"All white people are fucking devils!"
"All white people are fucking devils!"
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they da devuu
damn devols
I'm white and I'm not fucking devils.
Why live?
It should be pink.
Well, he's not wrong
I'm not clicking that shit, white devil.
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In many parts of Africa, natives believe things they don't understand to be supernatural and evil in nature.
This is very old shit in the black community. Louis Farrakhan was preaching that all white people are "devils" a long long time ago. Nothing new here op.
how the fuck do I embed it?
That's good to know, but it is still a new occurrence and possibly a coincidental interdependently though statement.
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How do I embed youtube.com
I tried the embed tab, but it did not seem to work on 8ch.
dubs, aw thanks man, you are a real Holla Forumsro
but, how do I do that?
But it's not a new occurrence. Like I said blacks have been saying that shit forever. I did 6 months in prison and you wouldn't believe how much I had to listen to these insane ideologies. I heard a bunch of dindus quantifying that all whites are devils because, "they have color in their eyes". Look, these hood nigs don't have any real education so what they learn is from the streets and off each other. Any person with some sense knows this is all bullshit but these people are obviously at some level still tribal in knowledge and reason.
many blacks are intelligent
i wouldn't say many
I would say few and I would bet that if there is study out there that shows race compared to IQ blacks would be at the bottom of the scale.
At least they know how to embed
facts aren't racist
Speaking of which, if any of you out there treasure a good, home-cooked grilled cheese, use mayo instead of butter.
You know how diner/restaurant toast/grilled cheese is always deliciously moist, spongy and sweet? It's because they use mayo, not butter. Try it and you'll never look back.
grill name?
I'd fuck daemonettes of Slaanesh.
Fucking white people blocking the port, tipping tea in the sea, trying to overthrow the king
Shoot the lot of em
trips soon dx3
trips d3x3 yes
sexts soon
I like getting sexts from hot women.
"All white people are fucking devils!"