Be wary Holla Forums

Hey Holla Forums just so you guys know, (and judging by the endless tumblr filenames today it's allready underway) there's an operation being run on you.

Here's your proof and here's their plan. You're welcome.

They're more like FB filenames, actually.

Pics related.

Oh no, we must be facing some evil geniuses' master plot.

Destroying things has always been so much easier than building them, which is why they're populated by simpletons.

post 11?!? that's sooo cute

other chans love us so much i fucking LOVE seeing shit like this

quite flattering how much they think about this site

False flag nigger from Holla Forums trying to make us raid librechan, by pretending they're going to get us to raid tumblr


I don't see any SJW threads though.
Fail raid. Pissing in an ocean of piss.

It's not a false flag I gave you proof. Raiding librechan just gives them traffic, I'm not recommending that.

Just keeping folks aware, thats it.

We should create a special Welcome Tumblr Raiders thread so they know where to post…

Not saying you were from Holla Forums

Maybe someone from Holla Forums posted to librechan so that an user (you) would repost it on 8ch, so that we raid librechan and maybe tumblr.

OR a jew pretending to be from Holla Forums posted on librechan to try and get us to join tumblr

Since when you dumb nigger?

Holy shit, did I finally find people more delusional than CTR?

Dubs check'em.
Also, check your 7-figures dubs, m8

"Librechan was a mistake."
- Freddit Breddit, Redditor Gold/Librechan janitor

(Poster received Reddit gold for this post)

That's a good joke

They care enough to be talking about it, just like you, good derailment attempt though.

I don't think anythings going to come out of it tbh. I just find it amusing, and I'd rather people have an idea about things.


I acutally think it'd be more entertaining if the tumblristas came here and started coming at us.Then we'd be in for a fun storm.



yes,Holla Forums have been trying to take down Holla Forums since a few months ago.

truely they are cancer.

You could have went to librechan and make the thread yourselves, do you think we are stupid nigga?

that's why I got suspicious of him, they use logical errors to mislead us.

It's happening

I hadn't noticed, and, I don't care.

Librechan defense force, always in effect.


so in between making trap threads on their dead site they come and spam on this dead site…wow what geniuses

Stormniggers have no sense of brotherhood, if anyone is outside of their ideology, they will attack and try to destroy them.

they are killing their own gay movement.



kek, did that trigger you?
they behave as a crossbreed of niggers and kikes, so we use this term interchangeably

that's why we have /baphomet/.

no one cares what you call your trigger warning, transnigger. If you oppose Holla Forums you support the opposition. End of discussion.

I think it's much more likely that you hate free speech and want to start some shit between us and our pedo brothers at librechan.

/baphomet/ is dead

Or, OP, you know, took the bait


bumping because of pony spamfag

they are probably trying to prune out threads with flood


funny how this happens every time there is a thread against Holla Forums .

it could have been anyone

might as well been some faggot that got tired of "Holla Forums taking over Holla Forums" as well.

>>hurr durr its pol goys , honest

sure thing faggot

might be, the point is this happens so often it is becoming hard to not know who's doing it.
if Holla Forums want to have a nazi-roleplay echo chamber, it's fine with me, but the problem is that they are trying to make the whole site Holla Forums.
which is shit, what is the point of having multiple Holla Forumss ?
Holla Forums is targeted because it's one of the 3 main boards in this site, traffic wise.
we are not leftists, the majority on Holla Forums isn't but we are not rightists either.

I don't go on Holla Forums and have no idea about this, plus I couldn't care less if Holla Forums or SA being shat on.

Holla Forums raiding Holla Forums is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

If for some bizarre reason Holla Forums was going to raid us they'd need three stickies and a week of planning.

I think it's not a collective efforts.
they also have a tox group to plan shit.

that meme is simply epic, my friend



This robotic bumping should be bannable.