
This reminds me of the interview with Jesse Hughes the front man for the Eagles of Death Metal. When he said he suspects the security was in on the Bataclan attack. For example 6 security members didn't even show up, and the ones that did acted very strange according to him.

The Euro 2016 tournament is being held in France and starts in less than a week, on June 10.




This is also your reminder that if something happens during the tournament it could have implications for the Brexit vote. Which occurs about two weeks after the start of the tournament

They probably all said something bad about refugees on Facebook once. Everyone knows mudshits just leech off welfare and don't actually get jobs.

Security staff outside building with a G36, no magazine, and an empty chamber indicator shoved in front of the bolt.


How many more innocents have to die before regressives stop their insanity? How much blood on their hands is it going to take?

When a country actively supports slaughter of their own people.
Welcome to the EUSSR.

Brexit now, rest of the EU follows. Hopefully they don't get violent.


Oh wait I forgot that also since its about hiring muslims to security posts

I guess Germany is also asking for a terrorist attack

whatever amount you give to regressives it isn't enough for them.


my money's on a bunch of Antifaggots who cried discrimination and how the left is pure and just

It's like the UEFA want it to happen

Would not be surprised if uefa contracted a:

Anyone find evidence on this?


Which is why it won't. Any new attack will mean Brexit succeeds. Even if something does happen, how can they even spin it to be pro-EU? The criminals are only caught because of EU security teams and police? MUH SOLIDARITY? I can't see an attack playing to (((their))) favour.


Odinson is trying to warn us!

That's what they say.

They also like to pretend we need the EU to do things like extradite criminals or share information about terrorists and impending attacks with other foreign agencies. I don't think people fall for it though.


from a friend working in security, these cops actually do have loaded mags in their pocket, and they are allowed to get dangerous when they recieve an alert
they are unloaded in case a pack of some trrrist morons tries to jump them to steal their weapons, and because big meanie fully tactical nuclear assault bayonet pitbull with starlight laser and flash initiator assault AK47 Glock AR-15 weapons scare the shit of the libruls in the reassuring-things-to-tell-to-the-children ministry

That's my point. I can't see how any attack during, football no less, is meant to aid Brexit, which is why nothing will happen.



Holy shit, this must be a sign from the Gods

82+82 = 164

1+6+4 = 11

11 is a significant number in the occult but I can't remember what it means and/or relates to.

not sure, the islamist morons have amply proven they are barely controled by their handlers as well as tremendously incompetent at anything else than being barbarians
remember the poison gas fiasco? they had a whole bunch of fresh jew poison cans brand new from lybia pillaging, and instead of being smart with them they sploded their own dudes while proving they tried to do a false flag
a large kaffir target may prove irresistible to some jihadist who doesn't give a fuck about brexit and couldn't find brexit on a map


Maybe they started hiring far-right people to security teams because they figure they won't have any hesitation shooting terrorists? Right guys? Right?

Yeah they probably hired Muslims again…

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if their firing pins were back at base.

What would happen if all 82 were to suicide bomb?

Armed and dangerous
The alpha and omega
Isis and Osiris

in simple gemetria

I don't think you understand how racist it would be to shoot a proud poc of colour user. violence is part of their religion and culture.

I just swap the term progressive with regressive, because it pisses them off.

It will never be enough because it hasn't happened to them personally.

Even then, a beat down by mudslimes and niggers might not even knock sense into these cucks. They may just stand up and ask for more while condemning themselves and offering their women to get violently raped while praising the barbarians.

Good job, France.

Then maybe some retards in the left will see what's going on

Can't be too sure though since they've gone up to now blind to the obvious


Do you know what date it is tomorrow?


What are the minimum requirements for getting on that list?

saying mean things on twitter

And it's accurate!

Progressive is accurate too, because cancer is progressive.

I was going to say the same thing but you beat me to it.




Until it becomes terminal, look at Brazil.

6/6. 6th of June.
2016 = 666+666+666+6+6+6= 2016

Fuck off burger
And stick your snobbery up your ass
Football fans are the ones who fight when it comes time to get things done.
In europe, the loudest voices against our ethnic cleansing are the football fans, and it will be their blood in the streets before this is over.
So fuck you faggot.

EDL running in fear

Nice ring, user. Where did you get it?

Isn't EDL controlled opposition ran by kikes?

Top kek, there will defenitely be a habbenin

Those "innocents" were the ones wanting refugees into their countries anyway so I don't give a fuck anymore



Exactly. That's probably why they actually outed these guys this time. It's too close to the Brexit vote. They had to actually combat terrorism for once, solely to save face.


Yes, they were.

the answer is, and always will be the same

I actually kind of can't wait.
It's going to be a fun ride.

you don't understand

animals fight with each other to survive

the urge to struggle is the urge to live

regressives/progressives (stop being a faggot they are the same) are pure altruists

the urge to give everything to another is the urge to die. thats why death for another is the ultimate sacrifice.

they want to sacrifice whites so that others may prosper, like a cultural Christ. they think they are athiests but they are christians through and through.


regressive is another name for progressives, we use the term regressive left for a reason

In fact if they really wanted security, ban anyone with brown skin from coming within a 10 mile radius of the stadium.

I see Palestinians on videos grab the gun of IDF soldiers and the mudslime gets a 30 round spray. Why is Europe so cucked.

You'd still have antifa cucks and other commies to worry about.

Correct, EDL was controlled op. and the britbongs ate it up because the majority of brits agreed with a large part of the sentiment the EDL put forth.

The NA is to cowardly to show their faces. I have not seen a leader in their mids. Instead of doing a PEGIDA where they organize citizens to come into action with protests and to build a strong movement. They stand around with Hitler flags showing their true power level to normies with masked faces. You might as well call this a FBI honeypot who did the exact same thing with the KKK, they went full retard.

This has already tainted the NA as an organization. Good luck actually red pilling people. They made the job of the progressives even easier as they can now yell see racism still exist, those damn EBIL NAZI'S!!!! Just because you are awake, do not count on the sheep being awake as well. Their indoctrination is set against u and u must slowly tear down their walls. You can't say the holocaust never happened, they have been told from childhood that it did happen. This mental conditioning isn't removed when u simply state it's nonsense. The jew is behind most of this, even if u show them the proof of the think tanks involvement with EU policy being mostly composed by jews it's not going to convert people. It's a slow process. It's true that NA is doing something, but it's certainly not helping whatsoever.

The leader of EDL got cucked hard as he wanted to make fast change. But what people fail to realize is that a movement needs time to grow. The current climate is perfect for growth as there are constant happening outrages. We even use the outrages from other EU countries to redpill none english speaking people. The EDL leader became socially ostracized. While plenty of people supported the leader of the EDL he turned to people. Many argue he was controlled OP from the start. I beg to differ, he started on facebook from his bedroom and it grew into an entire movement, dissident agents joined along the way to do exactly that, destroy it from within. He was encouraged to talk to certain organizations and that lead to the whole controlled OP.

But again, there is a start contrast between sitting behind your computer and having a edgy opinion then actually grabbing your nations flag and walking through the street in protest with your fellow Kameraden. This act alone, which i have been thanked for by random passerby's, shows and demonstrates to people that they are not alone, that what they see on their TV is not what the majority believe.

Last week in my country, the organization for refugees stated that some local county's are loaning up to 3500 euro to migrants but the majority are giving away up to 12.500 euro for free to these welfare seekers as a one time handout. But the county's are giving away on average 8000 euro's.

When this news leaked hit the front page, 520 people joined our movement in a single day in the Netherlands. We are considered right wing extremists by the government and terrorists. While before we had a few a week. We continue to see huge spikes when outrage occurs.

Again, a movement needs time to grow, when people actually make the step to sign up, put their actual names down and be a part of it, they are in it for life. It took Hitler 14 years to become the democratically elected majority.

I've seen people here try to organize shit on /meadhall/ but it's all just banter in a bar and creating consensus. They would never publicly state their opinion and sit behind a computer spouting their bullshit in their containment website. Seriously, the liveleak comment section has more success in redpilling people then Holla Forums has as it frequently has liberals and progressives who join who either fuck off back to plebbit or convert.


It's completely surreal at this point.

It's almost as if the cucks are just suicidal and want everyone else to die with them.

All of them have to die

That's really the only configuration a G36 should ever be in, aside from the part where it should be in the H&K storage facility and not bought by anyone ever. Piece of shit fishgun.

A real man uses a real rifle.

What? No babby crushing collapsible stock? No radiation-spewing triggercon sights? Terrorists need to step up their /k/.

They have to keep their bolt assemblies safely locked away in their safes at home. Don't wanna scare the soccer moms.

Excellent post, puts a good insight how a functional movement should organize and operate. The redpilling is a slow and risky process that requires patience and awareness to succeed.

Is that picture real? It looks both terrifying and kinda funny in some twisted way. What's the story behind it?

probably because the 30 rounds spray is only likely to hit Palestinians
western (((democracies))) are way more careful about their voters, cops are hesitant to imitate NYC police with 92/93 miss on a robber, and people would be pissed if somebody got hurt if a refugee shot with the weapon he stole from a cop?

Great post. I wish you luck in the Netherlands

Meme that it would be racist and xenophobic to fire them.
The cucks will swallow it up more than bull cum.

Is it a Jew owned security company?

Huh, "terminals" doesn't sound too memey.

I feel like we're on to something, but I haven't slept so it might also be that.

Did they at least get fired?

You know the answer to that

You just don't get it do you? the r-selected people of Europe want nothing less than competition for survival to disappear, they don't give a fuck how many people have to die to achieve it because random predation is part of their ideal system.

yeah. it's from a propaganda video about their sex slave markets. he's smiling because they just tied the knot.

It's actually from a children's Quran memorization contest run by ISIS, the girl is crying because she messed up.


The number 11 is the number of destruction and judgment and the death of man

Wow, it's almost like they WANT a terrorist incident to take place.

Wow, that's some amazing accuracy, were they trying to hire terrorists?

Did they recruit from the watchlist?

Did the recruiter have access to the terrorist watchlist?

I haven't seen if those 82 people were fired yet either

Or if they hired more?


Even if something happens, they are quick to use the (((man planning attacks caught in Ukraine)))) to prove that ebul nazis can be terrorists too!



Naturally. Its like the Euro leaders just want to fuck shit up.