Hey Holla Forums, does anyone know if there's any way to make your cum combust? This isn't just some retarded idea that I came up with on the fly, think about it. It might be the best self defense system
Ban assault cocks
But in your little scenario, how would you control if you want it to explode or not?You gonna keep some chemical on you that makes your jizz explode when it mixes?
Then why not just use some concussive device instead of fucking around with some stuff to make your semen explode?
Is it about having [audible ejaculations]?
it's about utter disrespect and making it near impossible to figure out you're the reason the explosion happened
So your cum would have to be biocompatible so you don't get poisoned from your own semen.
You don't want it to explode when it's inside you, (or presumably inside her vagina), so maybe it's reactive to air, or reactive when the temperature is colder than 35°C (the temperature of your balls).
Oh, and it has to be similar enough to your normal semen for your body to be able to produce it, although if you were really committed, you could inject your seminal vesicle with some type of chemical instead.
OP, it's a tall order.
Victim reports that the perpetrator ejaculated on her, then used an unspecified chemical that caused an explosion
You may get away with it once or twice, but I doubt it'd last long.
This would need to be some Deus Ex augmentation shit. Most people would be attaching dragon dildos and other sex toys to themselves. Anons would be lacing their semen with nano machines or something that work like the explosive gel from the Batman Arkham games.
this is the utopia I dream of
It doesn't just have to be a concussive explosion. It could be incendiary, electrified, acidic. There are many possibilities.
Which ones would be the easiest to trigger and whih ones would be the most optimal for the op situation?
If they're nano machines laced in your semen, they should all be easy to to activate. The electric one might cause less long-term damage.
Are we talking about the quantity or the quality of this so-called explosive semen?
If a girl accuses you of rape, you're a piss poor lover. Improve your ability to have sex and she will be a puppy dog to you, obsessed with getting your regular cock infusions.
oh fuck. No wonder my last ex freaked the fuck out. I was a steady source of income and a great fuck. she's a dumb green-haired retard now. Even when I came back to my home state, she was down to fuck until her current boyfriend caught her. Talk about a fucking leech.
i think you might be onto something nigga
She usually doesn't call rape until well after the cum is gone you fuckwad
Do tell