Wow..really makes u think

wow..really makes u think

Well if today I am a sissy it's because of my christian mother

Joke's on them, the decline and eventual death of Christianity in the world is all part of prophecy. Enjoy Babylon while it still lasts.

Whales go out looking for triggers to feed their insatiable needs for sugar and attention the article.

Also, check those symptoms
Those symptoms have only 1 solution.

The family should just burn and contaminate everything they have to prevent the communists from taking it, and then "clean up" a major leftist city just as San Fran.

What the fuck is with this meme? I have been seeing it on Holla Forums for days.

*such as

holy shit rapist get out

It's sarcasm you fucking autist.

I want these people rotting and feeding crows on a tree. Niggers are now to be hung off lamp posts

88; or two fat ladies as they say in bingo

All those Jews and Radicals attacking Christianity, the joke is that when Christianity is gone, then there is nothing left to hold us back.


No, it's ironic shitposting which is still shitposting tbh fam

How many days before this happens Holla Forums?

The joke is on these sodomites in that Christianity is one of the only religions that lets these deviants exist without being harassed, stoned or hung to death.

They are a cancer upon both society and even the structural safety they take for granted. Good riddance.


Lesbos crying about a baker who won't support their degenerate lifestyle.

Jews honestly hate Christianity. Kike on a stick meme aside, they really do hate Christians. The farthest away you can get from Jews and faggots within your neighborhood is your friendly local non-Zionist Baptist church.

Sorry paganfags and fedoras. It's true.

You'd think they'd learn from Kucktaku.

Lead poisoning to the brain is also mental rape. I’d gladly mentally rape as many faggots as I find.

Not even South Park would have been able to come up with this kind of stupidity.

It's making fun of social media shit. Niggers say it a lot after stupid images are posted on Twatter or Faceberg, and are genuinely mystified by such stupid images.

I look forward to destroying these people.

They should of asked Muslim bakers. They could of been raped for real.


Someone shop the kid the hijab wearing woman to a pig with a quran and send it back.

Anime babes should real, they are so cute.

The downside is when I look too much at them nevermind

What show?

At lease the collapse must be near.

Check your privileges, shitlord!

Isn't that incitement to violence and not covered under free speech? In some states anyway.

How does the media get away with it?


Kinda makes me want to find out what this lesbian couple does for a living, and trying to pay them to do something for these christians…

Wait until they refuse for whatever reason, and then complaining as loudly as they do.

If you'd had had a good Christian mother or a stronk Christian father this wouldn't have been the case.