Who are you going to vote for?
Who are you going to vote for?
The one not supported by jews
Jill Stein get your shit together…
There's only one economically viable option, and sadly he's probably gonna lose
This. Johnson's the sanest candidate in a race without a Paul.
He's pro TPP pro open borders gets triggered by the word ILLEGAL and is funded by globalist….Gary slurps shit
Anyone who takes Johnson seriously were probably going to vote for Sanders to begin with. Johnson is going to get the DUDE WEED demographic.
All the libertarians who understood what type of society libertarianism needs to flourish left to the far-right. Any semblance of threat the libertarians posed died with Ron Paul.
Johnson is pro weed and antigun.
Think about that for a moment.
the one that will make anime real by having a dead rat stapled to his head
that or the dead-behind-the-eyes soccer mom
you're a fucking retard
vid related
Have fun getting rear-ended by 12 year olds on your way to your local anarchist meeting.
"taxing carbon emissions is a libertarian principle," - gary johnson
anyone voting for gary johnson is a retard
I'm strictly talking economics here, I don't care about legalization of weed or the doomed attempt to illegalize guns, seeing what Johnson has accomplished as a governor is the reason I think he's the best candidate
Carbon monoxide respects zero of your freedoms, user.
Demographics are more important than the economy at the moment. Once the demographics are fixed, the economy will get back on track.
And that's why diversity is so beneficial to a 2st century economy!
My bad. *21st
How do I remove this?
by going back to tumblr
So I can't stay? But I though the alt-right was against hugboxes! :(
b8 harder next time.
no 8 is just not for complete faggots
Cthulhu 2016
Got it! Anything else I should know? Maybe about the global Zionist menace or Hillary's mysterious bottle of Robitussin?
Any true Holla Forumsack understands that the system is beyond repair. It's corrupt to it's core. Putting a fresh coat of red or blue paint on it only makes people think it's changed instead of forcing them to realize it's fugged.
Browse Holla Forums? Hillary 2016
Mickey Mouse
Or you could, you know, work to rebuild the system instead of Berning the whole thing down like a retard
Only a fool builds on a broken foundation.
I love how that pic is always how Holla Forums pictures themselves yet half the threads are complaining about how they're fat neets without girlfriends.
white girls fuck dogs
Only a fool burns down a house because he doesn't like the carpet.
They do. I think every teenage white girl has gotten the 'ol lickerroo from her dog at least once.
trump is moving the overton window the right
i work an office job and 3 years ago i would've been fired if i said "illegal alien" instead of "undocumented immigrant" in front of any of my coworkers
today during lunch today i got away with saying spic. the bitch who always complains my lunch takes too much room in the fridge was visibly flustered but nobody else in the office gave a fuck. she was looking around with a "did you hear what he just said!?" expression on her face
Uhhhh that's here.
you didn't just move the goalposts, you changed sports
lmao i can't believe how many of you pissbabies voted drumpf
hillary is going to win
fuck off
gary johnson is the only viable candidate
a vote against jill stein is a vote against NEETdom
not to mention jill stein is a qt3.14
Trump supports auditing the fed. Hillary doesn't.
A leftycuck just made a tfw no gf
thread, it was probably him too
"I'm With Her"
Jill Stein of the Green Party?
The rouge jew who won't support Zionism?
You had a single anecdotal instance of some semblance of free speech back (until you get written up for it.) Policy will continue because the president doesn't mean all that much and go ask Roberts how much the Supreme Court matters. You're clinging to funny sounding farts.
We both know it won't happen, but let's say it does. No way any files will come up missing, and surely everyone will be held accountable right? No way that could go wrong. Trump needs to change the entire system to matter, and it's impossible. Even best case scenario, he's still proposed censoring the internet and banning guns based on religion.
you're gonna get fired dude
you're a fucking retard
lmao typical drumpf supporter
your tears in november will be delicious
>>>Holla Forums
If this thread doesn't disprove democratic institutions for you, you're p dumb tbh.
ethnocentric meritocracy when?
Oh please we aren't falling for Jill Stein(berg)'s fake populism.
paul watson the shill traitor?
thanks but no thanks.
he works for alex jones the controlled opposition, jew loving shill.
Even though I don't agree with the Johnson about everything he or jill stein needs to be supported because it will encourage people to vote for third party and will get us out of the two party system that ruined this country.
either jill stein or gary johnson, is the only sane choice. both are against israel and are for personal liberties and want to get money out of politics.
he already talked about this, he said he was only against assault riffles but now changed his mind and he is for it now.
funded by the globalists, lol that's funny.
you know he would win if he would have been funded by the globalists.
we wasted a great chance with Dr. Ron Paul, the country would have been so much better if he won.
yes she will win because of the stupid Holla Forumsacks.
by the way Cthulhu cultists
Hillary's demographics would be much stronger together with white males. But they vote for Trump.
at this point I don't care what watermarks are on what image anymore
i could even make fun of you for posting some shitty youtuber, but I won't.
ey b0ss fuk you mang
kill yourself
my meming is done post-ironically. yours however was not get on my level, nihilist newfag
where is harambe? you forgot the king kong of politics!
Huh? My uninronic was satrical.
Ross Perot
She is an SJW-enabler.
give me one good reason I should vote for a third party SJW jewess