hear me out, what if we took all the homeless/jobless people and put them on a bicycle exercising machines hooked up to electricity generators?
that way the homeless get a paid while they generate electricity for the energy company. heck they could just set up a homeless shelter inside the facility.
How long before some piece of shit steals bits off the bike to sell for drugs?
Jayden Anderson
i don't know, that would probably be a rare occurence though. i suppose they can "ban" someone for doing something against regulations.
Parker Flores
Well, a bicycles generator is about 100 watt/hour, and a average US household use 900 kWh a month for a cost of about 120 usd. You would need about 52 people working 8 hours a day 5 days a week, and that would give them a salary of about, 1.3 cent an hour, if you gave them 100% of earnings that is.
Jaxon Lewis
new plans? we need to find ways for the unemployed to willingly enslave themselves