If you are in need of boobs you can look here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice thread.
Ruined it…
what a wonderful thread
Thanks user
My girlfriend has DDD boobs. I ain't complainin'
checked the dub dubs
is pic related user?
No webms?
My nigga
I once saw that posted with the filename "blonde bunny" but was never able to find it again
And from those digits it appears that Kek praise be upon him approves too
I have the same name (Blond Bunny) in the folder of her videos
The mp4's are to large to post
I could try to get some of the better parts and make a few webm's if you want
replied to myself
because I am retarded
too big
I could post some out the the itty bitty titty folder
it wasn't just a big titty thread
do you have anything in a mid-size?
Look into Handbrake, its free video compression software and it works fucking great. No webm capability tho, you would be uploading mp4's
Thanks for the info
I am currently using Adobe media encoder cs5
might give HB a try
user I don't have anything specifically "mid sized"
Just compare it with adobe's and see which is better. I can get 100mb files down to under 8mb without loosing quality
audio is fucked
Anyone have sauce on this GIF?
how complicated is the interface
It took about 2 weeks to figure out adobe
I had to stop a lot out of frustration
I think it was made for semi professional use
Here is the GUI
I figured it all out in about ten minutes and never used this type of software before
encode them with ffmpeg and vp9
yea mine is way to complex
the tabs in the middle of the right side are were shit hits the fan
What is in the HB download
is it a trial? do you have to register? etc. etc.
Try it for yourself
don`t encode into h264, use vp9 and make a webm. vp9 will have higher quality.
Also if you upload all the files to a website such as mymixtape i will make a good webm but not now since i am messing with partitions on my hard drive
I really recommend you learn the basics of ffmpeg
No its free and open source. Works on everything from windows to linux.
Why is everyone so caught up with webm?
also one more thing xmedia recode is an ok frontend for ffmpeg on windows, it does not have a lot of options but it has more than the alternatives and it should work well without lots of bloat
handbrake is free and open source like the other user said too
webm and the codecs it supports are all open source and royalty free, also vorbis and opus are the best lossy audio codecs out there in terms of quality alone (they have some other issues) and vp9 with the reference encoder produces better and smaller video than any h264 encoder while being tied with h265
Work out of the box everywhere due to being non-proprietary.
downloading now
will need to restart after
my audio card is having issues
I have been trying to figure it out.
I didn't think I was this stupid.
I will need to work with it for a while.. I guess
I can put the videos up on Mega if you want them
This vid was 100mb originally
wtf is wrong with her left titty?
a a are you a wizard?
working on it now user thanks for the time and effort
trying to help
what do you mean user
op here
gotta go have stuff to do
will check back in later
user I'm nothing close to a wizard I'm just averagely tech literate nothing more.
Im not sure how to describe it.
Its just off.
could be just the position she is sitting in, other than that, women sometimes have differently sized or shaped tits. thats nothing uncommon. she does have a rather nice set, i must say.
just wanna add:
h265 also has good quality, but vp9 still beats it by a bit. the downside of vp9 is encoding takes for fucking ever. encoding in h265 is way faster. h265 seems to not be as widely supported though
I like her nipples, usually those light colored nipples you only see on early teens
it's not in my face
Sauce: bigboobsgonewild.com
what the hell is going on in that background there OP?
Nice thread. Lots I've seen before, but plenty I haven't.
I love natural tits that are so big they look uncomfortable. Emphasizes that women are basically breeding stock whose job is to bear and feed children. Very hot.
Illegal coup in Kiev.
gunna dump what I ahve
couple hundred with clothes first :^)
damn i love when their nipple is poking threw their shirt/bra
and the rest?
on Holla Forums. plus trying to sort these pics.
is there a thread image limit or just bump limit?
What do you guys think of my new slut, Sammi?