The case with porn and how it is a factor in the gradual degradation of men. I've seen threads about this topic before, but I'm going to throw my two cents here.
In nature, the males have to be competitive to get the female, this competitiveness to fulfill the natural desire to procreate are what drive evolution and self-improvement further, when you don't ejaculate from external stimulus (sex or masturbation) for a while, your brain automatically kicks into "high-performance" mode, which gives you a desire to improve yourself, more self-confidence, makes you feel better and more awake, this is done in order for you to have a chance at procreation, as if you aren't getting external sexual stimulus, then you're clearly falling behind the other males, which your very basic primal purpose & programming cannot accept.
Now here's where masturbation comes in, with masturbation, you can give yourself what the brain thinks is sex as often as you want, as many times as you want, if you masturbate every day, for example, the brain concludes that you are having lots of sex, spreading your genes everywhere, you're the alpha Chad around, and that there's absolutely no competition whatsoever, for the NEETs who have never dealt with a woman before, this is a huge problem, as they won't have any natural tendency to compete to get actual pussy, because their brains already their they're getting all the pussy there is. This results in greatly decreased self-confidence, no desire to improve whatsoever, since you're already apparently the top alpha, you'll generally always feel sleepy and tired, after all, why work or improve or think when you've already fulfilled your evolutionary purpose 3 times today? You're clearly on top of your game.
This is further nurtured by the Jews, who as anyone without doubt knows, own 100% of the porn industry, they therefore use this crippling addiction to masturbation pretty much all men have to further their agendas of cultural marxism and further cuckening, this is evident by the rising amounts of homosexuals and transsexuals, who have already fallen pray to the not-so-obvious messages in the porn they watch.
Just my 2 cents. Discuss.