What's with all the D&C from Anglos and Brit/pol/?

Seriously are we being raided or something?

I haven't really browsed any of the "Country"Holla Forumss that much if I'm being honest but I just stuck my head into Brit/pol/ recently and have seen nothing but posts claiming that the Dresden holocaust was justified and constantly shilling against the white race

Is this a regular thing?

If so why haven't the mods banned them yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's like one or two from what I've seen.
The need banning yes. I don't know why this started so suddenly.

Probably because they aren't triggered faggots like you

Because they are D&C shills.

Its always the guy that says that american system is the best, compared to NatSoc/Fascism, because they won the war

Its always the guys that they never can accept any non-D&C critic to anglos. NONE

Its always the guys who hate any concept of pan-nationalism, or talking about anything european,…. even tought they are european!

Its always the guy who have the balls of saying that the only good nationalism is civic nationalism!

Remenber that if it happens, its because of D&C shills who want to rupture Holla Forums


Anglos need to be culled as soon as possible

Mosley was based though

Mosley could have saved the British Empire.

The Brits hate Germans and National Socialism, it is in their mentality because of centuries of Jewish Control, the regularly post how they wish they could do Dresden 2.0 and admit to being antifa.
Civic Nationalism is pro-immigration cuckoldry and Brit/pol/ worships a coalburner called Virginia Hale.

Brit/pol/acks are the definition of cuckolds, mods should bumplock their shitty cuck threads tbh.

Example of their faggotry here

Just filter their thread and use the catalog

brit/pol/ is a lefty cointel operation. They are trying to subvert the narrative for their jewish masters.


Been like that for a while brit pol is all the worst neets and retards in pol it turns out

It's a shitposting containment thread
It's the only good nation thread tbqh

Do American's really want to read posts about how a Lib Dem councillor was caught drunk in chambers?

Rest of Holla Forums gets triggered hard, brit/pol/ know exactly what they are doing. I seriously doubt most of them actually idolize these things. If we are going to ban anyone, it should be the tripfags because they are always behind it.

Yes I do wish my Great-Grandfather had killed more Germans

No I don't feel bad that the Germans as a race will become a minority

Yes I am glad that we destroyed Germany (And I would do it again)

Sue me you fucking crybabbies

Germany shouldn't hold any power they always fumble and fuck up somehow

They're not serious, but they should be banned. Why? Because they're fucking cancerous shitposters that belong on Holla Forums

From what chat is that screenshot?

Shouldn't have taxed us m8

those two fags are from >>>/politics/ like the majority of the shitposters who do this

mosley was a cuckold who wanted a europe nation with individual countries being abolished.

we're not lefty. there's nothing wrong with being redpilled on europeanism, civic nationalist, pro-trap, etc.

He never wanted that.

Christ that board is a den of shills


woops sorry for the image. I put nothing there i swear

Shills are using a couple of Brit/pol/ack shitposters as a wedge to D&C. Ideally, the mods would actually be oldfag /new/smen who'd be able to sort this mess out, but they, unfortunately, aren't.

In the meantime, we're best-off simply filtering and ignoring people who we suspect as being shills/shitposters/D&C cunts/etc. – there's nothing else we can do.


Your police literally arrest people for having "offensive" t-shirts, for "offensive" facebook posts, and arrest white fathers for protecting their daughters from muslim rapists. The state of your nation is so sad I cannot even find humor in these ironies. You would be so much better off if Hitler had overrun your little island.

>Europe a Nation was a policy developed by British Fascist politician Oswald Mosley
>a new paradigm in which Europe would come together as a single state.
>He rejected any notion of a federal Europe, instead calling for full integration.
>Mosley called for elections to a European Assembly as the first step towards his vision.
>Mosley summed up the arguments himself by stating that 'no lesser degree of union than that of an integral nation
you're a barefaced liar.

You know the mods are shills who want to harm the cause, right?

>You would be so much better off if Hitler had overrun your little island.

And yet look how that turned out


He wasnt precisely wrong. Europe can (Longterm) be formed as an Imperium (Not an empire)


It isn't. About 15%. Most of the immigrants are Europeans of various types.

Who's the US president?




no, fuck off. freedom for britain! down with the europeanists!

Looks like we already have the britcuck shitposters here!

fuck off faggot, your d&c campaign against britain on the run up to brexit has been noticed and called out on many on occasion - we are wise to your semitic tricks.

Go into the brit/pol/ thread and you'll see that everyone disavows those posts apart from the ones shilling them.

These guy know the score. That alberto faggot is cancerous and was rightly bullied off the board a while back btw.

brits used to be pseudokikes they deserve everything thats coming to them

I just went into brit/pol/ for the first time ever
Jesus christ why do we allow these people on our board?

it's been complete garbage since the exodus. face facts.

I'm glad they have their containment thread.

I'm a regular on Britpol, yes we're getting raided like fuck, it's to do with the recent boost for the leave vote. We're doing well finally, at one stage even had some really productive meme material going, then all of a sudden this D&C shit out of nowhere, lots of (1)s. Some group has a seriously vested interested in keeping us in the EU mate. It's insane

The jerries seem to think they own Brit/pol/… It's a sad state of affairs. Brit/pol/ for the BRITISH tbh

I'm starting to think the majority of people hating on Brit/pol/ are shills who actually post in Brit/pol/ and the few poor American sots who fall for it.

Especially the 'Brits are crypto-kike' posters - such arrant idiocy.

just ban them already, they've been smug and in denial over their own downfall and are vindictive cunts over the fact that everywhere isn't as shit as the UK yet.
