Evalion's channel is BACK ONLINE because of Youtube probably removing her ban. The channel is back in it's original position upon ban. There could possibly be new videos sent in by Evalion sometime soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one cares, betacuck

She was recently interviewed on Radio 3Fourteen.


French kikes are kvetching

Le xD

Reported for eceleb.


yay i guess
sage for not politics


Here we go again…


I guess I'm gonna have to post this again….



Holy kike my shit up. I saw at least 3 kikes out of 5.

Archived for when it gets removed for wrongthink again.


She is cute and you are not, fuck you.

Hitler dubs ftw.


I-it doesn't matter if she calls out the merchants and gets fucktons of views because muh e-celeb

t- mudmod

Are you new? Look at her eyes, nose. She is hundred percent Jewish.

Lad it's just it has nothing to do with us.

She gets so much attention because she's young and cute.

That's why she's so useful to us.


I don't think her eyes look Jewish at all.

Please explain.

Shills plz go home
bump for Quality Thread

Yes goy but we can't allow young girls to reali- I mean shes an e-celeb so shut her down now!

With pol it's always the joos.

That in short explains the shills on the top part of the post.
Hotwheels should consider the Following and take out these Paid Morons ASAP.

That's good news I'll lurk for tears and massive butthurt on jewtube.


She is going o be regarded the same way people regard Tila Tequila: as crazy of just saying shit for attention. That said some of you betacucks will fall for anyone that says shit you want to here, regardless of their intention. By all means promote her but don't cry when she turns out to be Sinead 2.0.


How do you do, fellow kids?

Quit saging me Swamp, do you even know what thread yer on?

those are the most disgusting and ugly women I ever saw.

I guess you don't know about the many faces of Jewdog

Daily reminder to Bump the Sageposters


Bump the Sageposters for Evalions return

Name another red pilled person other than Evalion who had received as much attention in a similar time frame.

I'm sure that you cannot. The amount of butthurt generated by her is astonishing. People complaining about her will inevitably send viewers her way.


Hope you enjoy your bank OP.


Here we go again…

It's like when bronies were first a thing on halfchan back in the day. Even mention "pony" on Holla Forums and you would have 5 autists complaining and spamming the thread.

The rage is the best part of Evalion.

Now please explain to me why they would pay a goy to promote someone who calls out the merchant?

People who support Evalion, please Bump for her return.
Hotwheels disable Sage already, its gassing Quality Memes.



….but…. muh e-celeb bullshit mothafucka….


The Paid Morons are Shills meant for the Merchant.

Reported for kike shill.

Ok, I'll start with you :^)



Hotwheels is dead, fam

This is Jim's domain now. And Codemonkey.

I honestly don't understand the negative reactions she's getting on here, I feel like I've missed something, her videos were pretty good.
Sage for irrelevant stuff.



Why the fuck would anyone want that?

Because he’s a paid shill shitposting his coal burning whore. Remember to report the thread.


The same Jew dog user flooded the Molyneux thread with at least 27 pictures.

Quite pathetic.

This is pathetic, you niggers just don't know when to give up.


Great news.


After the 2 weeks of daily Evalion threads I am incapable of caring about her.

Seriously, the Red Ice people are fucking retarded some times.

You forgot your Sage based Shill.


He fucked off to Holla Forums for a while as well.

In fact, there's probably more than one

That would be just dumb.

Would be smarter to totally remove hidden posts from screen, these spammers just clog the shit anyway.


I wasn't paying attention today, is this the first Evalion thread in the last 24 hours?

It's completely irrational.

She's being discussed on MSM. A small percentage of normies will watch her videos to see what the fuss is about.

This is a good thing.

Besides the fact that it might cause liberal butthurt, this seems weird. Don't trust it.

Shit, I didnt know Holla Forums was getting raided.
Also I want to see those jew dogs at a Chinese Restaurant some day


The fuck is this shit?

This is why I never had a problem with Evalion. It beings the jewish question to the forefront.




The shit you get paid for doing Mr. Goldstein


lmao the fucking panic in their eyes

>see goyim we're being raided :^^^^)

Did we even know who she was before the shitstorm happened? Did any of us care?
The only reason anyone should care is if she shares your view points. Any second she could stop being useful or throw you under the bus for alt-right cuckolds.
She's just some youtuber. Not our queen, not our waifu.
In fact, there is no 'our'. The opinions of individual posters do not represent the collective.
If there are shills, on either side, and if there's a "plan" it won't work.

Evalion's Back, talk about the next video and what it might be on

Azaleia Banks is superior.

That's a terrible thing to say.

It's not their fault they were raised in a Jewish household.

Dogs are red pilled and pro-white.

But I want to bump :^(


Gosh she is cute. But the guy interviewer sounds like a degenerate stoner.

She hates muslims and kikes, what more is needed? And yes, I did actually know her before that normalfag Onision reported her or something like that.

True. We should make the owners dogs via meme magics and take THEM to Chinese Restaurants.

would (((somebody))) please just go fuck her already? just knock her up, take one for the (((team))), she'll get child support from the govt anyway so what does it matter, just do it, so we can move on already.

dear kikes. go do your kike thing. please. for once. just, go over there, and for fucks sake fuck your filthy daughter, get her off of the inet, and away from here.

god damn camwhores.


Oh god not this shit again…


No u

Holy shit, so she's gone beyond simple donations now? How long did she even post vids? Less than 6 months? That's one greedy jew, I tell you what.

Who are these fucking retards donating 1.6k? Did they miss out on the first TRS bitch that needed money for "surgery' only to fuck off? Or literally any other case of gibs money? They may be right wing, but they sure as shit ain't the cream of the crop.

You'll have to get more retarded than that if you want me to start educating you about trannies again, bub.



My only question is why did she not release a New video while asking for mass donations.


Autistic beta whiteknights with lots of disposable income.

This is the type of shit I'm talking about

The butthurt is so entertaining in these threads

Obviously; but I sure hope those thirsty niggers stay on 4chan.


OP Here, threads not worth keeping. Sage in all fields

Yes son, you're very autistic as well

Your posting style never changes; you know that right? You are very obvious in your way of expression and you never learn how to IP jump without being this obvious.

The butthurt is actually in the pro-Evalying camp. You autists freak out anytime somebody speaks the truth about this camwhore. One of you spergs the fuck out and got dozens of IP addresses banned by VPN spamming this board with crybaby bullshit

The only raid or shilling I am seeing ITT is the anti-evalion sagebots.

What are you even talking about?

There are like 50 Trump threads and everyone is fine with that.
There are Mollyjew threads every day and he is a confirmed greedy jew.

Why can't there be one Evalijew thread?


For a forum that's supposed to be filled with Alpha-male NatSoc RWDS badasses, seeing this transparently degenerate cam whore shill be promoted so fucking much is absolutely pathetic.

Are you all that fucking lonely, Holla Forums? All it takes is some average looking cunt who pretends to be based while gathering shekels to fucking excite you?

No fucking wonder the world is burning, you pieces of shit can't even get past a dollar store whore without letting her distract you from shit that actually matters.

OP here requesting Mass-Sage.
Thread has been on catalog for long enough for people to see.
Only rule, do not upload Jew Dogs.


She is a camwhore, and she said she liked being a shill. I have no attachment to this bitch. I'm only ITT to watch people like you freak the fuck out

Trump is probably going to be the next president of the United States, Stefan Molyneux actually has a brain in his skull….

Evalying is some ugly camwhore who is getting paid to shit up the Right with normie shit.

Because it's never just one with you autists. Enjoy the ban hammer.

- Admitted father is a jew on video.
- POL found Michael who she used to camsex for and do degenerate things on cam for money. She replaced him for someone who had more money, pissing off michael because he thought she was a nice girl and not a nazi. Turns out she isn't and is only doing it for money. She's getting paid by a jew who writes her scrips and edits the video's or has a team that does it. Openly admitted she's shilling.

Holla Forums is always rights.

shill sage.

Evastein doesn't even have tits or ass.
Mass-Saging Authorized

A man who doesn't know history is doomed to be short-shafted by greedy kikes

You have no "attachement" to her yet you spend hours trying to force the topic on Holla Forums. Interesting.


So the whole evalion jewtube ban(was it even a ban or did she shut down her channel?) was ultimately nothing and she didn't need an iota of help from Holla Forums despite the relentless spam. 'k.

Reported because fuck e-celebs in general and this one in particular

You should probably lurk a little before shilling next time. You're making it way too obvious.


Son, this is the first thread I've posted in today. Lighten up

Filter > ID


She went back to Michael Constantine. She's working for him again.

Mollyjew is detrimental in my opinion.
Perhaps Evalijew is too, but let's be consistent.

I won't be banned for asking a question user, this isn't Holla Forums, you fucking Long Live Holla Forums!.

Ok keep bumping this thread and see how you "don't" get banned.

It's a match made in an oven

He redpills people on a daily basis on race and immigration. If that's detrimental in your eyes then either you're the enemy or you're a fucking retard who doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Promoting lolbertarianism is detrimental.

Why can’t we see who is saging and who isn’t?

This thread has been scheduled for cultural enrichment






He promotes western white male survival above all else.

Jesus christ…did you come from cuckchan or something? Why is Holla Forums crawling with retards lately?

Confirmed for never watched a video. The dude has put out dozens of anti-immigrant, pro-Brexit, pro-Trump, anti-globalism videos in the past months - aka, the biggest fucking issues at this time, while taking his lolberg audience for a spin on Hitlers Wild Ride and still appearing like an intellectual and honest person.
And the fact that he's been producing content for years means you can actually get a good judgement of him.

Reddit is here until the election season is over. Then most of them will go back to only lurking


Why the fuck would I be banned for bumping a thread?
It will get deleted anyway. Bumping or saging is pretty pointless when we have the catalogue and most users actually use it.

He's a capitalistic cunt who says shit that sounds good to people like you, because if he does he gets PAID.
He's the male sneaky jew version of evalion, except he is intelligent AND a kike.

You wot

Evalion and Molyneux are based Canadian "e-celebs" who will almost certainly save white Western civilization.

who doesn't love evalion's cute ass?

Go back to your containment site. Also, reported.

It;s not the original channel, otherwise it would have had the same subscribers, not less than 300

someone simply re-uploaded all her videos, it is only a matter of time until jewgle finds and delets them


Don't worry just keep bumping this pathetic thread. You'll find out the hard way :^)

So fucking what?

Sage for e-celeb bullshit.

Fuck man, what did dogs do to get lumped in with niggers and mexcrement?

Agreed. Even if (as I suspect) she's a camwhore/fake nationalist who just wants cash, she's ultimately an asset.

Maybe they mean chinks.

You are what you eat, after all.

Bump for butthurt
Le e-celeb may may

hello ev shill
I've been waiting

He's jewish, how is this news?

No I won't be banned for bumping a thread user, you are acting like an edgy teenager on a CS server.
Bumping a thread isn't an upvote, just like saging one isn't a downvote.
I bet you don't even know why there is a sage function on channels originally.
Go back to reddit.




ready to get downvoted?


ive missed you

How about I bump your mum m8

If you are correct, then only the spammers and MGTOWs will remain here eventually. It will be a sad sight.


Bump again

Never forget how based our great-great grandparents were






ill be there for your next thread to


It's okay newfag you're retarded, you forgot because you're stupid. Like I said, keep bumping this cancer and you will find out.



Now, that's just going over the line.

based mods anchored a molycuck thread yesterday.





Proof? He does not look like a jew to me

Yeah you'll find out too. Your bantz are useless in the face of a ban. Just sit back and wait. It will be delicious.





how much have you donated op?


it's like a parody. how are people falling for this?

Fuck off Holla Forums, stop playing both sides and go back to spamming Travis on Holla Forums if you really want to stay on this site.

There's a video of him admitting to coming from a "jewish clan"



I thought we were done with this kike bitch.

See vid.

Post It idiot



I'm not denying it exists, but I googled to see what I could find about him being a jew and found nothing. Do you have it?


the only side im playing is your mums arse



M8 you forgot where you were. Travisspammer has done great work since the beginning of this cancer.



sage is not a downvote, and spamming evalion threads isn't going to make her go away

you had a good thread, until i came with the big guns


Ok, fair enough.

I still agree with most of his views, and it's obvious he doesn't subscribe to normal jewish ideology.

Round and round we go when you get banned you will know



How is the guy related to evalion?


He does great to counter the cunt but I still remember where the meme comes from.



who? this guy? hes the face of WN you kike



Good for her. But please not 6 million threads about her every time she spits a new video out. Keep that on cuckchan or reddit.

I'm on a stage in redpilling that can be compared to being an adult compared to being a child. What she says is not interesting for me or those that really have accepted redpilling completely, that is a majority of the Holla Forums here.

However 4chan goes bonkers about this shit. And all the "please marry me" are just cringy as fuck.

Only in the sense that they both promote nationalism. Evalion explicitly names the jew, while Moly talks more about philosophy and saving the white race as of late

Like it or not, a young, cute woman who spreads our views wit that image is very useful.



i am a piece of shit

Jury’s out.

Sage, dude.


That,s the thing, we are not 16yo so ronery low-test faggots here, she might work with the mongoloid crowds of plebbit and cuckchan but we see through her shit.

Like it or not you jerk off to cuck porn, admit it lad

It's about time.

Thank god, another Evalion thread.

His mom was also a single mother, and he hates single mothers, so it's possible his bad relationship with his single mom has turned him against the Jews.

Or he could be bullshitting everyone.



If he is, he's a damn good actor. He gets quite impassioned in his videos.

The mods have been redeemed.

Thanks imkampfy!









Noice. I still won't sign up for your forum.

Not saging because reasons.

Why do you even bother making this thread when you know Holla Forums will sperg out?





That is precisely the reason


How she appears to us doesn't matter, but start associating raising a new reich with this girl to horny teenagers and beta orbiters, we have a vector to further propagate the red pill.


that,s the point, retards just love to see shitflinging. Why do you think there are religion threads once in a while?

Why does this strike the nerve so hard? I wouldn't have otherwise given a single fuck about who this shitlord is if it weren't for the massive


reaction coming from sudden floods of spamming goons.

Sloppy work, you've created a Streisand effect.








Get fucked goons

And the spammers show their true form as cucks.

All that matters if she contributes to the cause or not.


some anons already shared the pics exposing her as just a shill trying to get betabucks. but not on my watch

She/they just don't need to do it here.

OP is 711 dubs.

Check 'em.

mhmn that's why you saved the pic?


She looks French to me.


This is great.

Her twitter is getting all Trump'd out.

Why the fuck would yutube unban her?

Bullshit! She was doing fine as a martyr.

But this is even better, I suppose!

Now it's time for Holla Forums to get on the right side of history.

Sage and report.


Check em


Yeah I haven't really used any brainpower on if she a cam whore or JIDF or an alien or Eva Braun incarnated.

The narrative is shifting, praise Kek.

The only time we should get involved if she begins to be really retarded and we would destroy her in hours.





Why the fuck isn't this thread anchored?

I'm not new you fucking shill.
You don't get banned for saging or bumping.



no nigga lmao

Mods are asleep or something

Thanks for the bump

You're not fooling anyone

Because the mods are good now.

Evalion is back, and now the mods are on the right side.

Everything that had 10% of happening, has happened!

It's happening!

I wonder what else is happening…

reminder that mods watch cuck porn until 7pm eastern burger time so its up to us


Maybe if Evalionfags hadn't spammed Holla Forums for two solid weeks they might have been able to have the occasional thread about her. Their autism wore out her welcome however.

BTW their constant spamming is what makes it absolutely obvious that it's not about WN, it's about harvesting thirsty neetbux. Nobody is fooled, she got her channel back so gtfo and go collect neetbux elsewhere.

This thread should be anchored, but allowed to exist.

It's being spammed by 5 people for fucks sake

How curious.

I don't think it should be anchored.

This is 100% Holla Forums relevant.

I understand your frustration, but is the spergout necessary?

Ebolion is cancer, ebolion is aids

You faggots want to see my TITTIES?!?!?!

stupid psyop. this is some Alex Jonestein tier garbage.

"we know that they're going to find out about the holocaust and 9/11 so we should set up controlled opposition so
they look like idiots when they talk about chemtrails and pedophiles when they support some 12-year-old on youtube"

Bumps and sages aren't up and downvotes.
I have no stake in this thread anyway.


shill this booty blasted he made a webm

Thanks, doc

here is your reply

It's tough to say, really. The spammers are going to make it reach bump limit eventually anyway, and most people would rather not see spam on the index.

However I agree that this is relevant to some degree. But you and I both know that any "e-celeb" thread is guaranteed to have autists angrily spamming in it

you just take a template and paste it on random pictures, your point?





This user gets it

hes the face of WN you rampant cuckold



Those double dubs and that info. Lel it's just too easy sometimes.

Evalion has never been factually incorrect.

So what's the problem?


Why do you guys even care so much about this shitty eceleb

At first I though was cute, like you think a child is cute, saw a few of her videos.

Seeing 4chan go bananas as nigger to watermelon were hilarious though.

Keep her on 4chan of the love of Kek.

She is a liability as much as an asset.


The problem is shills


- t. shill

Good, now you can stop posting about it here and maybe fucking post about her to people that her videos might actually introduce new ideas to.

The end. Go forth

OK, I'd never watched one of her videos. I watched some of the one in the OP.

I asked myself, "Self, how did this get popular?"

It's stupid and boring as fuck. She makes my dick want to hide.

I've been around enough to know trouble when I see it, and that girl is undiluted.

She's stupid trailer trash looking for a way to make money to support her drug habit.

And his, too.

Fuck this. I witnessed Evaliiongate here before, and didn't know what the fuck was going on, but after watching this vid I agree, she's just a shill.

Nice try shill

The DBZ porn spam is making me laugh way too much

you're the only travisposter, so you must have taken time out of your day to paste a travis picture on everything.



- shill, 2016

Exactly. All these anti-evalion shills are annoying as fuck.


what a waste

Everyone who reads this, go watch constantines videos and read his comments. He types like a literal autist. Its pretty easy to spot him after you see his typing style.

fam youre so blue pilled

What vids of Evalion should I watch? Anyone have webm or link?

special shoutout to dbz porn guy

Why is this such a big deal?

Okay I do but so what? WWs are to blame for that, not me, because they prefer jerks over Nice Guys like me.

That is partly why she makes me so angry and triggered, I also like to signal how alpha I am, although I am not.

here youtube.com/watch?v=Eqh6nBIrFNw


You don't have to watch any of them.

Just watch all the butthurt. Watch everyone else.

I'm not even a fan of evalion, but isn't this kind of an overreaction to one fag making threads?
It's probably why he's fucking doing it.

Of course it's why he's doing it. Watching autism in action is pretty entertaining


youtube.com/watch?v=SLZO9YJkg9U (she talks about how much she loves hitler creepily)


There is a shill team sitting in an office, trashing evalion on every chan.

They seem to have gotten mod positions.



It's not. We can't give an inch to these faggots. They shit up the place for 2 weeks straight a little bit ago. Far as I'm concerned she is the face of the enemy.




sweet ip swap bro, but the filter is really easy to apply

Multiple people spamming these threads, all with their own templates and imagesets.

Who benefits from making discussion on her impossible?

Opposite man.

Nice try, Jewish sill.

good to hear she is back

So true

Even back then there was censorship ;_;


Or you know, you could let them have ONE thread instead of derailing it and giving them an excuse to create a dozen more. You le sage fuckers are brainless.


Exactly. Only jews profit from shutting down the truth on jews

youtube.com/watch?v=NWdUTr6TZ7o (evalion reads mein kampf

You got to see this, the butthurt is priceless, trust me, it's worth it even if you're a shill




I don't know what you said but I can bet it has something to do with poz loads and how much you love them

We don't negotiate with terrorists nigger


That's all we ever asked for.

The whole thing is rotten.

The mods banned at least a dozen Holla Forumsacks for discussing her.


Goddamit people. Why can't you all get into your thick skulls WE HAVE 4CHAN FOR THIS KIND OF THREADS!

Create a new Evalion board then.

She may not have been factually incorrect, but redpilling doesn't work that way and Kek surely works in mysterious ways. Redpilling millions of 16 years old doesn't do SHIT, they have no power and their brains are still like CHILDREN, they will jump to anything NEW and EDGY, forgetting ANYTHING about Evalion and what they have seen in her videos.




Holla Forums and other brain dead kids who gets their laughs by being "le epic troll XD" decided to use her on here to get their fix. If mods weren't asleep and compromised we'd have removed those faggots by now.

But seriously though, why is it such a big deal? I have ignored evalion threads in the past



well i have a big cock so i can't relate to your peon problems

nope dumb nigga

shills are passing it of as LOL TROLLEDYOU XDDD. But if you didnt have a nigger tier IQ you would see
the post about how she's just a puppet for some guy telling her what to say so she can collect betabucks from idiots

They are paid shills working hard, that evalion is redpilling thousands, so this shills need to stop us from giving she our support


It's not. Autists hate her for whatever reason, I think she's possibly useful for getting the average idiot to question jewish influence.


Ay travis where can i get the whole collection



All aboard the butthurt express!



The shills already did. And they made it anti-evalion. They tried too hard. We're stuck here.


You can give her all the support you want—ON 4CHAN you fucking dumb kike




4chan is banning evalion users as well.

So we don't have 4chan.


You make a good point. She should be posted places where her ideas are novel. Not Holla Forums where she serves only as a divisive e-celeb/namefag type with nothing interesting to bring to our table.

Get it?





It's not a big deal.

The shills are trying to take the board, with the help of a crooked mod.

>>>/politics/ was created by ex-Holla Forumsacks for this very reason.


Don't you know that Holla Forums (and any other troll group) posts b8 just to get a spergout like seen in this thread?
I wouldn't be surprised if they made multiple threads just to make the more dedicated autists on this board dedicate themselves to sagebombing.

go to your shitty containment board for your waifu circlejerk


I didn't make the thread, genius. Nor will I make any. But I'm not gonna sperg out and say it doesnt belong either. Her videos are political and this is Holla Forums



The only people who dislike Evalion are Jews and shills. Just look at how they act in this thread by sage flooding. Evalion is exactly what we need and she scares them. If a white girl can turn other girls racial and stop going for Jamal, the Jews and shills lose big time. This is what frightens them to death.


The shill team is a few years behind on their memetic warfare division.



I still want to know what she's up to. She's just as relevant as Donald Trump.

She's second in command.

They are paid shills working hard, that evalion is redpilling thousands, so this shills need to stop us from giving she our support

The girl is redpilling thousands, so yes she is bringuing somethin to the table shill

Hahaha fantastic



Do you make all these yourself?

Kek true


93's of truth.

It's up to the Vols to clean the board, not you. Stop acting like a wannabe reddit-tier moderator

I don't give a fuck about this whore but all the spam is retarted.






These saging Jew spammers are scared to death white girls will be racial.

nigha there is literal proof itt that she's a shill.



This tbh, the spammers are posting degenerate porn too. They obviously do not belong here, my money is on INTL doing it.

It's been like this as soon as she appeared on youtube.

An army of shills appeared over night.




So? Who cares?

She's a good shill.

Yes, but does sagebombing really get the message across?



And banning Holla Forumsacks.

Calling out a cam whore Jew puppet for what she is is not shilling




I can smell Your fear jew



>shills are just circle jerking about how much the spammers are shills instead of actually discussing Evalion oh wait there is nothing to discuss and bumping the thread, not realizing that they are just helping us reach the bump limit


go away and it stops


It is beautiful user

would you fuck a robot?



Well that is fucking stupid. JIDF, always overdoing things.

More threads will come because of Your shilling

these are the dankest travis posts I've ever seen, this thread should be archived for travis posterity. There is no way in hell someone this committed to travis is a shill. Anyone calling travisposter a shill is a shill.


Name one thing she's done to redpill anyone.



She's pro nationalism, and we need every voice we can get.

It doesn't even matter if she contributes 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% to nationalism… Why are some people in this very thread putting their convenience above the future of our people?

Feels like a dictatorship of the most autistic.
Nothing wrong with dictatorships, but autists in control makes everything shitty and feel artificial.

Evalion has great potential for normie outreach and influence, I don't even give a fuck if she is doing it for purely opportunistic attention whore reasons, she is an asset to the cause. Shills have gone into overdrive trying to shut down Evalion threads, and they have succeeded because every evalion post devolves into ungodly shitposting that would put Australia to shame. Pic related.


Because they aren't white


This. I am dying here. My sides are non-existent.







Second thread to spite spammers needed soon

finally somebody understands



reported for human feces.


this is your body in porn






ay travis gimme your folder

Posting in a forbidden thread.


She sang happy birthday to Hitler.



Way to prove Evalion threads have no legitimacy whatsoever

Thank you sage shills for redpilling me on evalion. i would have ignored her but you jews are goin overboard trying to discredit her.



yeah and she also pets a poorly printed picture of him, the creepiest shit


reported for unnecessary dildo.




if you wanna circlejerk i highly recommend >>>/evalion/ its such a thriving board


Kek, that is why You are so butthurt shill

oh are you going to spam threads again?
Dont you rembered how you were shoahed last time you tried that?

I'm just entertained watching these faggots spam endlessly, wasting their time for nothing.

It actually does the opposite of what they intend and causes the Streisand effect



It's always fascinating how these Evalion end up with spam in a gleeful tone.

I wonder why.

That isn't a redpill. That's shit you could find in a standup comedy routine.

I asked what she's actually done to redpill anyone


even our great great grandparents knew niggers were rapists

do it fag



You are fucking disgusting, that bitch is not cute in the least. Her shit is all fucked up, and her voice/tone of speaking are fucking nails on a chalkboard. I watched approximately 10 seconds of that trash before I wanted to drill out my brain through both ears and eyes at the same time.

Fuck this disgusting kike whore, and kill yourself.



Stay mad shill, look at her videos


user plz

You have very low standards.

this shit is so fucking retarded. this entire thread is nothing but people on both sides trying to out-shill each other whilst ACTUAL shills exploit this as a fracture point to take both sides and fan the flames. Nothing constructive or productive fucking comes from this shit, why is it here?

Seriously. The default state of everything is nothing, the default state of Holla Forums is "no evalion." So in order for her to be here, we need a reason. Why? What do you pro-eva people want Holla Forums to do? There's nothing to fucking discuss. Eva exists, "she redpills people," great, then go spread her vids, why the fuck are you here trying to convince a couple thousand people who have seen her shit a million times to … what exactly? What the fuck are you trying to convince us to do? Have waifu threads? Throw money at her?

what the fuck is the point of this?

Evalion threads are fun


What do you think red pills look like?

Comedy is the red pill.



That isn't how the Streisand effect works, friend.


You cant assume everyone has the same level of knowledge. Her videos could be a good entry point to a fairly ignorant lurker.

yes because so many comedians are redpilled right?



You moron, it's the saging that causes people to look at why it's being saged.



Kek I thought that to. It is a complete clusterfuck.

you scared jew boy?





One of the mod is behind this, I think he just trying to sink Holla Forums.

I'm not giving her jewtube views.

What the fuck has she done to redpill anyone?

If she's redpilling people then it should be easy to give an actual example of her dropping redpills now shouldn't it?

They are now (her).

Trips of truth.

Trump, Evalion, Anglin. Best comedy ever.

Those three! Always making laff!



you scared jew boy?


can't wait for the eventual thread where she says something retarded and you faggots come crying like you do every other time you realize these parasites have no convictions beyond their thirst for shekels.

Yeah, there is a whole board on this >>>/politics/


If you let the sagebombers win then what are we going to do when they target other threads? Are we going to just start deleting everything? It's already happening in several threads where the first reply is hurr durr sage not Holla Forums related.

Then Mel Brooks must be the greatest redpiller of all time amirite?

The Greatest Story Never Told is a redpill. Saying "hurr durr Hitler i luv u" isn't.

Hitler dubs of truth.


What's your point?

sure thing nigger which is why these threads only pop up on the weekend , right kike kun?


She redpilled me.

She exposed a crooked mod on Holla Forums.

and on that day she will be destroyed within hours. there is no problem.






show us ya tits ya flat arse whore

This is how war looks like in an overview.

Comedy is the literal capsule.

I suppose you could inject it as well.

Fucking ignorant, You know nothing about propaganda

Fucki g retard




And after eight straight days of spamming evalion threads, everybody knows that evalion threads get sagebombed because she's an attention whore with an army of whiteknight betacucks, part of a psyop to fracture Holla Forums, or both.

So actually nobody looks in to why her threads get sagebombed. Every Holla Forumsack already knows.


Friendly reminder: People on Holla Forums are redpilled.

That's why Goebbels failed. He didn't make his shit funny enough!


you scared jew boy?





Apparently not, or I would have left this thread hours ago.

Nice try, the (((1))) post sage/slide fags are you faggots taking the second bite of the apple, and everyone is well aware of that. You aren't fooling anyone here, you're probably alphabet, and no other threads get sagebombed because no other threads are about cheddar chips. There is no grand conspiracy other than yours to seek rent, you stupid git.



Who is telling the opossite?


Nice non-answer. You can't name one thing she's doing to redpill people, can you?



I'm pretty sure the reason she was heavily talked about for a while was because she was banned. It's going to happen again now that she's back.

It will die down.








I don't think she herself is a psyop. But sure hell it is faggoty-tier shit seeing 6 million thread about her.

Alphachans need to understand they are alienating betacucks by saging her. Betacucks need to understand some people really don't give a fuck about her.


who else here is having a real good time




yes, I am hangry

post your dankest memes if you're having a real good time



You live in a cage Or what? The ficking girl was everywhere on the news calling the jews, millions of people reach. You are here sagebombing, You will never be half of that girl, fucking retard neet

If the people on Holla Forums are redpilled, we would have had a single evalion thread, with sage-shills getting banned.

It should have been a single thread, months ago, that got single-commented then slid. Another funny story, whatever.

Instead, this has turned into a month-long endeaver, with sage-shills everywhere, spanning multiple chans, spilling over into youtube and twitter, Holla Forumsacks getting banned, Holla Forumsacks getting vpns for the first time, using youtube and twitter for the first time, new boards being created, mini-exodus/decentralization, new memes popping up everywhere.

This has turned into a total psyops war frontline.

Poor show, Satan.

I remember years and years ago Sarah Silverman joking about sharing her birthday with Hitler. Evalion seems to be "redpilling" people on pretty much the same level. Dumb shock-comedy style bullshit that doesn't wake anyone up at all.

None exist that have been released. Supposedly some German guy paid her to do it

I redact the statement. All this is autistic.


we could use some rare pepes in here

btw this is my favorite one

The pro-Evalying shills were given one thread to talk about her. It was cyclical. They then acted in bad faith and spammed the board with her videosand her pictures around the clock for like a week. Then, the autistic pro-Evalying fags got butthurt that people got mad that they were shitting up the board with 4/pol/-tier stupidity.

"The Jew cires out in pain as he strikes you"




This book is all about Evalion

She was on the French TV news.

She's our female clan leader.

This is not about alpha Or beta whatever, la about propaganda and people reached, and the girl worth a lot more that some faggots here

it's cause she's a white girl. jewboys are scared and need to eliminate her.





I don't think it will.

She's driving the vermin crazy.

They said that about Trump.

Expect to see her for at least the next year.


She was talked about heavily before she was banned.



Well if she keeps making videos I'm sure there will be a thread here or there about it, but there wont be multiple at the same time

Damn i hate Holla Forums. I want these niggers to die slowly in an oven fire.

She or one of her cohorts posted a thread asking Holla Forums to be her personal army in some retarded drama she was having with another e-celeb, and of course Holla Forums said "no", which caused a massive wave of butthurt.

That's what started everything. Then it hit overdrive once she got banned/shut down her channel.

I wish.

I never see any threads.




given what i've seen of eva threads (and i was here for all of them), there seem to be tons of shills or retards claiming that the reason for the evalion spam a month ago or whenever was because the topic got "banned" or "bumplocked."

They use a chicken or the egg argument. It wasn't being spammed because of "mod censorship," who were simply doing what we the userbase were telling them to, it was being quashed because of the spam not the other way around. If they had really wanted to "ban" the subject they wouldn't have bumplocked a single thread, they would have deleted on sight and wouldn't allow multiple threads to exist on the subject, which there was at almost all times for hundreds of replies.

Having said that, im skeptical about the actions of one or two mods, but there's nothing to eb gained from me worrying about it. even if i hated a mod or two on here there's nothing i can do personally to change it.

fun game for the whole family




What's the problem man, honestly. Dont post in Evalion threads if you dont like her, use the filter if it really triggers you.

What more do you want?




True. But we will learn form this, I am sure.I know a lot of brainpower is being used by anons to find head and tail in this mess. The expensive psychologist, sociologist and whatever, JIDF and others can handle this.

This about pure processing power and thus it is a mathematical truth they will lose.

Praise Kek.



Whether or not she's knowingly part of a pysop I'd definitely say she's being used as part of one. The level of shilling for her is like nothing I've ever seen before and the main thrust of it seems to be to divide Holla Forums.



Unlike others, I'm going to be completely honest. I just like her cause she's hot. And it's cool to see a hot girl talking about Hitler.

To those claiming that she's a Jew, none of you have provided PROOF.

you're right, i thought you were referring to the youtube channel being banned.



I like her because I hope she can turn other white girls racial.


This isn't going well for you, user.



There is no shilling for her.

It's all against her.

Nice try, psyops man.

I agree. It is to create a shitstorm to drive people off then suggest a bunker and then meta spam about mods being compromised. It's really just a d&c raid. Massive fail but these kikes can't leave anything alone.


How many times does it have to be said kike? She will influence other white women.

Now fuck off with your retarded Jew logic.


Holla Forums is stronger decentralized. We can't live in fear of crooked mods.

The entire internet is Holla Forums now.

Try not to backfire this shit too much, Jews.

But I think it is reddit cucks. Holla Forums is turning against itself, which they find hilarious.

their IRC is burning up, trying to come up with Evalion excuses.
"OK we should admit that we're thirsty for her, but point out she might redpill other girls"
"Ok, done"
"don't forget to remind them to donate to her channel, we're running out of crack"





No it isn't dumb ass. It's leftist/jews on Holla Forums trying to do that and you bought it because you're fucking stupid.


+1 for Evalion. Some guys like her. That's all that matters.



+1 for Evalion being a role-model.


I have to agree. There's no logical reason why Holla Forumsacks would reject a hot girl who loves Hitler.

Again, I'd like to point out that not a single proof has been produced that she's a Jew.


Cute girl with Holla Forums humor on youtube.

What could go right?

nobody wants evalion here except reddit-tier idiots
no self-respecting Holla Forumslack would tolerate that slut for a minute




What was she doing to redpill anyone? Yelling "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" or saying you love Hitler isn't a redpill.

I could get on the news too if I bought a million jewtube views and called for a race war but I wouldn't be delivering a single redpill to anyone.


No. The mods brought that on themselves.


I think you could help this argument along by defining "redpill".

What do you believe a redpill would be?


Hoo wait, i think i got it
This is people are not shills, those are neet Holla Forumsacks, neets that are sooooo butthurt that a teenage girl is thousand times more effective doing propaganda.
This people hate women so mouch that they cant stand the fact that a girl is better than them doing the oly thing they are good at, propaganda
This is about ego and hate for the girl
Who else will shoop the face of this retard in thousan pictures than a virgin hateful neet?

Please neets dot be so butthurt about a girl being better than you, every sage is a tear you have droped over this





can you gib bigger resolution




Even if she is, which was actually my first thought upon seeing her face, it doesn't matter.

She made great videos. And if she reveals her final form, it will only backfire.

Gonna go out on a limb and guess you were telling me about all the shekels you got for sucking dick. I'm not surprised really.








fucking brilliant





I think the shills are on auto-drip.


That is all these people have- saying that she LOOKS Jewish. And that is not a proof. And personally, I don't think she looks Jewish at all. The people on here should feel bad about themselves for putting down the whole group of whites that aren't "Nordic."




dog bless my bruder

Those are D&C shills. Whites are brothers, always


I can see how a Jewish girl would do something like this. Her personality, her fearlessness could indicate Jewishness.

Not really an issue though.


she doesn't look jewish?

You need to be more subtle than that.

By saying she loves Hitler? lolno

I keep hearing she drops redpills. But where are the redpills? Why can't anybody tell me one single redpilled thing she's said?

No, she looks Polish.







The people saying she looks Jewish are actually being anti-white by putting down all the whites who have black hair etc.

And why would you consider courage a Jewish rather than an Aryan trait?




She looks like Joan of Arc.

Acts like her too.

nice meme



No, she doesn't.

Hey neet why so mouch hate for the girl, see


Because she knows she can always say "I'm Jewish" and everyone will leave her alone.
