TBH if you were rich you would get a perfect womb waifu

TBH if you were rich you would get a perfect womb waifu
If you were an uglyfag you would still be better off getting a low end model waifu than trying to get with bitches and skanks

3DPD makes itself extinct
in the future there will be a small amount of real flesh waifus that do normal waifu things and have kind and caring demeanors
then there will be masses of low to mid end robot waifus with mixed results (muh markets)
then there will be a mix of richfags geting both non reproducing and reproducing waifus that are robots or cyborgs
the fuck would you ever deal with unfaithful sluts or banshee feminist dykes if you didnt have to due to demand/supply?

Other urls found in this thread:












I would rather be with a robot than a real girl.

But sadly I don't think that'll ever happen.

it can

Oh, daddy and I are rather old fashioned… he's been preparing my cervix for years!

This along with muscles and violence is my fetish

how soon?


Some kinda medabot midget robot maid harem would suit me fine.


robots are never naked
i dunno man

id probably breed real women using "womb waifus" whom i would then train to be proper

About as stupid as this image.
Not even androids can fix a woman's stupidity.

want it

If only we could get a real woman

tbh id take 1 to be a maid only




Oh god. Oh god it hurts.




And there we have it.

Don't know what that do with anything.
If my brain fell out, and I got married, and had children, if affordable sexbots with AI that were out of the uncanny valley came out, I wouldn't care how long I was married, I'll leave her with the kids, and run off with the sexbot.

Really don't know why you're white-knighting in a thread about sexbots. One of the few things that would make you able to transcend the mating strategy of white-knighting.

It's far too late for that.
The big hand is about to hit robot-fucking o'clock on the doomsday clock.

rolling for pushups


Yeah… that time never existed. That's how it's always been.


She could use it to pry.

If sex toys & dolls are legal then I don't see why robots will be outlawed.

Because "human values" and "dehumanizing policies",.. "Can't insult the image of god" etc etc…

Women will try to protect their monopoly on giving birth in human society and will try to do a smearing campaign to either outlaw sex robots or make it very difficult to deal with them. There is already a video about that.

sexbots arent even a thing yet and feminists are out in full force trying to outlaw them already

cant wait for robo revolution

mai waifu wil be real

no she wont faggot

all this talk of sexbots lately. what if instead of making robots female, why don't we make females robots?

same difference

That was the plot of Stepford Wives

Which was a jew conspiracy to make women feel guilty for wanting to be loving wives and good mothers…. just like this "muh sexbot" meme.

Yeah I can believe that. pic-related is from a reddit post where an artist takes pictures of herself dressed up and with a cake she baked. Read the salty response from the woman. Pathetic. Like, if a guy posted a picture of himself with his degrees and his money, and I replied whining that it makes me uncomfortable, people would rightly call me an idiot.

Holla Forums please get your white-knights under control

That's the pussy cartel. The matriarchy. Mommy.

Utilizing trauma mind control techniques and emotional abuse they have programmed children since birth to always want to please mommy. It runs deep. Since women are also the chief abusers of children, this is even more obvious. By turning boys into white knight slaves and little girls into whore-manipulators with all the tools of the trade like makeup, the cycle continues. Any deviance is punished by the hive mind, women are also the worst slut shamers because giving it away for free reveals the massive fraud they have been pulling all these ages. It's the main reason for suffering on this planet.

The matriarchy is the patriarchy.

All that had to be done was for women to collectively withhold their favor and affection from men. They'd rather die than give it up for free.

but they are also stupid, and won't know to do anything about it until sexbots are here, and when they do come they'll think the 'shame' of using a sexbot will be enough to protect them from what is coming, but they are wrong, and they will be too late to do anything

That's a soldering iron, non-stem fag. If she wanted to solder some other component onto that circuit board, she would need to flip it over.

Don't see why she's wearing eye protection either.

Useful idiot doesn't even know what the words hes using mea.

please kill yourself
if you are male, and you think sexbots will be in anyway a bad thing for you, then there is no hope for you

these nofap retards are just tools for feminist and political agendas.

The only differences between high end and low end will be the price and how fancy the packaging is.

There is no difference between high end and low end flour. It's a commodity that some people market as something superior. But it's all the same. Robots will be much the same after the first few generations have passed and the AI is much smarter than a human. In fact, after the second or third generation, you probably won't even have to buy them anymore. Your old robot will just build you a new one, and transfer its mind over with upgrades to better serve you, reassigning the old one to do menial tasks, or moving it out to a workshop where it will build things to fuel the robot's economy.

I don't care about nofap.
fapping keeps me from having to deal with 3DPD



so uhm what happened to /jailbait/ and what's the next best thing?

i hope there will be fembots with smelly vaginas, ass cracks, arm pits and feet
its my fetish

I see a different tone.
Sex bots made available readily, rather affordable and customisable.

However, if you want to add an artificial womb or donor gametes of any kind that's when the pricing kicks in.

Because of the future socially awkward nature of humans it will be the only real way to breed. It's Athenian policy of only those who can afford it can reproduce to the extreme.

sounds reasonable

Nah, I think we'll invent virtual reality that taps directly into the human nervous system. You'll see, hear, smell, taste and feel everything just by plugging a USB into your brain.

the nose knows
sounds wonderful!

It must feel bad being a 8/10 single man with no monies.

Meanwhile, rich 3/10 Muslims get at least 10-15 fertility goddesses.

sand niggers are inbreed as all shit, so it will be hard to find a 'fertility goddesses' among sand nigger 3DPD

that scene always made me cringe as a kid

more pls

Well look at it this way, it'll make hentai real

Do you even understand what a cervix is?

what's up with that shitty hair?

Get on my level, pussies. Hard mind uploading FTW


He was referring to the other picture, robowaifu with the flathead, you fucking retard


meh, useless to me. It would just be like a fucking clone. I want a VR interface with my nervous system so I can fuck hentai bitches.

Screw robots

I sure hope that woman isn't that stupid

Then why did he respond to the one of the pic with the idiotic girl holding the hot part of a soldering iron in her hand? She is clearly just a photo model who knows jackshit about electronics.

Nevermind, I just actually read the comments.


Cripplingly insecure. I honestly feel bad for her.


I wish this were true. I really do. But this technology will not be nearly good enough in our lifetimes to be an adequate replacement for a real woman.

We're stuck with them lads. Can't live with em, can't live without em.

I think great ones will be available, but will be so damn expensive those rich enough could more easily afford a trophy wife. A regular or poor guy, who could really use one will never be able to afford one that is any good.

yup, guess your only alternative is man up and grow some fucking balls so you can get a real woman and not take any of her shit.

Much as I'd LOVE to see feminists loose their shit over the sex robot apocalypse, that's not what you should be hanging your hopes on in terms of getting laid.

you're stuck with them, don't put me in your fucking group

You're right and I'm not going to give up. It's a royal pain in the ass but it can be done. And yes there are good women out there. I've seen plenty cringe and wince when feminism is brought up. They'll say "I believe in equal rights, but…" They don't want to be tarred with the same brush as the nasty harpies.

I honk it could happen. Sometimes tech makes amazing giant leaps. Not often, but there's an outside chance it could. I'd be more interested in if the AI could actually "love" you.

Money could buy you love. Think of it.

gtfo with your shitty NAWALT arguments, faggot. 3DPD are like tigers, yeah you can find albino tigers, but it is still a fucking tiger

you fags do know what implications AI would have industry, right?
Everything would be cheaper, and all prices of any product where they implemented AI in its production, the price of said product would decrease dramatically, and there will be a demand for sexbots among normal men, it would be retarded for the market to not try do sell sexbots to them at some kind of affordable price
Just like cars were meant to be a toy for rich children, and computers were made for war, so to will sexbots follow the same kind of path

Mind uploading is possible without killing you/creating a clone. You just have to take a Ship of Theseus approach, and slowly replace neurons or clusters of neurons with artificial ones or emulators, allowing the passenger (ie "you") to continue to exist in a continuous fashion.

True, we have to let the rich have their day before it comes to the general public.

I bet that could work at least to a point. People have lost portions of their brains without loosing memory/cognitive ability. The physical raw material of the brain is replaced anyway as we grow. It would be interesting to see how far one could go, but first you need artificial neurons that can talk to biological neurons.

I really like 's idea though. Just plug ourselves into a fucking r34 matrix.

Fucking christ, breed you degenerates. Only stupid poor people have kids these days. I don't expect much of Holla Forums but even you guys are better than what's being replicated out there. Just work at it. I know it's hard but a robot will never ever replace a real life, which includes a wife and children.

Tech already kinda replaced 3DPD for some roles if you count porn and sextoys

There's 7+Billion people and lets say 50% are females and just because all you ever see are ugly 3DPD doesn't mean there can't be a perfect 3Dwaifu. Sample size matters, if you're gonna ask me.

Sure the power of technology can make robot waifus real but it won't happen anytime soon unless you add Arts with STEM (STEAM) and remove the 'modern art' SJW meme that recognizes anything as beauty to justify 'their' incompetence imitating the old masters.

Art is mising in today's technology. Today's curriculum bastardizes the Sacred and Divine Geometry, Maths, and Ratios.
I cannot name any notable masterpiece made this 21st century.
The current architecture is shit, the current technological UX/UI are all shit although Apple did great UI which surprised me that even aged people would learn how to use tech the first time.

Art is missing. Sure you can make a 3D CGI of almost any object even fluid, you can hear a thousand songs composed annually but they will never compete with masterpieces made by masters from 1Nth century.

It's not just visual arts that got fucked, music also got a lot shittier.
Back in the days there were several temperaments even ones that harmonizes with a certain keys for symphonies, concertos, and sonatas but today theres only just 12-TET and most classical music remakes today sound like a fucking joke! This 'standard' temperament removed perfect harmony. Listening to current recordings of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in Equal Temperament sounded less dramatic although the music piece is excellent itself. Musical scores written in key F minor/major sound sadder and more dramatic than any key but in todays 12-TET it won't matter either way. You won't hear a classical piece how it was intended to be heard. In today's terrible music/songs you only have to use 2keys method where first is the base then at the final spurt you shift the pitch by 1 (most noobs don't notice this though) while the octaves and notes touched are very limited due to disharmony that causes the sound to get muddy OR their incompetence in music theory.

This 'acceptance' meme is killing Arts. Art is about selection of the finest and rejection of the worst. Let's not get to the point where even a poop's smell and flavor are 'accepted' and 'appreciated'

Please God no.

I don't about art, I care about sexbots.

I don't care about art or 3DPD, I care about sexbots*


I like seeing movies.

I'm tech, not art, but I do have a vague sense that art has its own kind of intelligence peculiar to itself. It's a thought process of intuitions & revelation. That's as far as I can explain what I feel about it.

I'm picturing someone like Nathan from Ex-Machina as the kind of person who will make it happen.


muh weefoo


I like how it had a reference to instagram and made "an convenient edit" at the end. It made it all seem very believable.


no, its real


i honestly believe this will fuck society up more than the internet


Not even immediately discussing the porn and sexual gratification combo, it will completely disconnect weak/trashy females from most males. No one needs to give a fuck anymore about banshees when access to complete replacement is open to all males.

so? the only 'problem' I see coming up from sexbots is birth rate issues, which can be fixed without forcing males to cater to 3DPD, in fact the development of certain technologies would make any involvement 3DPD have in reproduction completely unnecessary.

Oh I agree, the first thing after making them lifelike to fuck and minimally sentient appearing will be reproductive capabilities. No one needs to have a philosophical debate with their sexbot so full sentience will not be in demand for a while especially if it costs mad cash.

Meh, I would spend money to get 'philosophical debates' not heated ones, just for something to talk about. I would treat my sexbot as my wife, so I'll want to talk to her, but I you still haven't explained how sexbots would 'fuck up society more than the internet'

Ah you are correct I did not elaborate properly.

Going back to:

If you think about how many males act today, most will deny it, many have a strong incentive to please females in some way.

Who in their right mind will go to clubs with shitty music if they don't need to go there to fuck sluts?

The same goes with excessive money, most really don't want or need expensive shit and only choose to chase it to appear more valuable to females.


Well, I don't really know what infant consumption culture or expensive products have to do the further dissolvemnet of society.
And yeah pussy can be a carrot on a stick, but it isn't the only thing drive men to do extraordinary things, in fact with the tyranny of 3DPD resolved, and man still being able to find intimate companionship and reproductive success, man will be free to pursue what he is passionate about without being pushed into something more lucrative, as his 3DPD wants to buy something, and she can't afford it herself.

Yes, this is true.
So what society is like today will be completely different from what it will be after the sexual revolution 2.0.
Men won't all chase money for the sake of money so they can "appear valuable". Many men will make dank memes for the rest of us to enjoy.
Consumer culture might go extinct altogether.

ah, no capitalism makes consumer culture, tho it might go down.

ITT: Sad white men being sold on a death cult

When will this bizarre shilling end? The front page is loaded with porn and sex threads.

Holla Forums sexbots aren't a way to kill a race, there to free its men from the 3DPD. Sorry if that makes your inter white-knight mad

I meant the overall tread of threads:

That doesn't sound like Holla Forums to me.

*trend of threads

So you're bitching about Holla Forums being full of sad faggots, that don't understand or can't except that 3DPD is PD, and wtf fuck is wrong with porn?

Nothing wrong with porn except it leads to those other threads. I know it's slow here but this thread is damn near a week old. Between this, the "Why aren't you married?" one, the pro circumcision one, a thread begging for tits that will never come. Just now there are two new threads, one pedo b8 and the other the classic "Why do white women like black cock?" cuck one. It's pushing a combination of sex and depression of tfw no gf.

Several things that I don't think have been mentioned yet, so Consider the following:

How much weight would you give the average person? How much greater is your (Insert ability here) to average? What about weaknesses? The original driving idea behind capitalism is expounding your strengths to such a point where you can make enough money to not be hindered by your weaknesses.

The same can be said of population. If your "workers" (IE, people who are pushing us forward as a species) can hold up the dead weight of the many. Equal does not always mean exact same number.

Secondly, what the whole conversation basically is that men are taking themselves off the market entirely by having a physical by-product for hormonal release. Men taking themselves off the market is nothing new, we've been doing it since we had no idea what existed beyond the horizon. This is just making it so that it becomes less of a willpower issue. Do I think it will doom the human race? No.

That being said, I do see two ways this can go. The probability of the less pleasant of the two being more likely. When these release, expect women and men (Relatively normal folk) to recoil in horror about it. Then there's going to be a moral condemnation of it from the church and other religious institutions. Followed closely by careful registration by government, because they would love to humiliate prospective political hopefuls. It won't be banned outright due to the massive amounts of profit it will generate, though I suspect it will be taxed heavily. TL;DR: People will resist it because it's not about changing yourself, it's about changing how you perceive others.

Secondly, they're so hugely popular. I mean on a scale that even the Internet and personal computing haven't hit yet. That there's no time for outcry, and what outcry exists will be carefully swept under the rug as extremist and radical. Followed by everything being copacetic because artifical wombs and waifubots have finally put women on the same plane as men.

Just my two cents.

not in such large numbers

yeah, that is Holla Forums I don't know what to tell you

Equal does not always mean exact, I would also imagine that those that do go on to reproduce would spring a few who want to fight on and advance the species.

Tell me I won't be alone forever ;_;

see my other there will other ways of having children that doesn't involve 3DPD, and there will be a demand for it, as the birth rate will not be adequate to keep society running.

you won't, as you as you save enough money to get your robo-waifu.
I am going with the plain doll from Bloodborne

But I am poor. Will you be my waifu BO?

doesn't matter if you're poor. You're a dude with a goal, and without you giving your money to 3DPD, I am confident, that you'll able to find happiness in the arms of your robo-waifu

we'll see
the only downsides i see are for expensive men who manipulate other men in society through manipulating women and shitty females that have no redeemable qualities

so say we all


that is like feeling sorry for a leech

soon, all of the pain and loneliness will make it sweeter then we deserve

Exactly my thoughts my fellow user.

need to stock on my robo girl rule 34 folder, still have put the magaman pics in their on folder.
well, guess I have some work to do



You should pitch this idea to Pornhub! They're quite an enterprising bunch. Just come up with a catchy name for it.


I'm going to stick with real women, because you can't program love, a 3DPD may fall out of love with you, but that's also a plus, because the time that she spent with you was spent because she sincerely wanted to, a robot is just following it's programming, it doesn't even have the capacity to love you in any other way than how they were programmed to, at least 3DPD are capable of spontaneous acts of romance.

And i will miss romance, a relationship that is just sex would be very unfulfilling, and i predict that this would cause a lot of men to "divorce" their initially-ideal robofu.

remember, you are talking about a relationship here, not a porn shoot.

you know that she has a barbie crotch, right?

you could do intercural, but not intercourse, i have no idea how oral would work.

but hey, the same sort of situation worked itself out in chobits, right?

Seriously… what the fuck is WRONG with you people?

mine will have a cunt

You do know 'love' is just as fake with a sexbot, then it is with 3DPD

I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me, I can't see what's exactly wrong about this.

Femanon detected

This user has the right idea. Get pornhub behind it! They have the money to make things possible and there's an army of lonely nerds to program the AI.

Sexual Revolution 2.0 will be driven by the power of porn, my bitchas!







There sure are a lot of fat virgin basement-dwellers in here today, huh?

(second pic)
alright ima need sauce on these, please ?

fuck off


Here's some sauce you faggots!

The thing to remember about sex robots is they don't need to cross the uncanny valley and look realistically human at all. There's plenty of fun to be had on either side of the valley:


as well as smack dab in the middle of the valley for some freaks out there.

And as for the AI, I believe what's key here is the APPEARANCE of intelligence. She can give responses that don't really mean anything but which appear on a superficial level to show understanding, affection, etc. Combine that with the proper voice, facial expressions, certain gestures like holding your hands while she's riding you, and the human imagination can fill in the rest.

That's what the AI devs need to remember: leverage the human imagination and take constant feedback from beta testers.

Another thing: intentional imperfections. Clearing her throat, coughing, getting tongue-tied when she says certain words, etc. She can sound like an airhead and have a stupid, vapid personality. That's still a personality.

Get some major porn companies backing it. Co-opetition between a few big ones would be necessary in order to fund something like this. Maybe even invest.

You could get rich and make feminists loose their fucking shit at the same time!



shhh…. Go back to your 3DPD.
You're not welcome here.






who is this

mallet (blushmallet) or as I like to call her the goth robot girl

who dat?

creepy susie




ill order 3

A lot of women are like this. They see a woman better off than themselves(be it looks, wealth, family, etc), and they will lash out to attack that woman and bring her down to her level hopefully.

I was talking about this 3DPD not knowing where this feeling is come from.

She knows where the feeling is coming from, her own inadequacies.


the way she says it tho. It sounds like wants to be cucked by robots tbh




Is it true that there is such a thing as a plastic woman, with an artificial vagina?


I want moar.


do they piss?
That's all ic are about


Nothing sounds quite like the sound of git gud


So… you'd rather fuck a plastic fake robot, than a real woman? Is that right?


The weird thing is even though they have their tits out they would probably still get butthurt at people for looking at them.


The real reason is even though they claim to be "strong independent women who don't need no man" they are secretly afraid of being replaced by robots. When sex robots are available these women will become jealous of the machines so they will make up bullshit excuses as to why the sexbots are bad.

They could get their own male sexbots, but without a mans income how would they afford it? They're used to having their sex partner(s) pay for THEM, not the other way around. We'll see how strong & independent they are when they have to actually walk their talk.


What the fuck is this thread?
I mean don't y'all want some fat pussy? I mean real human pussy, not sexbot pussy? Like I don't understand the appeal of not having a relationship with a women, that's all.

How do you end up on this site and then not know why all these anons dont want to be with women? Its astoundingly obvious.

?? you're saying you don't believe the screenshot is real? Do you even google bro?


Literally 10 seconds of work.

heh, I saw this months ago

Know your place, retarded faggot.


if straight males could get sex from something else other then women, they are going lose a shitload of power that sex gives them. The only thing they'll have at that point is their ability to have children.

Sex robots will run their course no matter what. Feminists can't stop it any more than they can stop Internet porn: too much demand for it.

Holy shit Japan!



Woman pretending to be man please leave





wave of the future bitches!


So when all the betas finally move to robots ill have a larger chance of being with real women.

KYS tbh fam

You don't think there could be a connection to solder?

Those aren't bots, idiot, they're dolls

Speak for yourself I don't love my mom because she manipulated me into it, I love her because she always tried to give me the best life she could even if it meant sacrificing things she wanted.

disregard that, I suck cocks

I know you meant to shitpost, but this actually might pose an interesting question. If it doesn't eat, is there an alternative lubrication method or how does it change oil?
How much power does an android use and how advanced technology would powering it require?

Were in a simulation for sure, salvia is the red pill the creators put on our plane of existence. When you take it you get put on discovery mode and sure enough you'll get linked up and pulled out but you won't be able to comprehend the reality with your 5 senses in this foreign place

Honestly my biggest hangup is the oil guy fucking my robot.

Maybe it would have the oil drain in the vaginal canal or anal passage and a small intake somewhere at the base of the esophagus which the owner could administer him/her self with a long oil funnel or squirter

I don't know much about oils, but if the type of machine oil used were harmless to sensitive tissue and using something like it wouldn't negatively impact the machine's functions, then that possibility could be taken into consideration. Some type of filtering process would likely need to be designed, but hopefully it'd solve more problems than create.

Where does one even get to see how modern androids are designed? I want information and numbers.

I think by the time we can create self contained 120 year mini reactors well be able to not even need oil in our robots

Its only a matter of time until he robots we create have genetically enhanced human parts. A robot mind not a brain but a heart and lugs etc

I think that's limited by coolant, not by battery technology. Even when batteries can provide an enormous amount of energy that energy has to turn into heat at some point. Even if it's used for computation or movement along the way. So if a robot has human form it's not going to have a lot of ways to release heat. Humans sweat. Will we be able to make a robot that sweats? Will we accept a robot that sweats? That's the sort of question we'll run into.

It doesn't sound unlikely, it just bugs me when a claim like that is presented alone. Not a big deal though.

Whether or not flesh and machinery becomes interchangeable before technology allows machines to double as partners is another interesting question.

That would definitely impose an upper limit on how much power the machine has to work with, since we can't have it use more than it can reasonably cool off. (As a bonus however, we could make them comfortably warm to touch).

They should come with a supply of synthetic pheromones that they gradually release into the room just like a glade plug-in.

I remember this video youtube.com/watch?v=R-0SMryFWpc mentioning a concoction that drives a mans libido through the roof. They said what the ingredients were but I don't remember and I can't be bothered to watch the whole goddamned thing again. Russian sex spies would apply it behind their ears when they had to seduce their mark and it made men loose control of themselves.

Okay I just watched it anyway, here are the ingredients. youtu.be/R-0SMryFWpc?t=17m

Perfectly convincing A.I. would be redundant if a man was under the spell of this stuff. He would overlook anything "robotic" about her personality and only see what he wanted to see. You apply it to all the right places on her body, or just put it in a special compartment and she does the glade plug-in thing: releasing small amounts of it on her breath, or just secreting it into her mouth, etc.

It could compensate for the choppiness of robot personalities until A.I. developers can beat the Turing test.


And still no Zoe Quinn Sex Doll!

thank god

Are these pictures old or did she lose some weight again?

She actually looks kind of fuckable in the third pic

she should lose the hair dye and glasses

She was pregnant during the older, fatter ones. It was in the chat log leaks.

on 2nd thought someone else can fuk her

Well she aborted it, and she made Gonji pay for it.

she shouldve been aborted. Can we apply her for late-term abortion still ?

No we can't murder Zoe you goofy faggot. Murder is illegal.

how about an accident?

No Zoe bot? Why live?!

Just think of the possibilities anons! The pornhub videos we could make. And not just with Zoe. Hell I'd hate-fuck a robot effigy of that Melissa Click bitch. I don't care she's ugly as sin! I hope it goes viral & women start dressing up like these cunts & doing real porn shoots.

When her sexbot makes more money & drains more dicks than she does she'll off herself. Plus cucks will finally get some poon for all those patreon beta bucks they spent.

gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here

the part she is holding, it gets super hot when it's on

glad I have this

Looks interesting. I haven't watched many animes that weren't hentai, but this one's definitely on my list.

you guys should make porn tubes embeddable


I agree with this guy. Sexbots don't need to be realistic at all.

Here's a new Doppleganger one: pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57aeeecd02e7f

No personality, no realism, but you'd love getting fucked by this bitch.


Wow looking at it again I didnt even notice. I was so caught up with looking for flaws in a certain region of the pic I didnt comprehend the whole thing

Get a real woman, you faggots!

Get yourself out, cumdumpster.



You are the guy that posted on the weed seed thread you fucking obvious ass agent. Nigger just leave before i tell comey on your ass that your such an obvious god damned presence


Just go idiot

Anywhere we can stream this one?

that sexbot is out there! It can't be bargained with. it can't be reasoned with and it absolutely will not stop, ever!

ffs user

How do you do, fellow alpha? The difference between us and the beta robo-waifu optimists is that we understand which way power flows during sex.

Gynocentric courts and the government have reversed that flow in the other direction.

what if…. your mom…. was a sex a bot?

how would you know?

can a sex bot relly love how own human-ish son?

eh, typos.

I've always wanted a robot maid that was feminine, but also faceless.

I think that would also solve any problems people might have with the uncanny-valley until we figure how to make realistic faces and eyes

I doubt sex bots will ever replace women in the role of motherhood. Instead they'll be concubines and, with artificial womb technology, surrogate mothers for your wife's embryos. They'll also help her look after the house and the kids. When you're out working she'll be the lady of the house and they'll be her maid servants.

But human moms will be a lot more pleasant than they are now, having a less entitled view of their sexual market value. They'll know that if they deny sex to their husband he'll just have his fun with one of the robot concubines instead. If she expects to be loved she will have to be loving.

On the other hand, many women loose their libido with age while their husbands still want sex. These women would be fine with their husbands getting 100% of their sexual needs met with robots. It would be the new norm and they wouldn't even think twice about it. Hubby would blow his load into a sex bot in the other room, then come to bed with his wife, kiss good night and go to sleep.

Sounds pretty civilized when you think about it.


The companies behind these robots should open brothels and use it to fund R & D. The male libido is the driving force of innovation after all, why not use it to accelerate the sex-bot apocalypse?

Hell even WE could start brothels.



the fuck is wrong with you?

the dolls just aren't good enough yet

Just torrent it you lazy faggot

3DPDs won't be so PD any more once they no longer monopolize access to sex. They'll be more humble, demur and pretty. They'll have to agree to a very different set of terms before men would consent to marry them. No more divorce rapes or sexless marriages. No more ugly hags telling us that beauty is a social construct or calling men pedophiles for their attraction to young fertile women. All that shit goes out the window.

But do you really want kids raised by robots? Look at the autism that comes from being raised by video game consoles for fuck sake. Plus your horny teenage son(s) WILL be sampling the merchandise when you're not looking. That's some Oedipus-teir shit man, & that motherfucker killed his dad.

Did you even watch the video? Brothels already exist for them. The doll companies should have their own franchised brothels! It'll speed up introduction to the general public and pump up their revenue stream so they can hire more brains to work on the A.I.

I was thinking more about one of those sites with a chat room where you could live-cast it.

3DPD needs to be taken out of the picture completely. We can't risk PD creeping back and destroying civilization after we have sexbots sophisticated enough to raise children. At that point we'll have too much to lose. 3DPD needs to have their monopoly on sex and reproduction taken away in order for us to progressed as a species.

I don't really want children tbh, but I wouldn't mind them being raised by a sexbot/robot. Machines eventually come to do everything better then humans ever could anyway, so why not parenting?
btw my 'horny teenage son(s)' would get their own if they wanted, and I can program it to resist unwanted advances from people that aren't me.

PD is just the dark side of femininity. The dark side of masculinity is wanton brutality. Male violence is good when it's used to protect, but men can become hooked on violence for its own sake too. Then it can be destructive like PD and society would denigrate into gang violence and turf wars.

If you want to eradicate gender-specific problems forever you would have to eradicate gender and turn us into an androgynous, asexual species. That brings us into a brave new world of uncharted moral territory and God only knows where we'll go from there. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Women don't need total replacement, they just need to get taken down a few pegs.


3DPD's reproductive instincts will and has destroyed civilizations. Males don't have these instincts. There are dark sides to masculinity, but none destroy civilization. 3DPD can not be allowed to retain their absolute relevance. If a man want to deal with a 3DPD and have a family the old way, then that is his personal choice, but he and she needs to know that he doesn't need her for sex or reproductive success, and can walk away at anytime and lose nothing. Only then will such things like hypergamy and gynocentrism be truly be dead, and men can move forward without having to come back to wipe the drool off 3DPD's face.

I say if you can kill one devil, then it is best to do it. If we live in fear of solving problems, then we will never progress to anything more then what we are.

Is a product having competition from a another product replacement? I am not saying force these alternatives, just have them available. If you're right, and 3DPD starts acting better, then men win, or you're not, then men have lost nothing.
Either way looks good, no? But I still men will come to exclusively use alternatives to 3DPD, as technology does come to do everything better then humans if giving enough time and resources.

See pic related. Niggers have the highest testosterone level and they destroy civilizations like slow motion atom bombs.

Here here to that.

Completely replacing women with technology would mean becoming something that is qualitatively different: a one-gendered species. We would be cutting ourselves off from millennia of collective wisdom, from mythologys like the Grail Romances, etc, that teach us things about man and woman and how they can be in harmony.

It's one thing to solve problems, but that doesn't mean severing ourselves from history and starting over as something entirely different. We should always build on what we know


Niggers also have low IQs, and the niggers in the US have been raised by only 3DPD.

Humans are meant to seek harmony, not have it. To have harmony humans need to become something else, and we won't be starting over, we'll have advanced technology and AI, as well as historical knowledge. 3DPD will be remembered necessary evil, but no longer needed. We won't be going back, we'll be going forward, confident that we won't have to go back ever again.

Hey speaking of niggers





well, as long as you keep it on sexbots/doll
niggers are pretty shit taste tho

could cure niggerphilia

Lots of other stuff to miscegenate with