Walk into gamestop with my Mcflurry
kek motherfucker deserved it
you are the worst kind of person
motherfucker deserved it
OP strikes me as a fat unhealthy stinky fast food eating loser, and the gamestop employee might have just been forced to change the game every now and then by some boss, or did it on purpose.
it might or might not have been their fault, but I have had nasty people do things like that to me on purpose before. it's really a bad feeling when you know they did it just to make you upset. thank God my gamestop people seem to be sweet friendly people.
you sound like a pussy faggot.
Why so mad, wagey?
Your dumb slut mother should've beaten your ass
tick tock wagevolunteer loser, one more day left before its back hell.
i was 31 when this happened.
that's epic win
fuckin kek
You'll deserve everything that happens to you during the red terror m8. End your own life.
What the fuck is a Mcflurry
t. not amerifat
I'm pretty sure NEETbux can't exist without capitalism and wagevolunteers
He was probably jew, so he deserved the gas OP.
Gaming is for degenerates anyway.
idk m8, that just seems like so much effort for nothing
Yeah, they can. Post- scarcity. But I hope we go ML and just gulag neets. Not because we have to, because it would be nice.
Do you not know what wikipedia is either, europleb?
kek wageslaves BTFO
I have the greed of a Jew and the manners of a nigger: the post.
You need to be locked up in a mental institution retard
Dubs confirm
it gets better
You are the worst piece of shit, going to a store not buying anything and then spilling your beetus shit on the carpet????? You would have to pay damages in my country scumbag.
Not an argument.
i know it's a week later but since someone bumped the thread i'm going to respond to it
in the middle of nowhere they are the same person
it is
let me guess op, you're a faggot who has never left his mothers home or had a job
to that i say, being you is your punishment
how you're live was up to that point is your punishment for those actions
a jew saying the most un jew thing?
There are no good people in this story.
OP is a fat gross loser, and the employee is a greasy cuck loser.
It really isn't though.
as apose to what? arn't all true live stories full of losers and retards?
Fucking rights, now shut up!