Trapped In Place

My town is a joke. I've applied to basically everywhere here within walking distance and no luck. I don't drive. Can't get a guaranteed ride every day. My bike is broken.

I've recently been freed from depression, and I'll do anything to not go back to it. Fuck that shit. I do briefly consider suicide time to time when my family barks at me for not getting a job and wasting my life. It makes me feel like I'm being screamed at rather than supported.

I'm seriously trying here. But I don't want to have to rely on anyone other than myself to get to work. Whenever I've had jobs in the past and I was told, "I can bring you back and forth every day" it immediately crumbled to dust and I was left losing my job.

I don't know what to do at this point. No one locally will hire, there's no bus, taxi, not shit. This town is a dead end of life for failures.

create work. mow lawns, fix electronics, fix old people's computers, fix plumbing, fix leaky faucets, fix electrical outlets. be creative

I bike errday cuz it makes me feel good.

Save up enuff currency so you can fix your bike. I've been biking for long enough to the point at which i just don't even want a car cuz I save oodles of currency.

Used to have a car and after i biked i realized just how much money is spent on gasoline and maintenance on a hunk of metal.

apply based on google maps not from job boards. It works better when you just fire a shotgun into the machine and see if any pellets hit.

same, though it feels more shitty when you're in a huge city and have more places to apply to

i;ve stacked more job applications than money this past year, application after application with no luck. I take initiative and call to check on my application but i always get the usual "we'll let you know"

I just want to work, am tired of feeling useless

stay up faggot

keep firing, boi, keep firing.

Im going to try to get a job at where my two closest friends work. One said he can take me there every day. And I figure I should take that risk so that even if I get fired within 6 weeks, I have money to sit on.

These 2 friends are basically my only support group at this point, so what the hell

You idiots need to stop working for businesses and create your own businesses. Find something you can do and look for people who would pay for you to do it. Simple as that. Begging for mediocre jobs is pitiful.

Having negative money (debt) and starting a business is a horrendous idea

What are you, a woman?
Post pics of your bike, explain what's actually wrong.
Or make use of your body god gave you, pack enough food for 2-6 weeks and hike your way outtatown


Oh, and OP, maybe learn a trade, or pick up some instrument. Bitches love harmonicas.

The brakes and rim are fucked. Don't know how, but it is, and I've been told I might as well get a new bike at this point

You got advice from a dipshit. Grab an adjustable wrench, hammer, and duct tape. Fixing it yourself will give you a confidence boost for jobs too.

Grab your weapons fam. The communist revolution is soon.
>>>Holla Forums

Bernie lost, Hillary's going to win, deal with it

So what. Trump and Hillary will be in the gulag by then

No, Trump will be sent to the (((sensitivity training))) camp

Pics you homo.
Besides, brakes don't matter unless you're a manlet or you're bike's too big, just jam your foot into the ground

can confirm. havent owned a bike with working brakes since i was 6.



How are the brakes fucked, exactly? If they don't retract after being pressed, try tightening the brake line and loosening the brake jaws themselves just a bit - some types of jaws have a wire that's supposed to do the springing. As for rims/wheels, you can just replace them or get them straightened out if they're bent. though that will cost.

I was exactly where you are.
No job.
No $.
No girl.
I had a car but was too drunk to drive most of the time. (I still did).
My advice is
A. Find girl.
B. Love girl.
C. Make steps to please said girl.
That should get you going in the right direction.

Dude if you're not happy where you are just hitch rides or walk somewhere else.

Lol might as well have said "just bee yourself fam".

come join me in heaven, let your dreams not be dreams

So how exactly did you make it?
How does being a pussywhipped skirt chaser get you on the right track?

fix bike and ride to a city and become a this really youll be happier for it

First of all don't be self-centered.
Second go out and spend some time without the pc, plus points for not using it at all as long as you don't need it.
Don't fall into paranoya or fear about getting depressed.
Don't set your goals towards money. Don't live to work, work to live. So watch out for something that is being worth to stand up for and finance your life on earth.
Get along with your parents. They don't hate you when they want you to do something with your life. Maybe they don't show it in a way that pleases you but that doesn't reflect their intentions.
Don't throw your life away, it's the biggest and most wonderful gift you have. Suicide is not the way out of any misery, it's misery winning over you.
Find friends.
Embrace life.

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4

chasing the girl isn't what will do it. Getting the girl and realizing you need to be a functioning person to keep her is a lot of incentive. You can't just be looking for pussy. Loving someone and wanting to better yourself for them can make people do incredible things

This, you first got to have money to make money.

you spend too much
and you are afraid to MOVE
get with it son

just bee yourself fam.