On normies

The greatest challenge facing our movement is none other than the obstinance of the vast horde of normies, people who are basic, apolitical in that they will not consider the impact of something beyond their daily lives, and derive most of their worldview unthinkingly from what is fed to them through ((((the media)))). This lethargy, indifference, contentment, and at times fear that characterizes normies is a crucial component in explaining the long tenure of the occupation government—they have bought into its memes. While there are numerous political challenges and enemies that our policies and paradigms point to, it cannot be emphasized enough that he who holds imperium over the normies will rule the world. No ideology can afford to reject components of reality. Normie lives matter, for better or worse.

Rejecting the world around us and all its normies in lieu of a superior vision is intoxicating. The satisfaction for some is two-fold in that they both know the truth and know that others do not. The elitism that derives from having understood the gnosis of post-modern world—that those who discard the present and past have no future, that technological progress masks societal rot, that an unmoored and libertine community is a dying one, and that the lie of equality is built on an ancient blood hatred—ironically blinds many to the reality of how power is configured in society. If that sounded dense and pretentious, it’s because it is. This is the same attitude held by many neo-convectionaries and larpers, who having arrived at their position believe it is a complete one and that their task is to lie in waiting as a shadow intelligentsia or aristocracy, one that holds a strong contempt for the masses and awaits its role as the future elite. The idea of non-elite outreach, of marketing the message, of engaging in the vernacular, the vulgar, and the popular, is seen as a waste of energy and unbecoming. To simplify is to debase. The unenlightened are simply dead weight from this pervasive perspective, normies be damned.

It almost goes without saying that the wisest people are not always the people in charge. Equally obvious but often overlooked as well is that the wise are not the only members of society either. How do they get to the helm of the ship of state with so many human obstacles? That is truly the perennial question.

Enter the loathsome, reviled, and hated normie. He stands, or rather sits, in solidarity with the status quo, even when uncomfortable with it. He doesn’t get your complicated explanation as to why things suck, or worse, is repulsed by it and sees you as the problem. He thinks you’re too extreme. He consistently falls short of putting all the pieces together, infuriatingly close. He holds beliefs that are clearly irreconcilable but doesn’t care. He routinely engages in presentism. He is at most of your family gatherings. He works the same shift you do. He steals your parking spot. He takes up a seat and a half on the train. He takes comfort in consensus. He is a source imperialist and a NAxALT zealot in a debate. He’d rather watch sportsball or Netflix than keep an eye on his government. His views are degenerate if taken to their logical conclusion. He will consume mental garbage at a rate that would make you oven yourself. He fills you with the ire of 33 screaming frogs.


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The support—or more accurately, acquiescence—of normies has been a longstanding pillar of functional governments around the world. We know from history that normies have followed different values systems, or norms, in the past. Very different norms. In fact, once you get normies to adopt norms and then set up institutions to remind them, reward them, and reify these norms to them, normies become quite attached to their norms. It makes for a stable society when elite opinions and normie opinions find common ground. But modernity has greatly accelerated the both rate of norm acquisition and the variety of competing norms. It has provided new tools for injecting norms and forced norms to compete with one another in ways they had never had to before. This is a challenge that must be met if we are to succeed.

What can be done can be undone, for it is the nature of the normie to conform, but that requires the creation and dissemination of a new value model or paradigm to conform to. One can see some Guillaume Faye’s archaeofuturism here in that we need primordial solutions to present problems, one of which is the normie question. We need to create a new values system based on known but rejected truths. This is precisely where the metapolitics of meme warfare come into play. The goal of meme warfare is quite simply to control the normies. To be able to influence what they see and think, to give them a worldview that they cannot build from their lived experiences alone.

The trve right tends to venerate the past, but the methods of the past need to updated for the present. Memes are the propaganda of the 21st century. They must be tailored to the passions and tastes of the audience and presented in the language they understand, whether it is the mockery of public figures and politicians, a poignant image macro with a caustic captioned commentary on a current event, well-packaged hatefacts that connects with a recent outrage, photoshops of anime girls in Trump hats, or misanthropic amphibian iconography.

The meme is all the more effective when it comes through a medium already familiar, or plays off an established trope or image. As we have learned from life under cultural marxism, anything is vulnerable to subversion, anything can be stolen out from underneath its cultural guardian and subject to distortion when seized by a dedicated opponent. Digital and pseudonymous media hugely amplify this power, as it weakens central control over memes. In this space, what matters most is having a compelling communicated reality and expressing it in a compact and sharable format, not author credentials. We can refine and ruminate on our ideas all we want, we can publish miles of text and treatise on them, but the potential audience only gets smaller as modern readers’ attention spans are brutally short. With memes, with deceptive simplicity and impactful presentation, you can convince almost anyone of almost anything. They just need an alignment of message and medium that feels real and relatable.

None of this is to say that elite buy-in does not matter—it does matter. But even that has its roots, at least partially, in control of the normies. Elites are powerful and influential not only out of a pure inherency, but also because of the power and influence they have over normies. In this context, elite buy-in is not just the cooperation of the institutionally powerful, but a means acquiring power over normies from a top-down angle. There is water at the bottom of the well, but you do need a bucket to reach it. The power elites have as elites—things like wealth, social networking, political connections, and status—and the power elites have from their control of the normies—the appearance of rule by consent, the ability to saturate normies with their own metapolitics en masse—are indeed related, but the distinction is meaningful. Elites have monetary assets that we would benefit hugely from, but a more intangible asset is their imperium over normies. You can try to disregard, disdain, and disengage normies, but in doing so risk losing a leg upon which to stand and support to mobilize. And if there is one thing the occupation government thrives on, it is normie support and collaboration. If we could change the set of memes normies believe about the world, it would change the world.


Dont treat them as 'human' and your ' white brothers and sisters'. They are not like us–and if you do treat them as ideal whites–you will quickly lose all heart and hope (they will disappoint you)

Just treat them as pieces on a chess board–and the game is to meme them over to your side. They are just stupid drone worker ants. Also the less emotion you feel toward them–the more objective and clinical you can be in manipulating them.

Normies are slaves, and every slave defends the system because one day they want to have slaves. They don't see this as stupid, pointless, or wrong. But even then, they are still slaves, fretting over the pecking order of their circle-jerk.

Collar. Tie. Cuffs.
Formal wear, or slave shackles?
How about both!

Normies are too dumb to notice the symbolism as they fight for Jew paper their entire lives.

A Master his his own boss, and does what he likes, not what the Jews on TV say he should do. Wagecucks would rather kill people like that, than stop being brainwashed pussies.


Normalfags are proto-humans
Niggers are sub-human
Kikes are anti-human
Redpilled Whites are human


What's your point, faggot?





Replace 'normie' with 'goyim' to see the hypocritical elitism of this thread

But that's exactly true. The Jew and their hidden masters could not have accomplished anywhere near what they have, without a docile, unthinking group of people to carry out their orders. If ZOG comes for you, don't be surprised if it is White people in uniforms. It is these Sheep-People that are very much the problem.



interesting read

I tought we took it back after it became a symbol for Trump supporters and being against the kikes?

why did you link this faggotry?


That doesn't seem to affect apolitical chads.

You trans nazis are a fucking cancer. Cowardly impotent wankers who cannot garnish any positive results in real life.

The kick me sign on the back of the White genome. "When the time comes"..the 'normies' are going to put a bullet through you heads for denying them a normal effective real life voice defending White interests.

Oh look, it's the new popular buzzword because LARPer started to lose it's effectiveness.

Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch.

We dont need them all, we need a solid dedicated minority, like the commies in Russia. The rest fall in line, like farm animals


That's true, to start a revolution, you need 10, maybe 5% of the population. Granted, it must be highly organised and redy for anything, it must aquire some high-ranking people. If we got the army, the true army, not the cucked version that is younger generations, we could do it.
50% of all countrys population is too stupid to want a political objective, and if we feed them enough propaganda, they won't do anything. The key question is convincing them to NOT ACT AGAINST US, because we sure as hell cannot convince these idiots to become red-pilled. I'm talking about hedonistic normies that only cre about if they have weed alcohol, and television (bread and games).
The (((Goverment))) is trying hard as hell to convince just these normies to oppose us, and if they succeed, we will not. This is where the memes come about. They are to soften the normies to a possible Nat-Soc future, one that would be of course, dreaded by them, but they wouldn't couint it out in a (((democratic))) state.


It was always an article which stuck with me when I read it, not something which happens very often, there's a lot of garbage out there.

holy shit. when I read that on TRS i laughed so fucking hard I had to quit reading the article and come back to it a little while later.

I look upon every normie as a potentially red-pilled, open-eyed ally.

I wonder about every thread I see here hating on this group or that group for not being Storm Trooping National Socialist enough.

It's unrealistic to expect the rest of society to move that fast. Most people still depend on CNN and/or Fox for their news.

Most people are gregarious, social people. We should accept that the majority of us here are introverts who spend an inordinate time on their computers.

I do, anyway. I'm single. I'm done with dating. I was already a father, and raised two kids.

I'd felt for a long time things were right, but it wasn't until recently I started putting all the pieces together.

Then I found Holla Forums and now I'm reading books on Hitler, written by authors without a Shoah to promote.

But I'm not most people. The world today is almost designed to have little time for reading and reflection. The common world of the normie is one of constant visual bombardment. It's one huge distraction.

Either we just want to amuse ourselves, and laugh at the ignorance of others, or we win converts. Disdain will not win converts, and neither will confrontation.