European Tourism Trends

I'm seeing an increasing number of articles addressing tourism rates in Europe this summer. What's to come of this and can we use this travel hesitancy as a redpill? I think the idea of a migrant-flooded Europe is making people nervous, especially americans. Do any of you have stories of tourists who were redpilled on their travels? ITT: General Holla Forumstrv/ thread

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Not just Americans.

Wealthy Japanese, Korean, and Chinese love going to Europe and America.

Paris has the same reputation in Japan (city of love and very majestic). But then there's that video of the Japanese tourist about Paris.

I remember reading about this. There's a lot of idealization of paris and french culture in japan, right? I think more and more asian cultures are going to start idealizing less cucked nations like poland, russia, hungary, and romania. I expect these countries to pick up more tourists slowly as well.

No one wants to go somewhere they don't feel safe when traveling.

Yeah. Japanese have a very idealized view of the West…kinda like how we have an idealized view of Japan.

For example, they draw Americans, but Westerners in general as blond haired, blue eyed. I don't know exactly how they view French culture, but they did make an anime based off one of their most popular books, les miserables.

It seems like a narrow view to focus on art and culture in France when there were so many other places where there were interesting art movements. It's too bad places like Vienna, Paris, Berlin, and other cultural cities were hit the hardest with cultural marxist ideology.

Sorry, mistook that picture for something else, i guess I just posted a mormon temple picture.

HOLY SHIT THOSE YOUTUBE COMMENTS! Did Holla Forums do a raid or are normies in their endless quest to be trendy finally taking the red pill?

It was posted on the The Daily Stormer and Holla Forums, so probably it's a bunch of Holla Forumslacks. But, normies are waking up. They just don't want to say it out loud.

Who can blame them? They are totally correct not to visit.

I’m a Brit and I won’t visit London unless I absolutely have to.

People don’t want to die if they don’t have to.

This trend will continue because Europe isn’t safe anymore.


If you post mildly red-pilled comments on Reddit they receive a lot of support.

The key is to sound as high-brow as possible. Subs dominated by men tend to be very accepting.

Do you think as people wake up to the potential dangers of highly multiculturalist cities they'll begin to embrace more local government solutions (brexit, anti-EU) or is it more of a subconscious attitude at this point?

Burger here, there is no way in hell I'm going back to western Europe now, at least none of the major cities, they're all pozzed. I will visit the Czech Republic some day though, specifically Prague. I'm sure there are many that feel the same way. Who wants to go to London or Paris to see a bunch of niggers and dune coons? Maybe get blown up on the plane or metro

Don't worry goy; you will get to see plenty of Europe when we send you back to fight the ebil nadzis again. Heheheheheheheh

I have a friend who works and lives in London; by all accounts he is successful and enjoys a high standard of life.

I told him that I worry for his life and he admitted he did to but he tried to rationalize the danger he faces as “The Lottery of life”.

I think people like my friend are acknowledging that they are no longer safe but will try explaining it away as something normal rather than have to deal with the route cause of the issue because for them death or the risk of death is favorable over accepting Islam is a negative thing.

This isn’t the case for everybody obviously but it is one very real reaction that I have encountered myself.


Exactly that. He is high IQ, which makes it all the more frustrating. I suppose it is easier to accept a delusional mindset when you are personally doing very well for yourself and accepting the truth would make your immediately life harder.

You have to understand the cult of denial that exists within big cities. The lie that London is a functioning example of successful Multi Culturism is repeated like a mantra in the press and by a lot of the people that live there.

It's because they aren't humble. Urban-nomad-nu males are generally an obstacle to achieving localized government, It would be ideal if careers didn't drive people to major urban centers and if most people lived locally, grew their own produce, and had families, but most people just want the spiritually dead, fast-life.

I suppose I’d agree with that.

Using my friend as an example, it is in HIS best interest not to accept the truth because doing so would make HIS life harder but in not accepting the truth he puts his whole nation at risk.

It shouldn’t be profitable to live under delusion but it is.

Another point: the urbanized, lliberal male doesn't take care of his own (women, family, ethnic group) because he has been conditioned to not identify with anyone. I now see liberalism as an intense loneliness and disconnectedness to the past, to your people. It must be tragic to have all of the pleasures of a high paying career but being conditioned to not understand what's really important, which is strong community.

I don't understand why modern men are drawn to the crowded diaspora that urban life brings instead of opting for a more comforting rural life.

hopefully we'd be fighting alongside them

Let’s be honest. Unless you are a wealthy landowner what opportunities are there for people in rural settings these days?

People haven’t shunned rural life because they can’t see the advantages it offer but because it offers very little chance to achieve anything.

Having a career isn’t a negative thing but it does mean you will probably have to live in a city.

In the UK at least.

That's a good point.