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I don't get it, what's so special about a date from 6 years ago?

Yup, almost time for the sacrifice of the lamb.

I think ya missed it

7 year ritual. 10/16/17 is when the blood sacrifice is done. It started in 10/16/10…and everyone is going to have lamb chops with a bit of mint. Or is that 'long pig', so many different ways of saying it and always one process.

Om nom nom nom nom.

It's october 10 2016…

can't you read dates american?

What did you think was going to happen? Says it right in the book.

"He goes to 'heaven' to meet his father"

Fucking idiot.

sup Cradlers. Been a while since we've seen eachother.

That's not an american date format. Americans spell it out because they are easily confused. It would be 10/16/2010.

No, the date isn't american.

it's October 2016, the 10th.

In america it would read as 10/10/16.

Do you remember how you died?

I remember

No, by all international date formats for all databases and admin work the ISO format is always day/month/year.

dude it's always been month year day…

She's cute, I'm sure she'll find some young guy to drive crazy.

Not by the records


Unless you are from off world, then we're talking a different story. You remember how you died yet?

She's dead.



fuckin pleb


Sorry to hear about your loss…unless it's not a concern, then disregard the condolences.


nuclear world war begins on october 16th?


i wanna get involved

Can someone explain this to me in full detail?

I dunno either, and I was there for the first few threads. Something the world ends soon, and then repeats all over again.



Is it time for the failed Shemitah again?


The fuck does DAK mean?




Yeah, they want to die off and get kicked out don't they? Might as well oblige them all.

Yep, time to trip up their dumb script and change the order of things.


Good. Now i can enjoy memes in heaven! Not probs will be sent to hell
All's i need is dubs to be happy

That legitimately creeped me out.


isn't it 16-10-16?

Mark my words. Global economic collapse coming this Monday when trading opens.

The market will get a very close shave and it'll be a nice deep shave like in 2009


If you guys want to learn how to trade that type of market horseshit. I'll show you how to make a million dollars in a year starting with 200.

You are going to see the reality of the economic situation on the programmed loop it's stuck on.


She's not



Davis Aurini mentioned the dragon prophecy from the bible in his pepe video too. He unironically thinks that Pepe is the reincarnation of an Eldritch god and a prophet of the coming apocalypse.


We make our own dragons, thank you.

Man those are some beautiful antiques. I wish we took more care of our history better.

its not about the dragon, it is about the frog spirit he brings with him.


at last i can truly see

Moldy old books are useless, we have become gods

Get enough hedge wizards together with a plan and cooperation, it's like a zerg hoard. Just ploughs the field for the next bunch of stooges.

Do you guys think this has anything to do with that post in Holla Forums about there being an underground Nazi society plotting to create a 4th Reich in Germany?

Duh, no shit.

D.A.K. has nothing to do with the Holla Forums lore so probably not.

It's the zombie hoard they've been building.


16.10.16 is approved. Shove them out the door into the tundra.





Huh, i was looking for a /dak/ board last night but i found nothing. Nice though.

01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 00111010 01000100 01000100 01000100

put of all the languages, why binary?
It's finally there :DDD





Why don't Americans celebrate 10.16.10?

They don't know.

i need more time


bulma, number 18 and krillin.

I'm not sure.

Smash bros 4 roster
Arthur dent
Kung fury

Ill be fine

I think you'll be okay.

I predict a lehr-mcneil news hours of a zombie cross panel discussing Angolan economic development and debt restructuring. Which is then followed by a pledge drive to help increase the mass of the brains needing to be eaten.

I think you'll be fine.

if you know you're being controlled, but agree with the premise you're merely accepting humanity.

No such thing as humanity. Hasn't been a human in a long ass time. They've been trying to remake that shit for ages. Never works and ends up in the shitter.

Do you remember how you died yet?

wehn the fringoons hit hard

that pic, fucking knew it. kiss you if true

Yeah, the 'seed'. What a fucking mess of a project.

You have to think of their cloning efforts much like the description of photocopies taking photocopies of one another. RNA break down, lost information and shit breaks eventually. Sprinkle in murphy's law, sod's law and finagles' law.

They certainly don't get any better, that's for damn sure.

i spent almost an hour on that damn thing, and that was really below par. respect.

People been spending years on it as I understand.

What does D.A.K. stand for?

01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 00111010 01000100 01000100 01000100