I've been contributing anonymously to Holla Forums for awhile and decided to start donating music to the cause.
I've created and released this theme that can be used under the creative commons license. I will take requests for the various video projects needing music, I have a pretty big back catalog of tunes.
It is an untapped genre that never made it past the 90's because of the degredation of White culture into the 00's. It hits any Aryan/European on a deep level for some reason and is a genre that is very much our own.
Kayden Gomez
Bumping because the image and music are fitting and a lot better than what we have now.
Replace original board sticky image plz.
Hunter Johnson
What's it called?
Camden Harris
Id love an extended version.
Ethan Morales
Never found out. Been looking since 2008 when I was 16 and even before then, my whole life that melody of a tranquil long chord in the background always set me up in higher mind, almost hypnotic.
It is an 'aesthetic' that is very European to me and I can see it's revival should Trump win and we continue rejuvinating ourselves.
It's the same the music you hear in movies like Ace Ventura, but that's more guitar than electronic ambient.
Landon Perry
It might take awhile to write and record, but will definately give it a shot.
Bentley Turner
Dylan Gomez
Thanks musicalfag.
Sounds kind of Chinese.
We need good OC music though because people keep using copyrighted music in videos.
Owen Brooks
Musically illiterate here, what is it specifically that stands out to you? That sort of drone inbetween the beats and melody?
Also how about some user do instrumental covers of patriotic classics, with contemporary instruments? Like Johnny Comes Marching Home, Erika, Rule Britannia, and so on.
Charles Clark
It does have that chinese orchestral sound. It wasn't intentional though. My goal was to make something that sounded like the Queen soundtrack for Flash Gordon. My vision for its usage was a quick little shot of the logo with the music and then the video starts. Like an official state seal or something.
Julian Barnes
Yeah i'm musically illiterate, so I struggle explaining what I mean.
It's the drone in the background that raises it's pitch higher and lower. I'm not a big drum guy, but it's okay.
It's just that chord in the background that literally has an intense inpact on me. I think it is why (((they))) use it negatively for (((documentaries))) to lull and hypnotise Whites into opening up there mind and feeding them (((globalism))).
Just as it was used negatively, it can be done postitively. Just take pics related for an exaple and see the beauty (inb4 homo) between them and how at the deepest level both spiritually and primitively/sexually they are to be together eternally.
Kind of like how the Third Reich might have made films about Aryans together? It's hard to explain as *no one* has done it, but only by mistake.
Classical music is great, but the genre i'm talking about it trascends even classical.
Ian Cooper
I was referring to myself, I didn't mean to imply you were, but alright.
I think I see what you mean, though I'm not sure if I notice it or feel the same way you do. I'll listen to it again later.
Lucas Phillips
More bass, make it sound more like Wagner.
Wyatt Long
I have always considered Holla Forums more like…
Dylan Harris
Oh like this?
Evan Hall
or this one I guess
Jose Cooper
Yes, but not so Chinese. More dystopian, kind of like the antithesis of what Holla Forums really wants, at least in my limited understanding of Holla Forums
Oliver Green
The Horst Wessel Lied is our theme
Logan Turner
Oh I know you mean not so Chinese. Those logos just play before government made Chinese films. So instead of the dragon, the Holla Forums eagle, and the song.
Joshua Bell
That sounds like a gathering storm, very cool. Unfortunately my equipment and abilities are not up to that level of awesomeness.
Lincoln Gray
Somewhat reminiscent of vaporwave.
Anthony Jones
Michael Perry
OP here, had to reboot and lost my ID. Here is the webm
Lucas Cooper
Yeah, I know I was just stating it as well.
It's a trippy feel that casts your imagination well away from this reality. Very deep and clarifying.
Holla Forums is many things and yours is one of them indeed. I guess I just find the jews are scared when I feel more at home with that trance like feel as it keeps focused on the path.
But we need powerful music as well, as not to get caught dreaming too much!
Ryan Collins
Thanks musicfag. Aside from music for propaganda videos we also need to start pushing redpilled music which can influence the youth. Music genres which appeal less to the avg Holla Forumsack but to normies like rap and mainstream pop music.
Jack Lewis
yup. sounds kinda like a chinkish take on "Hail to the Chief"
nice effort though OP
Cooper Perry
Just stopping by to let you know that eagle's head is backwards. All national eagles face to the left except for the double-headed ones.
Xavier Jones
Joseph Gutierrez
James Lee
Intro sounds almost Chinese, heavy metal part has no tune or cadence. Sorry to break it to you OP, but this is Jew-tier crap.
Nolan Price
Music we could push into mainstream media. Moonman has his place.
Works everytime in modern pop culture. Their channel is a goldmine for this, they just lack on promotion and production quality.
Luke Jenkins
Maybe you're right, I but I don't believe that any non-kosher music(or any other content) will be accepted in mainstream media. Most (if not all) music labels are owned by jews and shabbos goyim, which is why music industry is shilled to hell with degeneracy.
Caleb Flores
I like the concept, instrument choice and what not, but the melody kind of come off with a hint of patriotic chink, and the midi sound is a bit off-putting. All that aside, you're on to something with this I think. Have a bump m8
Logan White
I see your point. But we have youtube and several music platforms to spread music. When they start banning it the streisand effect might even accelerate the spread.
You have to work within the limits ofc. Not use preloaded terms like "jew" or "nazi" but refer to those as rabbis/people with koscher thoughts or patriots for example.
Christian Hughes
Akira Yamaoka's silent hill soundtracks from the 00s sound like this, but better.
I also think New Retro Wave and Vaporwave are nice music for both internal and external Holla Forumsack propaganda.
Jackson Rogers
We've basically claimed Martial Industrial as a fascist genre already
Vid somewhat related
Connor Gomez
that logo is reversed. why are we turning the logo backward? that's sissy shit
Alexander Stewart
I took the liberty to reverse the eagle's head direction.
The theme is a bit out there, hectic maybe, but a good draft.
Carson Sanchez
Alexander Cook
Hmm. Why not? I guess the reversed eagle head works fine
Dylan Mitchell
You're 14 aren't you?
Ryder Diaz
The eagle needs to face forwards, so that's the left on a traditional flag.
Heraldry is important when soldiers are wearing it. Imagine they fucked up and all your eagle shit is looking to retreat.
Luis Cox
why would it half to be facing backwards?
Asher Hill
Easton Turner
seriously. your work is really good, but it should face the other way. I've never seen them face that way.
also, in my personal opinion the white modified swastika should be flipped as well, but that's another argument
Justin Anderson
how autistic would it be to make this my kikebook cover photo?
Michael Gonzalez
I think thats called Downtempo
Oliver Lee
Okay. I'll try and fix that now The swastika is supposed to be turning in that direction. Go look at the Nazi flag.
Justin Nelson
I'm just old.
Josiah Richardson
Jason Anderson
looking good goy
Dylan Morris
maybe we're not understanding each other. I'm saying it should go this way, but maybe I'm looking at it wrongly. I'm not very artistic or good at symbols
Colton Harris
oh, wait. there's a little swastika in the negative?
Chase Carter
oooh. I thought you were referring to the first one with the actual swastika.
is Holla Forumss knot. I didn't make it myself. Some user a few months ago made a unique Holla Forums symbol to be "our" swastika. I don't think it was actually meant to have a genuine swastika hidden inside it. Nice work finding it though
Easton Edwards
I could dig this as a flag tbh.
Bentley Allen
well, if you look at the black part, i just think it should be turned this way rather than this way
But, if we're looking at the negative, and trying to create a hidden swastika, then the other way is cool
Ryder Moore
Jacob Evans
except the swastika is supposed to be facing in that direction. The arms are supposed to be turning clockwise. Take a look at an actual nazi flag
depends if you want to start a nationalist paramilitary force, if that's what you want to do then be free to do so, if not then don't do it because that will be plain autism.
Sebastian Allen
SHHHHHHHHH, they're listening
Logan Campbell
Josiah Reyes
The bird in these is looking to its right
Matthew Morris
Keep wishing this board wasn't a honeypot/hugbox for children and insignificant neets. It won't change the fact that you're all quite fucked.
there was this one guy on kiketube. but his shit got taken down. here is a archive: archive.org/details/RWDSE
Aaron Wilson
Grayson Mitchell
David Gutierrez
OP here, this is another 1:30 track for videos that I'm releasing with the creative commons license. It's a menacing scary kind of background music that could be used for Holla Forums videos or whatever.
btw, my idea is to use that music for a clip of something sinister or menacing happening, not the logo. Just did for simple demo purpose.
Jace Rodriguez
The genre is called ==FUTUREFASC== and it's art.
Cooper Cox
Its more Futurefasc because it doesn't Promote Communism (marxism)
Mason Powell
I thought this was our theme already.
James Moore
The symbol is the way it is for many good reasons, these are just two. You being to retarded to get it doesn't mean it has to be changed.
Anthony Cook
I am also musically illiterate but i think the word you may be looking for is chord progression. Can anh user confirm?
Joshua Rodriguez
I think the Fasces symbol would look better if the bands holding the sticks together were highlighted as white.
Charles Ward
White Nationalists saving the White Race with internet birds and swastikas.
Angel Powell
Maybe stuff like this? Some silent hill music has got the feeling like in the Parasite Eve music.
Robert Thompson
Way, way to fucking asian in sound.
Isaac Foster
maybe a little dark
Henry Rogers
Nice work, wish I studied music a little more back in the day when I had time so I could contribute. Life is full of regrets.
Gavin Nguyen
This album is Aphex Twin's most ambient album. Not his typical manic style, but a fantastic fucking album.
If you want more stuff like this, "ambient" is the name of the music genre you're looking for. Cheers, mates!
Anthony Morales
holy shit, you're a retarded nigger
Zachary Bailey
I always considered Martial Industrial to be the "Holla Forums genre"
David Mitchell
nice vid
Samuel Cooper
I fucking love it, thanks user.
Nathan Baker
Where do I actually find music of this genre?
Asher King
The actual name of the genre is Future Funk. Similar to it is Vaporwave.
Jaxson Carter
Number one, my companion with a suspicious number, we'd need a text and a melody, after that, number two, we can assemble manly vikings, or other similarly manly men, to sing said chant.
Cooper Watson
Holy fuck. Awesome, OP.
Maybe build the whole song, and we can use it as our board anthem in the next vidya soccer cup.
Charles Bailey
It certainly gives off feelings of struggle and hardships.
Jeremiah Garcia
it has its roots in 80s italopop, that's why it sounds so retro.
Adrian Parker
thanks based user
maybe this will end the "oops our video masterpiece got taken down by the copyright jews" thing we've had
Lincoln Sanders
It's called melodic ambient, or just straight up ambient, whichever you prefer.