Young Men Opting Out of Society
Video games are holding more appeal than getting ahead in life. Can this be chalked up to individual laziness, or is there something more to the increasing number

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Well we can only take so much before its just not worth the effort. Might as well live in hog heaven and play video games and smoke weed.

It's only really affecting people who aren't sociopaths or attention whores. The young people are going to gods when the new "geek chic" hits.

Games are cheap, easily accessable and kill time effectively. Its the opium of the 21st century.

Doesn't matter, they're not having sex which means their inferior genes aren't getting passed to the next generation. Darwin wins again.

It's a confluence of forces. Calling it laziness is lazy journalism that suits MSM rags that only boomers read just fine.

give me your top 3 reasons. curious.

Hell yeah, Pedro's 80 IQ 5 children will inherit the earth.

The wall is good as done

They are not opting out of society. You make it sound like they are commiting suicide

this is simply being too fucking lazy to get a job, and would rather play video games all day while collecting welfare

guess what…this ain't new or news.