist clinics.
All of this is tabloids.
Gulag yourself, revisionist trash.
>I don't know what horseshoe theory is
Lurk moar faggot
This "rise" is "raising" since 2007,you retarded shill. Stop samefagging,we know you,and you know is. 69 VPN will not hide you kike.
typical "im bored" leftist response. what a fucking snob.
it cant possibly be real
these people arent real
they never said any of that
google doesent exist
its just tabloids
at this point youre just pathetic
well its a good thing the followers of leftism dont ever actually ever succeed
you own nothing goyim lol
no (((actual academics))) no (((actual universities))) muh peer reviews
oh tl;dr
yeah keep it that way its much better like that now that i think of it
american "nazis" wish they were something else than mongrel shitskins
there is no "white" race
you faggots don't even know what race is
Eh, I googled it and disagree, but then again I disagree with the whole left / right dichotomy.
It was an accurate way to describe the situation leading up to and during the French revolution but has since been corrupted beyond recognition.
nobody can read your "info chart", stupid idiot
all those wannabe racists can't even name the base characteristic of even ONE race, all they do is cry "b-b-but i'm white toooo"
you're a fucking american degenerate, if you want to contribute anything to the cause
go kill yourself
read Mein Kampf, slavs are meant to be dominated, they cannot develop any culture of their own, it needs Kulturschaffende, like the german nordics, to make something useful out of you
spare me your whining about jews, it's not like there was anything of value lost with russians
Actual peer review, actual academics, actual evidence
Its really not too much to ask my friend. This is why no one outside of Holla Forums and the blogs spawned from it takes you lot seriously. You've got no footing in reality and you can never provide valid proofs.
natsoc is shit and no one cares what brand of Euro they are here
it's alright at best, alright at worst.
First guy is based as fuck. Just butthurt metrosexuals shitting on him.
wew lad
name me one thing in your sad pathetic imageboard shitposting life that gets anywhere near his accomplishments
that's right, you're talking shit about someone who is far out of your reach you pathetic worm
go kill yourself :^)
Absolute volunteerold
oh wait
that's capitalism :^)
White Race above all others.
Round eye, you don't even know how shit you are.
Well its not around anymore, is it?
There is no "white" race.
Yes, in part thanks to the divisiveness of Germans.
Well, the countries are still there. Nobody calls capitalism a failure when the banks and businesses start to collapse and the assets get bought up.
No, it's a more like a solution babe
I would say whatever she wanted to hear. Yes, it's a terrible problem. Those people are awful, etc. Busty Asians are God tier.
No, but I got a big problem in my pants ;)))))
shit your self again?
Sure ya have kiddo.
Such is life in the mart.
Pajeet you need to take your poo to the loo
It's a counterculture meme to fuck with the SJWs, user. It's not real.
I think its a response to all the leftist oppression the past 30 years.
If you want to counter fanatics of any ideology you need to encourage an open forum and make sure everyone gets to state their opinion without shaming them for their ideas or shutting them down.
you sound pretty BETA fam
Poastan innabait fred.
Just wanted to say the same guy made this one.
"We all have a common enemy"
Back to halfchan you cancerous retards.
pretty intense vid
I was actually agreeing with him until he said the holocaust wasn't real
Oh, it happened… to the Russians.
race is a biological reality