Stef: Trump Is Right About Mexico

Mexico IS Sending.

A poor spic artist dedicated a lot of time towards this government pamphlet advocating an illegal act… note the huge knockers on and tight asses on the women.

Other urls found in this thread:*/



And it's funny how they inform him to find a jew ambulance chaser to fight "for his rights".

Can we pinpoint the moment when he got redpilled on race?

Has this been pamphlet widely known about? I've never seen it before.

post the pamphlet, not clicking on this faggots video.


Should have just made a topic about the pamphlet.

Reminder that molycuck let a 9/11 kook go on for over an hour about holograms, no planes, etc, and then deleted comments saying he should talk to someone who actually knows about 9/11.

He is alex jonestein-tier disinfo agent.

Go fuck yourself you spic shill. You won't need to watch the video, I'm sure you already used such a pamplet to hop yourself over the border.

Counter bumping a faggot Mexican infiltrator.

Trips confirm e-celeb garbage.

Nope, too slow Pedro.

Your English is adequate. I suppose you have a voice for Chinese picture boards though, no telemarketer would have you?


Moly's a good guy mang.

He's been on the verge of redpill for a long time, he's just now coming to terms with the fact that he has to go full NatSoc.

I'll never understand what triggers people's autism so badly about someone voicing their opinions publicly on the internet.

I think Holla Forums's problem with him is he often kind of circles around the truth, because he's still beholden to left-centric ideas like equality and stuff. It's more because he has a heart than a lack of brains.

That and he has some legitimately funny mannerisms. But Moly is basically gonna be doing Alt-Right shit by 2017. The tide is turned, people are starting to wake up and realize these bullshit shrill cries of racism/fascism are coming from the very people who those who destroy civilization and those who profit by enabling them.

He's pretty much *this close* to calling for an all-out race war

I was in the same spot for a long, long time myself. So I guess I sympathize with the guy.

An "e-celeb" who doesn't get his threads deleted.

Oh fuck off, Evalionfag

I do, too. I'm a huge fan of his. (His older videos aren't my thing, though)

I can't say I like them now, but it's like reflecting on how my own view/opinions have changed over the years.

deleting his threads, i meant

gas yourself

Also see vid related.

I'm confused as to what you're mad at me about.

I know user, I know. It's okay, just take a deep breath of the gas and it'll all be over.

Is it summer already?

where does he say it believes in equality?

I think it was earlier this month, when he was talking to that Swedish woman.

Most people have their political views set by the time they're 25. Molyneux is weird, lol

The pamphlet is in Spanish, and the entire video is just a commentary on the piece

He's been rp on race for ages now it seems.

It makes sense from Mexico's perspective.

Why have to worry about the underclass not revolting because there's no food, when you can just promote the idea of their emigration?

Stefan won't go full redpill, that user is right.

Eceleb hate where it's due, but Stef is a fucking redpill factory.

fuck off kike

I listened to a speech he recorded in 2012 and he was talking about slinging shekels at people. Many anons seem to think he's shifting along with the overton window to gain viewers but I think he was "here" for a long time and kept it subtle.

Stefan "The One Man Molycaust" Molyneux does it again

Didn't say you had to watch the video, my man



fuck off Pedro


i don't see the leap in logic here.

We are user because our egos are in check (for the most part)
Some people on here express disdain for those who feel the need for a following or approval, like e-celebs or tripfags.
It really is simple.


Here's the pamphlet. I don't understand spanish, but i assume that Molyneux translated it correctly.

An incredibly shocking glimpse at information provided by the Secretary of Foreign Relations in Mexico. Once again, Donald Trump was right - Mexico is sending people to the United States illegally and providing it's citizens "how to" pamphlets to aid them in the task.

The official government website has been taken down, but is still accessible on*/

post the link to the tweet otherwise fake, nigger.

Trump was right again


Thanks for anchoring a thread that is shitting on mexican illegals. I mean, a guy who's on the internet said it!

Disregard that he did a 5 HOUR expose on r-K breeding, has recently upheld the police in discouraging rampant niggers, shits on single moms…he still holds libertarian/anarchist beliefs as IDEALLY true. Disregard that he's admitted that the ideal isn't always the reality, and that we should deal with reality. Disregard that he has the most popular philosophy show to ever exist, recently reaching over 100,000,000 views and is now firmly on our side of the line. Disregard that kikewheels himself is libertarian, he's probably dead anyway, right?

The muh e-celeb faggots are trolls and/or true autists. You're being led by these

ok schlomo.When you reach 2 million people with disinfo it is actually not a good thing.

Gas yourself

stay mad, faggot

Not an argument

1. We have IDs here you fucking retard, learn how to read them.

2. Who fucking cares who is conveying the information? Posting the pamphlet only works for beaners like you that read Spanish.

3. If you're not a shill, you're simply a fucking retard.

Yeah, you're just a fucking retard.

Your shit e-celeb thread got bump-locked and now you are assmad as fuck.
