I don't know where else to go. My internet friend is killing herself as we speak and I know her skype name can be traced. liv.vanden
Someone call her an ambulance, something. Please Help.
I don't know where else to go. My internet friend is killing herself as we speak and I know her skype name can be traced. liv.vanden
Someone call her an ambulance, something. Please Help.
Tell her 'no' real bossily/strictly.
You should do the right thing and join her to the next life
She blocked me on everything when I tried to stop her. Someone please do something.
calling the police over internet suicide does not end well, also, female usually do not kill themselves statistically speaking, but men do.
You should have listened and stopped her before it was fucking obvious.
You're too late now "friend."
Moreover if you give a shit, you'll respect her wishes to die. Granted this is a fucking chick so odds are it will just be some aborted suicide "attempt" so you'll get what you want either way right?
Won't have to endure all the mandatory #Rip and "oh god it's such a tragedy" bullshit.
It was never obvious. She never talked about her problems. Seemed like a happy girl about to become a model and take on the world.
don't be a beta orbiter
sounds like she's attentionwhoring
She dindu nuffin
I crie every tiem.
Well, then it seems it wouldn't be your fucking problem, eh, m8? Now check these dubs already.
You have no right to make her stay alive if she doesn't want to.
Join her you fucking faggot and become an hero
If she wanted to kill herself she would've done it without telling you. I can bet whatever she won't do it
When in doubt, just kill her yourself
trips o' truth
pft hahah
coming to Holla Forums to save your degenerate friends
for your sake I hope she really does kill herself OP
honestly OP you should join her you know keep her company on her way to the afterlife
Degenerate is code word for I'm a kissless virgin
Show us her tits and we'll help.
if you complain about the word degenerate or someone using it, you are a degenerate.
I'm not complaining about it, I'm making an observation.
Is it untrue?
She got sick of you and rather than telling you to fuck off she's faking her suicide.
Don't worry, women usually fail at suicides, hence why women usually make more suicide attempts, while men make up the largest portion of suicide deaths. She's gonna be in a hospital in a while, because she will choose some ineffective method. It's all good, OP.
Nice try dipshit. Let me show you how it's done.
low effort personal army recruitment