Why are jews so pathetic?

why are jews so pathetic?



what the fuck is that 'source' URL supposed to be? are those percent signs?
I wanna see the source for myself.

Ferengi were modeled after yankee traders, not jews you failed abortion of a walking condom advertisement. You can tell because money is ALL they care about as a culture, not manipulation or politics or cultural marxism. they ruthlessly promote the idea of meritocracy both inward and outward

there is no source, I've looked

Their genetics are all fucked up and so is their collective psyche.

Think about it. You take a group of humans, could be any group, doesn't have to be Jews, and scatter them around the globe. Far from their ancestral homeland. Then you inbreed them and pump them full of Us vs Them propaganda for several hundred centuries. Wtf do you expect to happen? On top of that you have 24/7 holocaust reminders for the past 70 years, which Jews nowadays are beginning to claim is causing a mental condition unique to Jews which is brought on by a lifetime of atrocity and victim propaganda. Of course they don't admit that this is the cause. They say that the holocaust was just so extreme that it causes trauma in 2nd and 3rd generation "survivors."

OP I just watched that episode yesterday.

I watched it recently too, I thought it was pretty good, also Qaurk and Rom are the best part of DS9

Jews are nation destroyers, termites, agents of chaos. If Hitler had succeeded our world would presently be at peace.

Bet it really hurts inside to realize Hitler failed and blew his brains out like a coward.

Stupid goy not acknowledging that us spacejews were vastly different in DS9 as opposed to TNG

I like this user….have a strip of latinum


Actually the Jews were the Dominion…an "oppressed" yet powerful race who used the Jem-Hadar (USA) to attack anybody they felt was a threat to them.

His remains were never found. For decades the Soviets thought they had his bone fragments in their possession. Then they examined them. Turns out that those bones they thought were Adolf's were actually that of a woman. Realistically, he probably didn't die in that bunker.

Hitler confirmed as mentally ill tranny.

oy vey

they was FAKE!!!

lol Hitler's empire was an unsustainable war state that could only survive by stealing shit from its neighbors, reminder Hitler borrowed loans from actual jews and got his white soldiers killed paying them back with the assets he stole.

natsoc was a complete and total failure anyway. Oh well. fuck em, make way for Israel. Yahweh's chosen people (That's us, you stupid idiots) will be the ones to prevail in the end.

Pics related, it's what Hitler died fighting for and what he would fully support in today's society.

thread successful


You know it's true, natsoc was a failure.


who cares about nazi shit you took the bait and sperged out mission accomplished

This is now a jew qt thread



jews have brown eyes and dark hair these are Europeans who converted…bahahahah





says the chump who took the bait :^)


Why is Isareli camo a wierd-ass green? Its not ACU nor Olive Drab its something else.

keep spinning newfag

there are loads of blonde hair/blue eyed Ashkenazi kikes.

All Jewish men are born beta males. Thats why no jew man in history has ever been noted for his sexual exploits or ability with women. They're notoriously effeminate and act like women. They're gossipy, back-biting and treacherous. They're greedy schemers and are harbingers of a society's doom.

Maybe American and Euro jews, Israeli jews are alpha af

jews…alpha…..bahahahahahahahahh stfu woody Allen jews are all wimps

damn that's pretty edgy


Jews think they're alpha because they pay women to fuck them.

Thank you Grand Nagus

sure thing just remember the Rule of Acquisition number 1


weasels are not the king of the jungle homo


they are if the lions obey them

no they're still just weasels

That's "Weasel, your highness" to you.