left or right
Left or right
far left
(would rather drown myself)
Neither. I don't find stupidity attractive.
That must make jerking off tough for you.
Fucking left, is this even a choice?
That better be a tattoo sticker on the left
right is pretty cute for a guy
look at that sweetie's chin
not sure wich one to choose, i dont know why but the right face doesnt look sexy, and the left have kinda of a man chin.
i prefer to fuck the flag.
Left. Girl on the right has a mans face.
what's stopping you?
No, generally the women in porn don't show off their stupidity, unlike these two.
Neither, faggot
7 share.pho.to
5 share.pho.to
3 share.pho.to
3 share.pho.to
7 share.pho.to
5 share.pho.to
3 share.pho.to
3 share.pho.to
Triggered cuck bahahah
literally faggots
Literally learn to read.
Let me make it clear to you. Judging by the fact that they're passionate Trump supporters it's obvious that neither of these women is very bright. Considering what the candidates are like in these elections, passionately supporting any of them would indicate this.
Now, since stupidity is a huge turnoff for me, I don't like either of them.
The flag
Left. No one in their right mind would choose right over left.
fuck off back to cuckchan seriously
why are you here
Anyone who isn't a Trump supporter at this point has no fucking clue what's going on in the world.
the morons are people like you who watch CNN and mindlessly parrot their propaganda because you're to fucking stupid to do otherwise.
because no mods have told me to leave so far.
I wonder if they'd ban for political views.
I can't help but wonder why all these internet backwaters support Trump so much. All three candidates are dipshits, but at least the other candidates are competent in this field to some extent.
"Anyone who disagrees with me is an idiot."
This is the kind of thinking that makes us hate radical liberals. Now you're going the same path.
I have a pretty damn good idea of what's going on. And I, for one, oppose letting USA get played by Putin because some dipshit can't tell after all this time what Putin is doing and why.
Mate, I'd rather trust CNN for my news than any chan. At least with some critical thinking you can figure out which part of CNN isn't bullshit, but that's way tougher in here, because, amazingly, there's even more bullshit.
I don't support Trump because I don't want my homeland get occupied by Russia for the third fucking time.
I don't support Trump because he's proven to be a dickhead. Him having a really good PR team who can bake bread from shit doesn't change who Trump really is.
im gay
In my country right. In american standards far far left.
it can happen to anyone
You've just confirmed your retardation.
herr derr he says mean things guys amirite….wew lad
What is wrong with you?
I'm not a retard
I guess that's wrong from a retard's perspective
Would rather fuck a dog. It'd have a better chance of giving me an intelligent conversation after the sex, too.
I'm retarded cause I want to maintain my country's independence?
Think about it: Trump "improves" relations with Russia, Putin convinces (or Trump decides to on his own at one point) to move all forces out of Eastern Europe. Next thing you know, Latvia is taken since they have almost no army, Estonia is cut off and thus easily taken (aka my hope for a decent life is gone at this point), another large force separates Lithuania and Poland so now they have Lithuania, Putin sues for peace before anything NATO can strike back and regain anything, now he's hailed as a hero in Russia for retaking the Baltics.
Going into the history books is clearly what Putin is after. That's my prediction of what happens if Trump actually gets elected and tries to improve relations with Russia.
As much as I hate Clinton, at least she'd be more ready to put up a fight more than Johnson or Trump (though I still support Johnson more due to his other views).
Nah, I was talking about the fact that he's kept his dad's riches mostly by fucking over the people he deals with. Not the other businessmen, that would be too stupid, even for him, but the small people like you and me. I've read people's personal accounts of their deals with Trump and that's how they pretty much go every time.
There are no heroes left in man.
Aw man, I shouldn't have forgotten to proofread.
Inb4 you call me out on my English instead of providing any counterarguments.
your grammar is shitty you fucking idiot. learn to type dummy
I love how he predicted right here that you'd respond to his English instead of his actual arguments.
Pathetic that Trumptards are so fucking predictable even Baltics can outsmart them.
wow dude, that comment was up for several minutes. i know how to read a fucking thread you trog.
Being this gullible…back to tumblr simpleton
Your faggotry is showing
Trumptards, am I right?
you didn't even post anything to be argued.
Says the cuck who got triggered by a Pic of two women
We are all laughing at you :^)
im triggered?
do i have to reveal my self as doll poster this early in a thread to distinguish myself?
I distinctly remember making a dismissive statement about them. I don't see how that qualifies as triggered.
But Trumptards trying this hard… gotta be sore that your favourite candidate is objectively the worst choice for America and that people know it.
neither of them are good choices, much less objectively, support trump exclusively to make people mad, and i literally hate women.
so yeah
You failing this hard :^)
I'm not the one constantly shilling for a man who can't communicate above a 4th grade reading level who's approved of by one of America's biggest enemies.
dude stop talking
Herr derr he's a dummy…..Really dummy
Oh and the cold was ended a long time ago child Russia is only a threat to the globalist.
Russia is a nuclear power with a large military, run by a corrupt man whose party holds nigh-despotic power over the media and government. The Russian military recently occupied part of Ukraine under laughably false pretenses. Just because the Cold War ended, it doesn't mean the Russians stopped seeing the United States as a threat.
Putin has absolutely no love for America. The only reason he would support a presidential candidate is if he thought it would be bad for that country.
Hey fuck you man.
Russia has military bases in two country's while the U.S has them in how many again? …Holy shit you are one dumb motherfucker!
Simpleminded Hill shill BTFO yet again
How many countries does China have military bases in?
Hmmmm, only one. I guess China could never pose any miltiary threat to anyone or anything.
False dichotomy China and Russia is arming as a response to Nato aggression they are not the provocateurs
It wasn't NATO who invaded Ukraine
Literally uses a gif with a tumblr filename….hahahahah you have to go back now niggerfaggot
Trumpcucks, am I right?
Recognizing who is America's enemy's is the point you retarded faggot
Everything in this thread goes dozens of levels deeper than it at first glance seems to.
Gets rekt and now can't make a good comeback…i own you…don't ever forget :^)
Well Putin certainly isn't America's friend, you retarded faggot.
Never said he was cuck
Still can't formulate a comeback that's ok i'll wait
Explain to me how this is a good thing, you fucking degenerate.
and who was it that sold 25% of are uranium deposits to Russia again? Oh yeah that's right it was pay for play Hillary
I hope your mother had health insurance. Giving birth to you could probably be classified as a permanent disability.
How does it feel to know your utter failure is on display for all to see?
Trump has gone on record several times asking why he can't use nuclear weapons. The man has also demonstrated he has absolutely no impulse control and no ability or desire to de-escalate a conflict, no matter what the consequences of that conflict happen to be.
Putin has also demonstrated he has absolutely no ability or desire to de-escalate a conflict.
The moment Putin says something about Trump he doesn't like, Trump will sperg out (like he's sperged out every day of his campaign every time the media has said something unpleasant about him) and reach for the button.
I don't know. You're the one who has the experience feeling that way.
Let's correct the record shall we
You're lying, sexual attraction is not based on what you think of their personality.
People who claim otherwise are retards who really can't stand that someone has a different ideology to them.
I hate Laci Green but I still find her attractive because what I am attracted to is not based on "muh feelings".
no you herr derr ….epic comeback
I reserve good comebacks for people who make good arguments, and your mother.
Ha 12 year old detected
I'm sorry that I can't get off to the thought of putting my dick in a retard.
I imagine it must be sexually liberating for you that you can.
That's because you're a homo
You're an animal, you think you're on a high horse but in actual fact you are the horse and you're shitting all over my new carpet.
Just admit it.
no, Europe, pushed by Britain on behalf of Nato and the US, just offered them membership of the eu and by implication Nato itself. this would put us jets within minutes of the Russian heartland.
The majority of Ukranians also wanted to be a part of the EU, mostly because they were really afraid of Russia.
As it turns out, they had VERY GOOD REASON to be afraid of Russia.
Holy shit you've got to be the most paranoid fucking person I've seen on 8ch and that's saying something.
Bullshit Soros admitted to funding a coup in Ukraine to serve globalist interest …It wasn't the Ukrainian people that were against Russia
Ah yes, and who was that "leaked memo" released by? Oh yeah, a group of Russian hackers.
Honestly, why is it somehow easier for supposedly "clear-sighted, only sane man" alt-righters to believe in a world-spanning globalist conspiracy than it is to believe that a man that used a radioactive poison on one of his detractors and leads a country with one of the highest rates of political corruption in the world might not have pure intentions?
For you, maybe, but for me any good-looking chick can become unattractive immediately when I realize she's stupid.
Ideology is one thing, straight-out stupidity is another. And while the choice of a president could be said to fall under the ideology category, I think Trump has reached the point where you really have to be amazingly stupid and gullible to think he's so much as an acceptable candidate, let alone a good one.
That's your opinion.
Remember that alt-righters see Putin as a hero because he's masculine (because if fishing and karate are the foremost and (in their opinion) he opposes the left-wing (they conveniently forget he was once part of the KGB, which was an organisation that was literally tasked with coercively enforcing socialist rule in Russia). They literally don't see his actions as corrupt because they believe that he's fighting against some sort of awful left-wing uprising in Russia, so subverting democracy and fucking with the free press is somehow neccessary.
You have to understand that alt-righters operate on this weird combination of moral absolutism (goals) and moral relativism (means). To them, anything is justifiable when achieving the correct goal, even when it's something that they'd criticise if their political opponents did it.
Take in mind that when I asked one Trump supporter on this very board how exactly Trump was going to build the wall, given that such an endeavour is something Congress would have to authorise first (and it's not exactly as if Trump has endeared himself to the Republican mainstream), he said "well Trump could just issue executive orders until he had the neccessary powers to order its construction." This from the people for whom one of the prime criticisms of the Obama administration is that he uses too many executive orders, and uses them to do things without the approval of congress.
Can I just say that I'm really amused that the guy has stopped trying to refute the idea that voting for Trump makes a woman stupid, and is now just trying to defend his opinion that it's somehow weird not to want to fuck stupid women?
Mate, I already kickstarted the flamewar. Now I just want to sit back, watch, occasionally make minor inputs etc.
Remember the guy who asked why I'm here despite not supporting Trump?
I just explained the reason to you.
I don't normally reply to political threads on b but this is one of the better posts I've seen in recent memory, even if it's full of generalizations.
Most of the Russians who support Putin (in my experience) are primarily worried about western influence and never gave a shit about democracy in the first place.
You know what's funny? Putin is a guy who hates the west, utterly despises it and furthermore makes absolutely no attempt to hide it, and yet Holla Forums - the guys who think that western society is the sole source of virtue, civilization, technology and culture on the entire planet idolize a man who'd gladly see it all destroyed.
Try "most Russians"
Russians have no tradition of democracy. Think about it. They went straight from centuries of brutal, crushing serfdom under the tsars into communist dictatorship, Stalinist purges and decades of soviet premiers who were all too happy to ship you off to a gulag, make you disappear or at the very best seriously fuck with your life if you did anything the government didn't like.
If you want to know why Slavic countries are so fucked up it's because the people have never had any sort of control or expectation of control over their governments; governments have always been a thing that controlled them. Remember that anyone over the age of 30 can probably remember the fall of the Soviet Union. The history of democratic government in most eastern european countries is shorter than the lifespan of a lot of people browsing this board.
In Russia, Putin is kind of seen as a fact of life. You might not like him but there's pretty much no alternative because the media works for him, the government works for him, the corporations work for him, everyone works for him - and to many Russians, not a whole fucking lot has changed.
Well said Dr. Hawking.
Do me a favor when you get a second or take time to tie off before mainlining the H, which ever comes first. Fuck off.
Also, fuck off because that's why.
Your comments are awesome. Also, fuck off.
Did I mention fuck you?
I'm sure I did.
You come off as the "cool mom" who has a couple of pregnant kids in grammar school and likes to appear "contemporary" at the risk of buying/running "keggers" for your teen slut daughters in hopes of orally fouling the best outside linebacker on your pregnant daughters High School football team.
I'm thinking you have a "Cool Moms Swallow" bumper sticker on your ex husbands broke ass, still have 31 monthly payments on that shit ride, Chevy Tahoe. Also fucking fuck you because that's why.
I would expect more from a slut.
Also fuck you.
This fucking idiot reached deep into her "Cool Shyt I DloAded from Trumbler" folder and came up with this shit stained classic.
Well Done!
Also. Fuck off.
well meme'd, my fellow 8chonner
I literally have a boner from how mad you are
You're right. I wouldn't fuck a woman unless she is a #ShillForTheHill
Lemme know how that goes for ya.
Also, Fuck you both.
and this piece of shit comment proves your theory how, exactly?
Be intelligent with your answer.
Also, fuck you.
This isn't even a "comment".
Posting gay memes is not going to look good on your record faggit.
Your keyboard wet or disconnected?
Just let the memes talk for your unoriginal neet prolapsed asshole. Asshole.
Also fuck off and you n the same sentence,
Trump supporters: a neverending goldmine of tears.
says the cuck who samefaged this whole thread….back to leftypol failure
Humongous faggot/10
This post caused a rectal prolapse of my asshole
Things this user is for a 100 Alex
You realise samefagging doesn't work if you're also a namefag, right?
Vote Hillary !!!
You win.
Talked me out of reality with this
She figured it out.
Maybe it was the flag icon I'm using that consistently accompanies my posts.
How she figure that out?
Oh yea.
It would be obvious to a fucking retarded monkey trying to play SIMON.
So, great job figuring ot the samefag shit I handed you.
Must have beem ore work you accomplished all week figuring that out, lady.
Well done~
(Also, fuck off)
Shortly after high school, my best friend and I both got a job at the same company and working the same shift, so we decided to get a place together. I always enjoyed working, so I got a second job and was working 80 hours a week for a few years.
There was a girl we went to high school with who was always somewhat of a bitch in my opinion. She and I never really got along, but she was really hot and so I was never actually mean to her. Well, the house we ended up renting was only about 5 houses down from her parent's house, so she started coming over to our place on the weekends because we had a place of our own and a good source of alcohol.
One night after we had gotten super drunk, I passed out and was awakened by her sucking on my neck. Being a virgin and extremely attracted to this girl, I didn't even pretend to protest and quickly woke up. She started making out with me and I was so hard it hurt. I came almost as soon as she started to put the condom on my dick and immediately felt a burst of shame mixed with joy. She asked me if I would go down on her and I did. I loved the way she tasted and ate her out for what seemed like hours. When she finally told me she couldn't handle anymore, we both fell asleep in my bed. This was the beginning of my very first relationship.
Over the next few years, I would eat her out anytime she asked and sex still never really worked out too well for us. We tried plenty of times, but I never lasted long enough to really please her without my mouth. She would go down on me once or twice a month and after about a year of being together she asked if she could spit my cum into my mouth instead of the sink. I had no problem with that, so it became our standard practice.
About 2 years in, I got super drunk one night and was laying on the couch about to pass out when I hear my best friend ask my girlfriend if I am out yet. She tells him that I'm close enough and that she has an idea. He asks if she wants to fuck on the couch while I sleep and he sits down completely naked on the edge of the couch, I can feel his ass on my foot. She says "nope, even better!" and then the only thing I here is his moaning and her slurping on what I assume is his dick. I didn't know what to do at this point; I was drunk enough to pass out at any moment, but angry enough to want to fight through it and kick his ass. After some time, I feel her grab my face with her hands and turn it towards her, then she kisses me and shoves a huge load of my best friend's cum into my mouth and rubs my face telling me to swallow my cum (apparently she thought I was drunk enough to believe she had blown me and not him). I swallowed it and tried to act confused. She reached down and grabbed my hard dick and pulled it out of my shorts and said "See, this is why I've been fucking you for 2 years, and the way he just swallowed your cum is the reason I've been dating him."
After I sobered up and thought about the situation, I was angry, but it was so hot that I never said anything about it. I got drunk multiple times around them afterwards and she did similar things sometimes. There were a few times she rubbed his cum on my lips and under my nose and once she had him rub his dick on my lips, but he never put it inside as far as I know.
Eventually, she moved out of the state to live with her sister and never mentioned that she had been feeding me another man's cum for years or any of the other things she did. I lived with my friend for about a year after she left and ended up seeing his cock twice when he passed out and it slipped out of his boxers. I never did anything with him, but always wanted to.
That was something I've never told another soul, but he and I are still good friends and he has never mentioned anything that happened in that house. Now I've been married for almost 20 years and I can't even begin to describe how happy I would be if my wife were to start fucking other men and making me clean up or service him for her. This is the story of how I got interested in cuckolding.
Fuck off anti-Trump faggot
leftypol always coincides defeat by spamming
Listen dude: I'm almost 49 years old. I've been using computers since the original Apple 1 was in stores. In high school I used a multi-user BASIC system running on a Data General Nova minicomputer connected to 3 schools via 300bps modems over leased phone lines. The first computer I built was based on a 1976 Popular Electronics article and used an old Teletype ASR-33 as a terminal. The next three computers were S-100 bus systems running CP/M v2.2. Depending on your age, I may have been writing code in C under CP/M before you were even *born*. I've owned no-name Taiwaneese knock-off XT clone motherboard-based systems I built on the cheap, with monochrome (yes, the ugly-ass green-screen) graphics. I remember the original Mac looking like someone's idea of a joke to me. I thought Windows v2.x was the most useless thing on the planet. I actually ran IBM's OS/2 for a couple *years* and thought it was awesome. The only reason I changed from Win95 was because the USB support was virtually non-existent. The only reason I changed from Win98SE to Win2k was it wasn't stable on a CPU running over ~800MHz. I had an entire WinNT4 domain, complete with PDC, running in my apartment, while I was getting an MCSE.
You still want to call me "holy fucking faggot", friend? Check your Linux privilege. Not all of us are running it, and your overweening arrogance indicates to *me* that you're rather young, and perhaps aren't being totally honest about making your living the way you do.
ebin pasta, friend, 10/10
I don't give a fuck about your life story, you fucking massive faggot. Kill yourself.
Hit a sweet spot? You probably haven't even hit puberty. Yeah I'm a little busy not giving a fuck about your stupid bullshit. Pardon my reply times. Raging? I'm simply pointing out how pathetic you neckbeards are. Everyone on this entire thread is a beta neckbeard faggot. Except me of course. I'm the sole voice of reason in this cancerous flood. Not mad at all. Just thought I'd drop by and post my daily reminder of why you should all an hero. When you're sitting at your computer helping out your fellow neckbeards, always remember that I'm out fucking Swedish chicks.
2007? Yeah damn right I was in the scene during 2007. Please continue to tell me about how edgy and important you all are. While helping out some autist that's clearly trolling you. It's fuckin sad when people can be trolled by manchildren.
Hit a sweet spot?
You probably haven't even hit puberty. Yeah I'm a little busy not giving a fuck about your stupid bullshit. Pardon my reply times. Raging? I'm simply pointing out how pathetic you neckbeards are. Everyone on this entire thread is a beta neckbeard faggot. Except me of course. I'm the sole voice of reason in this cancerous flood. Not mad at all. Just thought I'd drop by and post my daily reminder of why you should all an hero. When you're sitting at your computer helping out your fellow neckbeards, always remember that I'm out fucking Swedish chicks.
2007? Yeah damn right I was in the scene during 2007. Please continue to tell me about how edgy and important you all are. While helping out some autist that's clearly trolling you. It's fuckin sad when people can be trolled by manchildren.
Hello John.
Fuck you.
Also, when you have a few seconds, fuck off because that;s why and fuck you.
Hello John.
Fuck you.
Also, when you have a few seconds, fuck off because that;s why and fuck you.
Bow down to Stu faggots.
Why are Trump girls so much better than HillShills?
Also, right or left?
Because most of these pictures are very clearly staged.
lol mad
Left or right.
Because they're winners
the one on the right
the one on the right or the left
Never again
The left one. Fuck piercings.