Everyone knows the surface level shit about Idiocracy...

Everyone knows the surface level shit about Idiocracy, like "this is what happens if only stupid people reproduce in large numbers", but really that's a red herring. The real reason why everyone is so stupid in the future, is because their lives have mostly been automated. It is the only reason they are able to survive at all.

At one point in the movie, when they switch out Brawndo for water and the stock of Brawndo hits zero a computer automatically lays off all the employees, even the ceo. Similar is shown throughout the entire movie.

The real danger of an idiocracy, is ever increasing technology. It hasn't mad humanity smarter. It has dumbed humanity down, and will continue to do so as long as it is blindly embraced. Once the tipping point is reached you aren't gong to be getting all the science fiction discoveries you have dreamed of. You will get a lazy and stupid human race.

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How does ubiquitous automation remove the dysgenics aspect instead of being the driving force of it?

I never said that it removes it. I said this major problem goes unspoken about, and only the dysgenics is talked about. In reality the message of the movie is not to procreate, which is a depopulation agenda. They don't speak badly about the technology because that is something they plan to use.

You can obviously see the technology wasn't made by idiots. So how was such sophisticated technology made to cater to idiots, if everyone smart had already been bred out? The answer is the the technology was made before the majority was stupid, and the result of that technology is the major driving force behind the stupidity. If not for it, the stupid people would have died off. Technology beyond a certain point inhibits natural human selection.

Just create technology that'll make us smarter geez

We need a Kwisatz Haderach now more than ever.

totally agree
this is going to be a major problem in the following decades

yeah let's destroy all technology and go back to being hunter-gatherers who live in grass huts


What was the name of this kind of fallacy again?

Idiocracy's biggest plothole is that somehow everything worked even though it was about idiots living in a futuristic setting.

It was all automated, didn't you read the OP?

it's not a fallacy. it's just taking an argument to its logical conclusion to show that it's a bad argument

"Reductio ad infinitum" is a common fallacy.

Nobody's saying we should take it to it's extreme (not logical, it's not logical to take it to that extreme) conclusion. Taking things to the extreme conclusion is the greatest problem with everything nowadays, really. Even in movies.
Also, I'm pretty sure people here like future shit but aren't okay with extreme automatization, which is all this thread is about. Technological progress can take many forms, you know?

there's not many technological developments that don't cost someone a job

Yeah, no. It was a glaring and very distracting plothole.

in such an automated world machines could very well maintain themselves
we're already getting there

shut up cuck

you say it like it's a bad thing

Except literally nobody was saying we should stop advancing and destroy all technology, you complete and utter idiot.
Thinking about the potential consequences of doing something doesn't mean you want the exact opposite.

There always were dumb people, and will continue to be. Not focusing on technology will help no one. If dumb fucks won't have technology to play around with they will find something else to waste their life on. The smart people that will make new technology will always exist too.

life goes on

The biggest problem with Idiocracy was that it implied it was because of stupid whites the population grew dumb, not the enormous amounts of retarded-IQ shitskins and niggers out there that have been multiplying at unsustainable rates while leeching aid off of first-world countries.

They cast a whole lot Hispanics in minor roles – that might not have been an accident

Yeah, no, but they'd end up dying off. That's how intelligence first came to be, natural selection. In nature the stupid fucks would've just died.

Except it is because of stupid whites europe and america is such a shithole. Guess who's sympathizing with and allowing all the mudslimes and spics to invade?
Bleeding heart white liberals
See some SJW on the news or YT? Color of his or her skin is white always

someone tell Drumpf that the movie wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual!


heh, so mad


The intro is my favorite scene.
The dude bro shit that follows gets old real quick



Yeah that's what I'm talking about. It might be amusing for 5 seconds but that's the entirety of the movie.

In all fairness, Camacho's speech was entertaining.



You missed Faith.


That's the crux of the problem. Spics and niggers are breeding a scary amount cause they don't give a single fuck about the responsibilities or the care of raising a child. They just go on welfare or abandon their kids altogether who grow up to be the same kind of deadbeats.

Whites meanwhile are too scared to have more than one or two kids.

This is where our society is heading if we allow videogames and fake news to exist

Then its over because neither of those things are going away.



White people should continue inventing technology that replaces their usefulness and allows the future slave class to survive without much intelligence.



We just need to get rid of white men. White women are good fucktoys.

You're fucking first.



Bump because this is a semi interesting topic compared to all the braindead cartoon topics

Oy vey, how dare you to talk something bad about a fellow Chaim from the glorious JIDF? One goy, one goyim, it's all about the same, you are all such pests that need to be put in your places!

To me Mike Judge stuff tends to best when it's dry observational humor, not a cynical extended SNL skit

Well if you had have actually looked at the thread you'd have realized it's already derailed and turned to shit.


Religious people are the most fecund so idiocracy should've been incredibly religious or filled with varying cults. There was a study in sweden of birthrates amongst different groups of women, athiests had birthrates of like 1.4 and most, if not all, religious women had a birthrates of 2 or more (even hippie buddhists).


Aside from a near extinction-level event, literally nothing can or will stop technological progress
That would be like doing what the movie wants and trying to tell stupid people to stop fucking, it's just not going to happen

The future's not going to end up like that anyway, it'll be closer to something like the matrix

just stop

Most experts think we'll develop a sentient AI by 2030
Aside from the world being covered in weird eldritch machinery and miscellaneous shit like humans being used as batteries, that's the most outlandish concept in the matrix, and it's going to happen within our lifetimes

I just want to attain immortality.
If it's done through transferring my brain map into data to the "matrix" then so be it

Transhumanist shills go and stay go.


sorry bub, (((Eliezer Yudkowsky))) is not most experts

Strawman fallacy.

Nobody has to shill for transhumanism, it's going to happen anyway
Both because it's easier and less liable to permanently fuck up something than genetic manipulation, and because it'll be the only way to keep up with our computer overlords

Literally who


A quick blow through his wikipedia article mentions nothing about transhumanism, he's just some cuck from california that's involved in science and talks about your friendly neighborhood AI, which is a description that could easily apply to tons of other people
Stop assuming everyone knows who you are, shlomo

People seem to forget that Idiocracy was an implicit defense of eugenics

hue the left one is the best and the right one is new, I like how the anarcho-prims are devolving even further

when are we finally going to get an ancap game and or movie

interestingly the unabomber said the same thing basically in his manifesto, theyre not wrong but it can probably be countered against quite effectively if it is actively combatted, my wager would be that certain shitbags that are big fans of brave new world will always be looking to promote mind melting aspects of technological advancements, they need to be removed