Get in this thread while you can.. I am doing the hibachi method in my garage.
Come on.. It's will be over in hour or two.
Get in this thread while you can.. I am doing the hibachi method in my garage.
Come on.. It's will be over in hour or two.
Other urls found in this thread:
you're not going to do it. in fact i don't even think you're honestly trying to convince anyone that you're actually going to do it.
Here's my soundtrack
Join me.. what does tomorrow bring you? another plate of shit I bet.
if you're going to do this shit play this super loud, loop it.
I like tingle
Thanks for your input.. but pink Floyd the final cut is my choice.
There is no occasion when the soul should be humoured more than at the moment of death. Let the soul depart as it feels itself impelled to go;[9] whether it seeks the sword, or the halter, or some drought that attacks the veins, let it proceed and burst the bonds of its slavery. Every man ought to make his life acceptable to others besides himself, but his death to himself alone. The best form of death is the one we like.
I've got a classical philosopher to back my argument.. what do you have?
That's Senaca the younger, you philistines!
Parappa's younger?
I'm a little bit upset with myself for watching the whole thing.
8ch anons never deliver
Hey.. I'm fucking trying.. I wish I had a web cam.. but it would be boring. It's hot now. I'm sitting next to grill sucking up all the oxgen,, I know you people would rather have self-immolation or seppuku on live cam,, but this the best I can do.. (and it's not enough, story of my fucking life) Enjoy the schadenfreude.
ask me questions about my stupid worthless life.
I can give you the e-mail of the woman who set this off,, or better yet the facebook of the worthless piece of shit who lives in her apartment rent free.
NO, do not kill yourself over a women. I forbid it.
Get a better reason
I could never kill myself. I'd be like "Ok I’ll just fap to loli ONE more time".
aye fuk you OP
Do you have something against women, user?
Yeah, they're worthless
why the fuck did you start a thread about if if you're not going to livestream it you dickhead?
Garden gnome!
Penis enlargement pump!]
You're better than this
You're doing this because of a woman? get your shit together, man. I lost most of my friends in 2011 because of girl trouble. How old are you, 16? Are you just here for attention or are you really thinking you're going to kill yourself?
I'd hate to see you go, I know you're better than the fags on 4chan that would actually kill their selves over something so trivial.
You'll regret it if you fail. If you actually decide to do it, you'd better go out in style.
is there a word for wanting to hatefuck then cuddle the internet?
A faggot OP isn't delivering again
this woman killed me. it was going to happen anyway.. but she sent this motion.
OP isn't posting pics.
Surely he has at least a phone with a camera
Saged to death
grow up
Jesus user. You have to live to watch her raise 3 half niggers from different dads on her own.
You know how even fat chicks can usually get one cute shot with angles and cropping …
… WELL, that is a fucking ugly goblin
Why would you kill yourself over something so hideous?
Maybe that's actually a pic of OP.
OP is a troll
Kind of looks like Jahans
She sprouting a bush under them pits?
You didn't deliver. Time to KYS
OP is a cat?
Holy shit you are better then this user. Don't let this land whale be the end of you. What exactly could she have do that was that bad.
Heres my question: what did she do to you to cause you to want to kill your self?
mate you're going to be dead afterwards, just go buy one.