Sunday 5 June 2016 05.00 EDT Last modified on Sunday 5 June 2016 05.45 EDT
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JK Rowling has revealed her frustration at online reaction by “a bunch of racists” to news that the role of Hermione will be played by a black actress in the eagerly awaited new play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
I'm guessing another spam thread by Evalion shills
Henry Lewis
Carson Scott
Let me know when we can make Black Panther a Boer.
Or Nick Fury a white guy again.
Or when the Dark Tower movie has a white hero and a racist black bitch, instead of a black hero and a racist white bitch like they're changing it to.
Or when I don't have to watch Green Lantern, Jimmy Olsen, and god know how many other white fiction characters get Niggerized by Jews in the name of their twisted ideology.
Until any of this happens, fuck anyone who only thinks it's ever OK to get rid of white men and no one else.
Also, Rowling confirmed that Hufflepuff students like to have group jerk-off parties in their dorms so she's obviously degenerate.
Jacob Russell
Slide thread
Brody Morgan
JK rowling is a hack with no backbone trying to change her earlier works for brownie points. This push to change earlier works is seen in all kinds of media these days, if they comply we know who is a faggot and who isnt.
Carson Morales
We wuz smart witches an sheeit.
Jonathan Sanders
Why didn't Voldemort just use that to fuck with people? There's no worse fate in the world than turning into a nigger.
Brody Thompson
They never learn that pushing it to hard will destroy what they have built.
People see Hermione as milky-white.
Brandon Carter
I think we need to make "blackwashing" trending on twitter
Easton Morgan
i hadn't thought about that. is it confirmed?
Brayden Howard
You're kidding me. They're making Susannah a racist white woman?
I'd heard about Edris Elba. This puts the whole thing in the trash for me.
An epic series totally and completely fucked by Hollywood.
Thanks, Kikes.
Tyler Ward
Another day. Another Shoah.
Josiah Cook
There are few things that get people as riled up as stomping on their waifus, pic hilariously related. A LOT of young people had a thing for Hermione, with her being intelligent, hardworking, good-looking, approachable and loyal, traits everyone would want in a girlfriend. And now they're turning her into a fugly nigress, which almost everyone will see as defilement. This is excellent ammo and will cause a massive shitstorm if we whip it up a bit.
Brayden Hughes
I'm keeping this one, user.
Connor Anderson
Jace Johnson
Proof they need us more than we need them. POC are so fucking hollow whites have to write for them.
Landon Reed
what a batty cunt
Dominic Gonzalez
Notice how the SJW responds. Typical. They can be misogynists because they're on The Right Side of History TM.
Caleb Gray
Media is important.
If it wasn't the Jews wouldn't be investing 99% of their effort into ti.
Tyler Diaz
I don't even think they understand just how racist they're being.
Connor Martinez
finally a reason to post this
Matthew Jenkins
It's "nigga", not "nigger"…
Brayden Morgan
Casting an Arab or even a refugee would be more relevant to current events. Maybe she could turn one of the following into a invisibility cloak because of the religious purpose of the clothing .
Perhaps the backstory is that the character wanted to hide from her abusive father,and her wicked mother who wanted to force female circumcision on her.
Now that I think about it, this would make for a more interesting twist to the Harry Potter Character because of his family.
Asher Anderson
Parental abuse and female genital mutilation are both integral parts of Islamic culture. I can't believe someone would even suggest that in [current year]. I can't even, I mean, wow, just wow, I can't even.
Aiden Parker
Diversity truly does mean chasing down the last white, doesn't it? I thought that was a meme.
Michael King
Then you’re a retard.
Jose Brown
I’m guessing you should kill yourself.
I am, however, perfectly willing to defile the visage of Emma Watson, as she has become a feminist. Fakes all around!
Jordan Miller
Reminder if you're a male that liked 'Arry Potter, then you're damaged goods anyway.
Easton Perez
I'll be 93 years old in 2076. I actually hope I die earlier the way this shit is going.
Gavin Scott
That must be a pretty good polyjews potion Hermoine has going on if she can retain a subhuman form longer than several hours.
What the fuck is wrong with this world? How did it get THIS bad?
Gavin Price
they also have to push in the niggest looking nogs
Ayden Gomez
Lincoln Reyes
Asher Cruz
Well, they are pushing for bestiality rights. :^)L
Gabriel Russell
I don't know what's worse, adults enjoying Harry Potter fantasy or adults expecting JK Rowling not to be anti-white cuck.
Angel Diaz
Is that a joke article? I can't tell.
Josiah Wright
We all did, at first.
Bentley Brown
College Humor
Christopher Gonzalez
This makes no sense.
If she's really such a huge cuck, why not just write a new story about a super special snowflake nigger magician instead of a clumsy retcon that destroys the story at worst (and at best still makes it incredibly awkward) that made you a fortune in the first place.
What a dumb hooker.
Liam Brooks
@pic: she looks a little old to be in a school for kids, doesn't she?
Kevin Ramirez
Seems to be fake.
Kayden Hernandez
yawn, I thought this was 2016 and not 2008? it would be more progressive if they changed Hermione into a TRANSMAN!
Liam Powell
Parker Myers
Of course black Jimmy gets that super pussy too. Poor ole mc redhead didn't stand a chance, but obviously a big black bull gets that super pussy wet yo.
And the writters?
Is anyone honestly surprised?
Alexander Rodriguez
This. I want a buzzcut white Nick Fury and all of the Norse gods to be WHITE. There are already nigger characters; stop blacking up the white ones.
Tyler Moore
Is Rowling a cryptokike?
Jack Gonzalez
Because no one cares about her books if they don't have the harry potter label attached
Michael Turner
In the U.S., that's usually a Jywysh name.
Joshua Sanders
Drown yourself in semen.
Jayden Miller
No matter how many times I read that I can still only feel hot hatred for the man who did this.
are you fucking retarded? of course they know, it's about removing white icons from the media, next thing is removing whites from history, some of that already started but it's going to increase in the coming years
it's a targeted and deliberate campaign designed to exterminate whites
Cooper Nguyen
Eat shit, kike.
Gabriel Morris
Oh, we're already on it, stormderp.
Brandon Wood
Whoops, forgot my Maddow! Here's two to compensate.
Jason Parker
Obviously Hermione is the cursed child. Her white skin was cursed by the Wizard of Bix Nood. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Thomas Mitchell
Nice command of the English language, Mrs Author. Maybe she was trying to be down with the kids by copying the "Haters gonna hate" meme that we lost to the normies.