Give da kids Laxatives Prank

Have you seen this fine gentleman's prank yet? What a charming example of the enrichment these upstanding citizens bring to society.

why would anyone hurt their kids for popularity from strangers?

This actually seems fun and harmless compared to the other "pranks" and "challenges" nogs come up with.

Like what?

you think niggers care about their own?

Whatever you say, nigger




Getting a nigger to burn the flesh off of his body seems like the most fun ever.

As long as you have Viks Vapor Rub for your upper lip so you don't have to smell it.

The fucked up thing is how well behaved they are. Guy's a dick, but he must be doing something right.


Yeah that's kind of strange, he is just a regular nigger but those kids were acting really polite and nice for black people.

Wouldn't expect niggers to treat their kids with any respect and this just solidifies that in my mind. I honestly don't know which is worse niggers or kikes. You lose with both.

Considering latest advancements in meme magic we can try to meme to niggers "put your kid into microwave oven chellenge". Can we boil some niglets?

Sure, when you compare it to the "Light yourself on fire" challenge. However, dehydration is a legitimate concern when you're dealing with children and diarrhea. Kids don't drink enough fluids as it is, and I'm sure a bunch of little nigglets aren't getting their 8 glasses a day.

Jesus, niggers are going to be doing this, and they're going to be doing this in shitty section 8 houses with only 1 toilet and like 5 nigglets. There's going to be nigger shit everywhere and some poor sap is going to have to clean it all up if and when they get evicted for whatever crime.

kids are kids, the hormones haven't kicked in fully.

just wait.

is this how children turn into niggers? through abuse from other niggers?

Why am I not surprised?

Niggers are mindless easily controlled animals. They would be dealt with by now if it weren't for the Jew. Hands down the Jew is the keystone to shitbridge.

Is this one of those things where weirdos on the internet think of "fun challenges" that are meant to trick kids into making fetish videos? There was "How long can you hold your breath?", "Record yourself farting/pooping", "Draw on your feet" etc.

That's not a pill grinder. That's a grinder for the buds of marijuana.

You've got it backwards. It's not that niggers abuse when they grow up because they were abused by niggers. Niggers grow up to be niggers and abuse, because they're genetically niggers.

lol, the nignog is redpilling everyone.

he's not wrong actually. did you forgot about the fire challenge?


You absolute fucking retard

Niggers just love to secretly drug people.

BTW, pretty sure drugging someone, even with a laxative is illegal. Social services should step in, but I don't want to end up paying for these niggers for the next decade or more.

Buying into the myth that humans do not instinctively know when to drink. If you are not thirsty, you are hydrated.

Social services is full of niggers. Out of the fire into the frying pan.

Technically, a "herb grinder" is often used to crush pills too.

But using a grinder on good weed is, of course, nigger-tier. By putting bud in that grinder, a lot of oil and trichomes are going to stick to the tines and it ends up gumming up your grinder after a while and you lose potency. Civilized white men cut weed finely with a good pair of embroidery scissors.
Grinders are for niggers who buy nasty nigger weed.

(((8 glasses of flouridated water a day)))
Thank you (((greatest ally)))

You shouldn't overdrink clean, pristine water either unless you want to flush out toxins,
because every time you drink water it takes some minerals with it. Drink when you are thirsty.


True. Now that I think about it, even the niggers that run the child services programs are more cost-efficient than this nigger buying weed with the welfare checks. Not by much, but all things being equal, the state stands a better chance at raising these kids cheaper than that nigger can.

That was funny as fuck but also cruel. Everybody who's ever taken a laxative before knows you get hellacious gut cramps before you dump.