ITT we post kikes getting discovered
ITT we post kikes getting discovered
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why are normalfaggots always pulling this card?
I don't know, they also use the "lol you just jealous because they rich" one quite a lot.
wew lad this one really is based on reality
What does that even fucking mean?
that means sub par subsersion
kikes were untouchable for over half a century, they've lost their subtlety
the tide's turning
Here's a funny one to cap
This is retarded.
KEK, that's a (((deflection))) solely exclusive to Holla Forums shills only, glad to know Moishe and co. spend some of their valuable shekels on dispatching some of their designated Holla Forums units to patrol Omegle as well.
nobody over 12 uses these sites
Not a single fucking person had anything good to say.
This is pretty soul crushing reading.
plenty of 18+ in the video chat
They're there to jo and be camsluts.
kek. was me trying to bait the other guy.
Best they redpilled young