How do you cope with this feel
Tfw no tankie gf
Gee, I wonder why
And libertarians
how do you get from
"all femalse […] who care about history"
"only people i know who understand history"
are you retarded? what's your condition?
you're a liberal
reading comprehension is not your thing, i shouldn't be suprised
Remove yourself from the genepool
i met a girl, she's literally perfection
creative, intelligent, very involved, always learning, compassionate, strict
combined with breathtaking beauty and adorableness
she was such a wonderful girl even in her teens and became the most beautiful woman i've ever seen
i wish she were here, but she's also too good for a place like this
broke contact but i hope she's still going strong
she's doing great, user.
wouldn't be suprised to see her years later again, on TV, marching in front of her party, leading it to victory
you probably missed it, so i'll bring you up to date
"cuck" became meaningless thanks to faggots like you throwing it around inflationary
you probably missed it, so i'll bring you up to date
"faggot" became meaningless thanks to shitposters like you throwing it around inflationar[il]y
faggot wont ever lose meaning
you literally suck dick and get called out for it
Say that all you want, but people will never stop calling you a cuck, cuck.
Meant for
your first target was right
the thing you got confused was faggot with cuck
trips confirm
Having a gf is HARAM.
he comes on a website full of pedos, bronies and creators of loli fan fiction and he thinks that any woman actually wants anything to do with him
realize women have few thoughts for themselves and all those qts youve been passing up while looking for your philosophical soul mate were perfectly valid options
now fuck off and post nudes
you're retarded for several reasons
ill mention two just to shut you up though
building a healthy family is hard work enough, a disobedient wife is not needed to make the process harder
she is being magnetized to another man, whom she believes to be dominant to you - if youve never met the man then you have already lost her and you are the eternal cuck
Murderous tankies don't deserve gfs. At best, they should have one that will steer them towards a less bloodthirsty and autismal indeology.
Found the liberal
Fucking kulak.
Yes, that's where they go.
gulags 4 kulaks
Weren't Mao and Stalin closeted fags though? I doubt they would approve.
Yes, it's true, Stalin actually means "Man of Shafts" and Mao was internally referred to as Chairmanhandler Mao. You've caught comintern out for what it really is: An international homosexual conspiracy.
Tankies confirmed for ebin genocidal faggots. What a death cult!
So are tankies ironic like Holla Forums or sincere like stormfag Holla Forums?