Dealing with the red pill

Hey Holla Forums, been partially red pilled for a while now but only fully took the plunge recently. I don't have any personal friends who are even close to the realm of my views (literally 0 friends who are even conservative, let alone red pilled). Thinking about the lie of the six gorillion and the ever prevalent progressive agenda has me in a funk most days without anyone to even vent to this about…

how do you guys deal with the red pill? Do you try to put it out of your mind during the day, do you stew on it all day like I do?

Other urls found in this thread:

You will have no more friends from now on.
You will see them all for the degenerates they are.
You will be forever pissed with everyone around you all while not revealing your power level.
You are now alone; you only have us now.


I usually get with people alone and force it down their throat until they accept it.

That about sums it up.

you're just being overdramatic, it can't be that bad, can it? Am I always going to feel this way?




I'm sorry, user. This was a one-way trip you can't return from. Ever.

I wish I was a shill m8. Trying not to be a defeatist, but I go to one of the most jew infested, liberal colleges in the country so life there is pretty much living hell. It will be even more so when I go back for the fall semester

I haven't had a friend in four years.
Every single day is more painful than the last.
Every day of the past year has been more agonizing than the worst days of my life before this year.

I'm not sad, I feel horrified and guilty. Every single aspect of who I was as of a year ago gives me stomach pain to think about.
I can't stop thinking about the horrible things I did without even realizing they were horrible.

I believe I am personally responsible for two beautiful white women becoming self-obsessed wastes.

But I'm now improving in every way that I can, and what's hopeful is that I am improving the rate at which I am improving.
I wish someone had woken me up sooner.

It's hard at first. You come to terms with it and learn to live with it.

That's about all I can tell you.

To grow as a person and become stronger and a better person, we need to feel a kind of despair.

Hitler himself were a drifter for years, and in the end created his strong willpower and determination to do something truly beautiful for his people.

Learning to know yourself and the power which nature has given you is a blessing in the end.

Learn the jewish tricks and use orwellian newspeak/memes and drop small but undetectable clues about the current affairs. Slowly people will open their eyes.

Stay strong

There'll be a point where you chat with your friends over coffee about something political and you'll tread lightly stating what you would think is simply the logical option, holding off on Holla Forums terminology.

They'll stare at you wide eyed at how racist and shitlord-y you are.

That's when you'll know.


thanks guys, it's good to know that I'm not alone in this. Aside from slight normie red pilling, what should I do? I have about 7 good friends at college, one of whom is a jew and literally goes full programmed robot mode whenever someone mentions the holocaust ("the jews are THE MOST persecuted people of all time" "6 million died in the holocaust" etc.) what do I do about this?

I forgot to post this.

It's tough, I know. Holla Forums helps. But ultimately you'll need to find someone else who's redpilled. Only then will this feeling leave you.

time to defoo fam

fug off m80, not about to put myself through that misery. The torture of being around them and not letting on to my true beliefs (although they know I'm conservative as fuck anyways) is way less than cutting them off and having no friends

Its not so bad after awhile.


Jews are always victims. You get to a point were it actually becomes funny, because their behavior is so predictable.Got called antisemit today because I said antisemitism is used to much. I laughed.

In the end you will know you haven't lost anything, but gotten rid of a burden.

It takes time, just with everything in life.

can definitely relate to this one. It's literally like they're programmed with a specific rant that gets triggered by specific words, like they're hypnotized or some shit. Even some of the people in my friend group notice it

Give it time.
As you learn more you'll come to realize that it's easier to be alone than get constant headaches from mental gymnastics caused by people who treat you as a shabbos goy.

We all know that feeling bro.

How do you consider people that you have to lie to in order for them to accept you to be your friends?

We need more networking for isolated Holla Forumsacks with no redpilled friends.

Whatever happened to meadhall?

Iknow this feel OP.

if it helps, you're only here for another 80 years or so.

-If not already, start lifting
-Find something you enjoy doing and make it a hobby, it helps distract you for a while.
-Try to get into a position where you're able to make lots of money for a large-moderate company, receive a small piece of that profit as a salary and buy yourself a prostitute once in a while.

good luck.


Maybe I just got lucky but I managed to redpill someone on the jew by just replying "yeah, with good reason" to them saying that.


I consider them my friends but if they knew the truth they probably wouldn't consider me their friend.
I lie to my parents, I lie to my friends, my teachers. I lie to pretty much everyone because the truth is too repulsive, there's nothing else I can do.

I agree with this, someone should set up an irc chat or some shit

only the spiders understand me now

At first after my "slight" redpilling and the facts began to sink in, I became aware of this "muh victims". At first it scared me and actually helped the progress. Now I can predict behavior of normies to.

Redpilling is so much more than just the holohoax and jews.

pic related

Also: friendship is not a one way street - that's bending to social peer-pressure to "fit in"

think of it like this

there is a woman that wants a strong white man to marry her and have babies with her.
you walked by her yesterday and you didn't see her.
She went to a Trump rally, the one you didn't go to because you didn't want anyone to see you support Trump.
She gave up.
She doesn't want to be alone anymore, so she finally responds to her italian ex boyfriend's texts.
She'll spend the next four years in a relationship with him, and when he disappears, she'll be 24.
She gave up on her hope of having a family young, she's too old now to have 5 children.
She doesn't have a solid paycheck, she gets involved with a 70 year old retired banker.
She's 41 when he dies, leaving her everything.
She wants kids so she adopts one. A mexican.
She dies alone.

Try to be the the best person you can be and set an example for your friends and others you meet.
Be honest about your beliefs if people ask you point blank about something, and try to occasionally drop small redpills when it's appropriate. This will help you to blow off some of that steam you will be building up by being redpilled. However, DO NOT go 1488 gas the kikes race war now like an autist right out of the gate.

The key is if you come across as a smart and trustworthy friend people are more likely to listen to you and not just write you off as a conspiracy theorist or whackjob or whatever.

You forgot to add that you'll never be able to fully speak your mind with another human being.
You'll be written off as crazy
You'll be belittled and mocked
Your life will be destroyed

And when you're right, they'll throw the saying "a broken clock is right twice a day".

Your social isolation will push you to further redpill yourself.

It is as certain as an Amen in church.

Yeah, no. You're just socially incompetent.


yeah of course, what else would you consider it?

yep, that's pretty much exactly what I'm doing

this is solid advice. I went pretty ham pro trump/anti government last semester (although I did manage to win a few battles with them), but now my red pilled-ness is a level deeper. I think I'm going to try to hold back next semester and do what you suggest

Marriage is currently Russian roulette with the way family courts are set up. I'd rather not be forced to flee the country or pay alimony and child support whilst never seeing my children again until I commit suicide. Finding a nice, young and fertile, thin and virginal girl for a wife is like hunting for a unicorn these days.


He's a kike and he's not your real father.

Kill him. He deserves no honor like a real father would.

Lies will destroy you. Truth always prevail. That is why the jews narrative is collapsing.

I must say, you are so addicted to peer approval, I indeed so was I, that is causes massive discomfort in your brain. This is a natural reaction.

Lurk Holla Forums when you get the time.

If you need to rage to some of your friends, rage about NWO and shit like that.


There are closet conservatives everywhere and it's easy to be respected (for what little liberal respect is worth) if you pace your red-pilling.


People, read edgy teenagers, literally believe redpilling is only about jooooos.

I can't stand stupidity and the underdeveloped brain teenagers have.

so do you mean r/K selection theory? rejection of progressive agenda? not doing drugs?

stop acting like a pretentious retard and give some examples

I dunno, I found a thin, christian girl who's waiting for marriage on some ghetto ass dating site. Going to go on a date with her and see if she's nuts or something, seems too good to be true.

I've got an extremely redpilled Serbian acquaintance but we've never really broken the friendship barrier despite the fact we're the only people who will listen to each other's rants.

Alright guys, thread's over.



Get over yourself, I misread your fucking sentence.

What you stated more or less.In addtion understanding everything is propaganda. The idea of memes, The human psyche. National socialisme is the natural result of human evolution.

Hell I could write a book about it.

It's hard but you get used to it.

Seriously though, it takes a couple of years to really sink in. Then you have to search again for meaning in your life and a reason to live. Think about it this way: every day you we're blue-pilled you were also seeking to understand life, and you had a world-view and eventually kinda felt like you knew what was going, what you wanted, and what you thought was best for the world. Now your entire world-view has changed you just have to start again.

The earlier in life you take the red pill the easier it is to eventually adjust. This is why it is important to tell your children the truth. Think about all the retarded decisions you made because you were blue pilled, especially if you believed that men and women were the same.

The isolation hit me hard after my girl left me for a fat League of Legends playing gook because he was her boss at the time. I realized everyone around me was really as stupid as I thought they were. Every day, waiting to clock in at my shit job, there'd be a line of people scratching off lottery tickets and buying booze in front of the time clock that I'd have to navigate through. I had no one but pol. Then I realized that people isolate themselves for professional reasons all the time. I became one of those professionals. My ex had a kid with that fat slant, and has since begged for my absurdly wealthy uncircumcised penis near incessantly. Every advance is another opportunity to twist the dagger and twist I do. It's lonely at the top, but once you're there, you have fun watching your spit fall on the unsuspecting fools that pushed you up the mountain. The world burns while I sip $100 coffee and browse rare MAGAs. The best feeling in the world gat dang it.

If you are a STEM there are plenty bright people over there, and I'm sure some of them lean towards your views. Just gotta learn and broaden your friends. Be more observant and talk to the guys who seem logical and easily approachable. Give it a try and go to a church near college, maybe become a member and join a student group in church or in college and make friends there. You need to be the initiator to make things happen. The years and days are ticking. Somewhat related pic. Also don't make threads like these. People can answer your question fine in other threads. You can't win over everyone, so make or find a circle that is open, nice, and understanding. Also lift like other anons say and find a good hobby. Good grades and internships make job searching easy.


Although once you reach Morpheus/Neo level you will be able to do certain things. For example, friend of a friend is a half Scottish half Nigerian bitch(from fucking niggeria, yes degenerate). I turned her from Bernie to Trump in one night, and redpilled her on race realism vs. racism. And then set my sides asunder saying nigger in several ways and being accepted while doing it, and using her as a human shield against cucks while being noisy about my powerlevel (because I had her respect and we laughed about it).

So yes, you're completely fucked. But you're in Kek's universe now. You'll be alright


Praise Kek.

Praise Kek for (((mods))) somehow not understanding the Streisand Effect. I'm adding these to my Stef folder.

Also, thanks you fat fucks for anchoring yet another thread that (while not being very creative) is getting replies and probably isn't a shill thread. What in the everliving fuck has gotten into the hotpockets tonight? The raid ended days ago, now they're just shitting on newfaggots and new allies.

fine art, Holla Forums memes, hitler speeches, survival and science videos, a stroll through nature, etc.

it's not enough to know how bad things are.
you have to know how great things can be
as hitler put it,
"Germany lies before us, Germany marches within us, and Germany follows"
" The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith."

>>>Holla Forums5792154

Ain't No Rest for the Triggered - Social Justice_ The Musical Chris Ray Gun

murdoch murdoch

Joe Rogan discusses the Timothy Boatwright story on October 19th, 2015 on his #711 Joe Rogan Experience Podcast.

primitive technology

And yet they won't delete the 3 threads which praise "based" niggers on the first page.

It doesn't work that way my dude

If you have no-go zones in your relationships, they're not friends. You are an anxiety reducing hug toy. user, you are in a world of narcissistic collectivists. In collectivism you submit, or you suffer. In reality, you suffer anyway.

as funny as this is I'm not saving this shit nigger

But your argument is sound
ok fuck it I'll snag that

Ok. Think of it this way because this is the truth.

You bring up a redpill with a friend. You argue, you refute his counterarguments. This is where we all do the social calculation.

"How much shit am I gonna get for accepting this?"

Not if it's true or not. They already got that subconsciously when you proved your point. Like clockwork, they do this calculation and realize that it's gonna cost them their friends, their girlfriend/boyfriend, and possibly their job.

This also reveals that all their relationships are based on conformity and avoidance of conflict, because all those people would do the exact same social calculation, and they know their people would all scrap the truth for safety.

This causes massive MASSIVE YUUUUGE anxiety in them. But like most people, instead of admitting "oh my god, this is the truth but I'm gonna catch so much shit", they freak the fuck out and yell and call you names and do all this defensive bullshit that doesn't refute you.

And they hate you now. Because you've involuntarily redpilled them. They now see the truth and can't un-see it, so what they thought was a palace they have to go back to is actually an insane asylum.

Like I said, in collectivism you submit or suffer, but in reality you suffer anyway.

An Accurate perspective on reality is a survival trait in reality.