Am shark. Pls send more refugees

Am shark. Pls send more refugees



Come on, what did you expect?

They are trying to lighten the idea. Not gonna work.





I guess Holla Forums is raiding us because they are butthurt at the fact that Bernie has no chance of winning anymore

At least it isn't an Evalion thread.

summer is here

Now that's some shitpostin', right there.


Not summer, just butthurt jews

He hasn't had a chance of winning if Hillary just showed up for weeks.

Speaking of sharks, there's been quite a few attacks in Australia lately.

To be fair, Sharks do adapt to changing hunting grounds somewhat quickly. It isn’t impossible that Sharks learn that some of the Invader routes offer easy pickings and actually start to circle them.

It only takes one Shark (like OP) to come across all the commission and happen to eat someone and then others will come and a feeding ground is established.

I am basing all of this on documentaries and half remembered articles but maybe a Marine user could confirm that this is at least half accurate.

Masterful shitpost.

I don't know what you're shilling, but you did make me smile out loud.


you mean to tell us that
if someone baits the seas on the boats routes, we can get real sharks to troll the refugees?

I am merely pointing out that to a shark there isn’t any difference between an invader and a seal.

Great white shark

Best thread in the history of Holla Forums


Essentially the same argument when the White race is compared to third world negroids.


post on cragislist




That's shitpostin' right there.
also have a upboat for you, my friend.