So b wear being raided by this bunny faggots i suggest we destroy their board
Other urls found in this thread:
They tried to get the 6222222 get but they failed. lel
so what do you think we should do?
This. Limit Holla Forums to one cyclical thread until the spam wave is over.
lets flood there board with gore
There is nothing we can do, this is why we have mods.
i cant believe this faggot think b is their back yard pony ,pol, int. fuck this guys. i want to go kamikaze and ddos 8
just filter them all and pretend nothing happened
What board is that? Do you know?
Well established raid thread or GTFO.
let’s keep this on top so we can organize
This TBH fam
Well, how? I wish we could revenge
no i don’t but we can destroy all that mighty be related.
So everyone on the internet?
let go check out some other boards to do recon maybe we can find out who is behind this shit
I wish we could do revenge, but we don't even know who it is. It might be some nazi trying to vilify ponyfaggot degenerates, It might be some ponyfaggot degenerate trying to punish the board for being called degenerate. It might be any board.
yeah i know im doing recon something gotte give
they managed to get my thread on stone floors pruned. fuckkkkkkkkk
You found who doing it
fuck you so what do we do is every body cool is a ddoss whole 8 just to fuck with them
All this spamming made me realize something.
This is the thing i like with Holla Forums. There's a whole shitton of spam coming out of nowhere and we don't instantly jump to conclusion that "Its the JIDF!".
All of us are aware of that it might literally be anyone , it might even be some retarded autist just doing it for giggles. If this was Holla Forums people would instantly scream It's ANTI-FA its FBI, its whatever. The reality is, we don't know who is behind the spam, and I love that we are admitting it.
yup who would say from the chaos of b we are the enlighten ones
Holla Forumsros
i dont think it poll there to busy with there trump ,hilary shit
post screenshot
Fcuk you, I can't im on tor. Tell jim to stop being a pussy and allow users on tor to create threads and post files. This is why librechan is so much better. Also, its librechan doing it possibly lol.
It's a false flag, the board has 16 posts and 2 active users. Someone if trying to turn h8chan and librechan against eachother.
Nice discovery.
Wasn't claiming it had to be, only thought it might be interesting.
I've searched all over, checking every int board name and Holla Forums, along with occasionally a few others, on Librechan, Holla Forums.pl, Endchan, and here.
Nothing of any merit, although I did discover a "sizeable" community at 8ch.pl/inth/ that we could torment.
it could be halfchan but im not sure beacuse i alway browse both
I seriously doubt it originates on any chan, 4chan bans for talking about raids and every other chan in smaller than use and wouldn't want to risk attracting normalfags the way we have.
I'm thinking this is just some culmarx group that hates free speech and is trying to turn us and librechan against eachother.
I am (You) but not the others.
I am the Holla Forumsro that posted the librenchan thread. I post at librechan all the time. I am not trying to turn anyone against anyone. I saw a screenshot of that thread on earlier spam, I found it. and put it here for you guys to discuss. there is clearly not any organizing for raid going on there, but a dicussion.
Could be false flag. I thought it might have been failed recruit.
I believe you. I was shaky on that one anyways.
I feel like you're trying to throw us off the trail.
do we have a mole?
You can feel whatever you want but I find I get my best results by thinking.
ok faggots so what do we do?
Please tell me , which chan would it be the most unlikely to find this on??
do we take out all the chans for a while and reddit for the lulz?
Well, tbh his raid is pretty pointless. Because even if he manages to purge all the threads, they will still manage to come back to life eventually. People won't quit entire 8ch just because he raided one single board.
And as a matter of fact, just by reloading the page and creating new threads, he's just increasing the Alexa Rank for 8ch.
So in either way, he will lose in the end. LEL.
it would be like a nuke but nobody would know it was us beacuse we also took 8 down
If you are doing to try and discredit me at least make a counter argument or it's too easy through you.
Not to mention that Holla Forums isn't even the only random board here.
stop figthing were like the stormfags a least when they in figth they organize until they reach there goal
Searching Tumbler for Holla Forums , b , or raid and sorting by most recent gives non-sense. Suspicion is not tumbler
They attack known enemies to their beliefs and I support that tactic because it works.
So instead of wasting time trying to find who is doing this why don't we just attack those who are counter to our beliefs?
I'm pretty sure most of us support free speech so lets target those that are trying to kill free speech.
I suggest the Operation Google Raid Then!
Ok, we are going to need LOIC on our PCs and phones for this one.
well duds don’t lie pol and left pol are fucking going crazy banning every one who doesn’t believe there shit
Already have it but if you send the pings to fast the server will recognize the attack
The only thing we could do is to take down someone random for lols and hope it was the right group.
It's a joke dub dubs, also that can be countered by using 7 proxies
Nah. Just make the word google a racial slur. Start posting on #GoogleHangouts and #DumbGoogles #GoogleRiots on twitter, tumbler etc. Start calling People Googles.
Destroy Brand value of fortune 500 company. Epic.
But also. WE IZ LEGION
the google thing is a pretty good idea im gonne use it from now on fuck you massive google
I like this idea but with a twist. Before Google was a company "googling" a girl meant perving at her, given that the internet is for porn and the name of the biggest search engine is a slang term for eye rape we could turn feminists against google.
We should do this.
It was google all along.
Thread is getting epic. #GoogleRiots
ok, well how do we proceed now
We need to stop googles spam everywhere.
Pepe starts using google as a racial slur, the mainstream media will them spread it for us in their campaign against the "alt right".
lets star working post result of what we have done twiater accounts tumblr ect. Post links then shekels
Right, but how can we properly use google as an insult, it has to be designed in such a way that it can provide some utility and not just be some edgy nonsense.
It's way too early to act, we need a coherent plan first.
/s/Nigger/Google .
Start calling Googles Googles. Let them firgure it out. They will dats RAYCIST.
Do it until hilarity ensues.
Post on news articles on internet, on tumblr, on twitter.
Instead of making google a slur could we have racist pepe support google for being pro white nationalism?
Is there anything on google that could make them seem racist in any way?
so let’s through ideas around
All they've done is purged the board of all the dusty and dead threads that 12 year old """""""trolls"""""""""""" keep bumping. You can't shit up the lowest quality board on the shit.
A raid on Holla Forums is as much of a raid, as shitting in a garbage dump is vandalism.
fuck off faggot
No one will believe it.
If you convice people google = nigger than maybe later you can convince them it always ment that, that it was used that way at founders college or sum shit.
Enjoy being associated to a google crash faggot. KEK.
nigger what?
nigga hush
we have no proof it's them, plus destroying their board will make them all over the place if it's them.
come up with a plan.
Can't we just use google as a synonym to the verb "Corrupt" for example:
"Wow, this company sure got googled" as in
"Wow, this company sure got corrupted"
Then we can use it as a form of "diversity corruption". Attack the lefties and google with the same stone.
Definition of googled: "Corrupted by diversity", Corrupt, Corrupt due to african american employment, corrupt due to riots, become tyrannical globalism, become draconian diversity, Googlism, google cancer, Google Secret Police, Google Private investigator.
The thread has been derailed, we are now planning on how to hurt google as they are a major enemy of freedom.
Keep spamming niggers
Older than 24 hours = it's gotta go.
Nah. Racism is cancer to normies. Corruption isn't.
If you want to create damage associate with racism, those googles will be triggered.
look at what this faggots said about us. they bundle all of together
We know google gives different results depending on location so all we need to do is find something that can appear racist as a side effect of this.
eg. searching psychology in Niger give you "psychology is fake" thus google is keeping the black man down.
That doesn't really work. Remember "white man stole my car"? It just gets "corrected" and then no one really give a shit.
Yeah good point.
I've go to go soon but I'll make a thread dedicated to this later is this one is dead. We need to come up with a solid plan and get this going.
Ohh I am for fucking with google but they are so powerful on the internet.our best bet is in real life.
it's the pony niggers or the same people that raided us with that queer's face pic that had the 2030 text in it.
so what we do is raid all pony boards, simple
nigger, nobody reads cracked
We took down gawker and we can take down them too. Tell the cracked faggots to stop being uppedy niggers.
Before Google Existed, Larry Page was at Standford, where "Google" was used by elite white surpremecist students as a racial slur.
He named his company Google as a joke and the company grew to fast for him to change it.
No, google caused all the spam, they must pay.
We are looking at corrupting the meaning of "google" to something distasteful to normalfags to ruin their branding.
It's very early days and we have a lot of details to sort out but it might knock a couple of % off their stock which is always good for a laugh.
Ignore retards like , that fail to understand how this shit works.
somebody please explain the path of logic they used to figure out it is google doing this
pic unrelated
Start reading at , no one thinks google is responsible just that they are a more valid target than some horsefuckers spamming Holla Forums.
Michan is more racist.
Larry Page was head of Eta Kappa Nu , which had a no nigger policy. In order to be discrete they used the non-sense word "Google" to refer to niggers. When larry page needed a company name in a pinch, he choose google as a joke, but the company grew to fast for him to change the name. Now he is trying to rebrand to alphabet cover up his racism. Don't let the nazi racist white supremecist cis scum get away with it!
They are too big and too anchored for that to work.
our best bet is to fuck with them irl, via trolling phonelines, sending pizzas,boxes,RLT…etc
Observe how the spamming stopped once we started accusing Google.
This confirms it was google.
This is retarded. Sending Google pizzas? GTFO
The most valuable thing they have is the easist thing for us to touch. their brand name, you fucking google.
yes sending pizzas to their offices, it will annoy them, how is it easy to rebrand fuckin google when billions all over the world is using it?
What are we trying to achieve here?
I might be a retard though, explain to me your plan.
don't get me wrong, Id love to deface google on twitter and reddit until being google or googlet is valid insult, but I ant payback for this pony degeneracy going on right now
At the very least, it will annoy the normies, so it's worth it for that i guess. At minimum, we get more funtarded articles to laugh at like the pepe ones.
There are large well funded groups that are extreme enough to go after NASA over a T-shirt and force NASA to make public statements over a fucking T-shirt.
We just need to find a way to turn these people on google.
What can we do? Spam them back? There is no lols to be had in some tit for tat spamming.
memetic warefare. Holla Forums has done epic shit before like convincing hottopic memes are racist. Why not now ?
Who cares if you piss off a single google office manager?
Epicically convincing the world
would be lulz.
Its not payback. Who ever hates Holla Forums problem doesn't want to see Holla Forums win the internet through. If spam results in win they will probably never do it again.
Googles crimes must be known. We must spread the information of their crimes all over 8ch.
I see. Very simple then, google +, youtube, reddit /yt/ are valid targets. Just start spamming trending video comment sections with nazi propaganda, #GoogleSuppotsTrump/Hillary, falsehoods with #google in them and watch the end come
Someone create a fake Eta Capa Nu student group and lets all post google memes but keep it small. Then publish story. and let people start discovering it.
i vote this, shitloads of potential
for starters let's destroy this comment section
Then we use twitter facebook…etc making normies our pawns.
ok then, you have my sword.
tbh this fam
I'm not raiding with nazi propaganda, fuck off.
ahaha I fucking love it when they're triggered so hard by the reality of people's opinions they have to pretend they're not here.
Dumping Gore is somehow more favorable to you ?
That was me
My board is Holla Forums
Dthis sounds great. Gonna see if we are getting anything done. #googlesracist
this is gold
Nice samefagging faggot
Keep trying to subtly manipulate other people, it's not working, shill
This one was mine faggot, not the same person
Did we have our plan stolen by halfchan or did someone from here bring it there for more attention?
it is actually working so i'm not even mad
browsing their Holla Forums board as we speak
it's actually pretty good
I've noticed where the puppet masters of half Chan. We have the idea spreads over every where they get the glory and the Hate.and were in the clear of normie fags invading us.