stupid nigger shit
that niggers do
shit that niggers do etc
stupid nigger shit
that niggers do
shit that niggers do etc
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So did those niggers just think it'd be funny to take their kid for a spin? Or did they try and sue the place?
build community
rape old people
be albino n shieeeeet
be suspects
be part of psyops
Fresh off the presses:
niggers did nothig wrong
what the fuck? I'm not even in America
If you build it, they will come
You sound a like a very mad nigger-lover.
Empirical proof, right here
The fear of fire is one of the most base instincts in any animal. What the fuck is wrong with people who don't even have the smarts to stay the fuck away from shit that will burn you up?
they are not sentient
You're right; i'm not sure if i could live without peanut butter and mud huts.
MILWAUKEE COUNTY — A man accused of raping an 82-year-old woman has reached a plea deal in the case against him.
Stephen Robinson
29-year-old Stephen Robinson on Tuesday, May 31st Robinson pleaded guilty to one count of second degree sexual assault/use of force. Two other charges were dismissed as a result of the plea deal.
Police say Robinson pushed the 82-year-old woman to the ground at a bus stop near Green Tree and Teutonia and raped her.
Gotta give the kid a bath some how.
What's the difference between when a black child get molested and when a white child gets molested?
Whites go that's a tragedy
Blacks go that's another Tuesday.
black people fail 2015
Nigger Epic Fail Compilation 2016
I don't get it. Aren't you supposed to do this?
I agree. That shit has to go.
Fucking delicious
We both know there'd be nigger school shootings literally every day if niggers actually went to school.
Right, black mothers are doing such an amazing job of disciplining their kids.
Crack. Next?
White people pay $4 for coffee. Niggers pay $500 for basketball shoes.
More black kids are molested by their parents than white. Niggers just don't "snitch" even when papa Tyrone has his finger up their asses. By the way, if you're an infant anywhere in Subsaharan Africa, you're in constant danger of being raped because that's how niggers think they can cure AIDS.
Putting mayo on a sandwich? Delicious.
Just eating nothing but mayo on a sandwich? That only exists in your negro fairy tales.
See above
Lil Kim. Next?
Niggers like him more than white people.
White people dress animals up because they think it's funny. Niggers douse animals in lighter fluid to listen to them scream in terror and agony because they think it's funny.
Awww, Tyrone, that's so cute. Don't worry, I'm sure one day you'll have an accomplishment beyond singing, dancing, and throwing balls at each other for the amusement of human beings.
Literally tastes like cheap, melted chocolate mixed with grease. Even most morbidly obese Amerifats are above eating this garbage.
Who said you have to attend the school to shoot it up? Did Adam Lanza attend Sandy Hook Elementary?
When black fathers are in the picture and actively involved in their children's lives, the children usually turn out better behaved than white children.
Can you see anyone other than a white person inventing the timeout and the swear jar?
Heroin/bath salts/spice/krokodil
Michael Jordan warrants more brand loyalty and blind commercialism than meme coffee that tastes like diarrhea water compared to Peet's or any local coffee house.
First off, you should know why. Second, we can only analyze the statistics that are out there. Saying that 1 billion rapes occur in the U.S each year because "most victims never report their rapes" isn't a valid argument.
Putting it on a sandwich? Poor, white trash and DISGUSTING.
Not the best comparison you could make fam. I would have suggested Beyonce but she finally started talking about social justice and other deeper issues in her music last year. Maybe Tinashe would make a better comparison.
I've only met once black person that likes Eminem. And even then it's not an "OMG HAVE U GAIZ HEARD THE NEW EMINEM? IT'S SO EDGY AND OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY! XD", but more of an "He's pretty good for a white guy"
And Filipinos do the exact same shit before sticking a heel in the dog's eye. Only white people are batshit crazy on both ends of animal treatment. PETAfags? All white!
POC have plenty and continue to have more. I'm sorry that your European-centered history class failed you.
jk I know you're a white numale Holla Forums volunteer