No person who is successful is a commie
leftypol is a hive of failures
I agree, about leftpol being shit, but Holla Forums is no better.
where did i say they were retard
m ok, I apologize then sir.
I thought you were one of those stormkikes,shitting this Holla Forumsoard.
no i just like baiting SJWs
well I mean he's not wrong
Holla Forums strikes Agaaain
So 8CH is a skinny Nazis and 4ch is a f0chubby Nazis? That's it?
Not quite
4/pol/ has a sense of self-awareness and can take a joke and differering opinions
sageā¦.just go back already child
But I'm already home
I'd never leave 8/v/ for 4/v/
you just answered all my questions about you
What questions?
Ask away m8 and I'll tell you
ok then
Level of education:
let's start here and we'll see how close to the mark i was.
I was way off, I apologize my good man.
Nah worries m8
What did you think?
lol wut
ok user
it's true
they are
Leftists are Israel's greatest ally.
I refuse to believe this isn't a false flag. People just cannot be this dense. There's no fucking way this isn't an alt right parade.
Where was it organized?
what's s age mean
It's the "no borders no nations" people and they're very serious. They mostly protest in the UK and northern Europe. Like most leftist movements, they're a bunch of useful idiots indoctrinated by Jews and funded by the open society foundation to destroy the west.
They're Communists. Why can't we just be honest and call them out for what they really are.
Because you're the only one ITT that's under the legal age to vote kiddo.
Communists wanted borders. These are antifa who are a mix of edgy young anarchists, bleeding heart liberals, and trash. Their music is even less varied than country music, every song is some variant of 'no borders no nations stop deportations', 'fight law and order', etc.. They're being used by the Jews to jimmy open the door to their nations to let the wolves in. They're very naive and believe this will work out for them personally despite almost none of them even owning a gun and depending on government handouts to survive.
Triggered because he knows it's true
what a fat fag he was