I have a problem, Holla Forums. I don't understand what's my incentive to care about your ideology. Or frankly, for anyone with a modicum of self-respect or rationality, really. No, it's not what you think. I do not say so due to liberal leaning or some other antagonistic agenda. For all I care, Holla Forums can be right about everything. The kikes, immigrants, and all the rest.
What I don't see is a good reason to give a shit. About keeping the white race pure, promoting fascism, gassing the kikes, whatever it is your goals are. Simply put, you offer no prizes for doing so. What would I gain from "fiting 4 race"? The White Warriors are going to build me a mansion and shower me with shekels? No?, Perhaps extract revenge on all those who wronged me in the day of the rope, many of whom, I'm afraid, were White, and possibly guys like you? Not that either. Well, at least I could live in total tranquility and harmony in the Reich utopia, right? Wait, on second though, I just remembered you advocate for a merciless Darwinian jungle in which everyone who's deemed weak or socially incompetent is euthanized.
My, my, what a bargain. So what does that leave? "The beauty of the Aryan woman"? The same ones who compromise the majority of SJW's and liberals you hate so much, and I would add degeneracy too if I didn't know better ( That you are massive hypocrites who promote sexual degeneracy and shame anyone who doesn't ), or besides the same ones who continually push anti-male laws and gynocentric gender norms, while expecting to be delicate goddesses, which in your white utopia would still be regarded just as the feminists you currently want them to be, as white goddesses sitting on laurel leaves while all the men sweat and bleed for their approval?
Well I have an idea. Since you're obsessed with the religion of serving the Aryan woman and think anyone who rejects it is just jealous of you, how about this - When you have the Fourth Reich, you can set up a Collosseum, in which alpha males such as yourself fight each other to the death, and only the winners are allowed access to a harem of as many white vaginas to breed as they want, while anyone else, including the spectators, do not have sex or pass on their genes. So you'll have all the beauty of the Aryan women for yourself and it'll be a sweet eugenics program too! How about that? If you agree we have a deal and I'll fite 4 race.
What do you mean, "no"? I thought it's everything you want. You get to be a manly white man and work hard for the privilege of the aryan woman and passing on your superior genes, while every male who doesn't man up and prove his alphaness gets nothing. Can't imagine why you'd refuse.
So I guess the only reason to support Holla Forums is to be possessed by some hormonal animalistic drive to start hooting and raging and blowing your chest to prove your dominance when you hear that the race is in danger or that white culture is dying or something, like a nigger being sprang into action when his gang starts bellowing about cracks, or a retard going "HURRRARGHHHGHGH" in a spastic fit?
Seeing as how Holla Forums endorses a Nietzchean social structure where everyone needs to improve, lift, fuck, be dominant and all of that jazz just for the sake of being "Top gorilla" so others don't stomp on him, including Holla Forumsacks themselves, wouldn't it actually be a direct conflict of interests for someone to assist you in your "war" against your enemies, the kikes and shitskins?
I mean, if the average Holla Forumstards are gonna instinctively hack someone to pieces for showing any "inferiority", by going "Lol I'm fucking better than you nerds, I lift, I'm groomed, I'm rich, I'm popular, I have a 10/10 GF", suggesting that an ideal poster should be as "alpha as possible" so he can brag about it, then wouldn't it be far more lucrative to adopt an immoral, opportunistic mindset instead?
If being a successful alpha and taking the iron pill is what you take pride in, wouldn't it make sense for someone for me to make sure that you keep being deadlocked in a struggle against niggers and jews as to reduce your social status, while fucking over white values, the white race and white society or being a ZOG shill if it means I get to be richer and more alpha than you?
Think about it. There are two big kingdoms fighting each other. They hate each other's guts. Each kingdom wants to dominate the other and prove their superiority. In the middle there's a small kingdom. It's in the best interests of that small kindom to keep those two larger ones killing each other, scheming against each other, and in general disarray. Not helping anyone, because they would be next.
tl;dr why should I, as a Goy who only looks after himself, be sympathetic to Holla Forums's ambitions?