Previous thread:
Willis a shite.
Age of Dumb
Damn, son, where'd you find this?
More OC because God damn is it great to have independence. Freedom soon, britbongs!
I haven't been keeping up with this, does anyone have unedited pics of the crap Mary has been dealing with so I don't have to go on Willis' shite?
>mfw made a ton of gold and fucked off back to my island
Has anyone ever known women that seem terrified when they look at you?
how can a man so awful come up with such a glorious waifu
By trying to create a personification of everything he hates.
Most of her traits come from his younger, conservative self and maybe a girl he liked. Some of it comes from the criticisms/arguments he sees from his "h8rz", and he makes Mary spout them, not realizing that they tend to be sound, since he's so far downhill. He does this because she embodies everything he hates about his past.
How is that relevant?
There was a muslim girl who seemed shaken up all the time. Timid, etc.
And then when I wouldn't shower for a week and would jerk off several times a day, some girls seemed to think I was going after them because apparently they think all eyes are on them. This is retarded because it was often in plain sight. Then I would speed up not realizing I was making it worse as they would speed up, but then I would turn a corner to show that I wasn't chasing them.
It stopped when I began to take care of myself after Holla Forums, and when I learned to stop using my Asperger's as a crutch.
Honestly, I'm shocked.
Because Mary is Christian and Europe was the center of Christianity before we began to degenerate.
Yeah, but why?
Do you need a reason when autism enters the calculation?
user, masturbation makes one lazy. Thus they would not shower.
Who /christian/ here?
N-no? O-okay then.
On the one hand, this will inevitably lead to Walky joining Mary's attack on the Saracens. On the other hand, half-jig.
The fedora still has me in its clutches, but I'll admit Christendom is still pissing off the right people, far as it has strayed.
dis gon be gud
Oh hey, finally found the new thread. Reposting the edits so far.
And here are the new ones I hadn't had the time to share; working on editing the latest ones posted in this thread earlier.
okay my brain is ded
And here are the two new edits
So, you guys did anything after Chrono Trigging Mary? Or is she just lost in the 8chiverse to find the dankest memes and shit?
Even for a fictional show loved by a fictional character, the first thing Carla can say about it is
A couple weeks from now, I'm gonna see if I can fuck with wikipedia and put this show as Kate Leth's only TV writing credit.
Just checked to see if she has a page, and OF COURSE SHE'S FROM CANADA
Another dumb thing from Willis's twimblr
I have no idea which part of the movie he's even refering to.
I'm not sure Willis has even seen Back to the Future.
does he mean sexual assault?
the sexual assault Marty spent the whole movie trying to fucking avoid?
oh wait, this is David Willis. He probably thinks Biff is the protagonist
What the fuck is he talking about? The entire film is about Marty AVOIDING getting fucked by his mom.
He was a man in the vicinity of a woman, so he's automatically guilty of attempted rape.
I get the feeling he's trying to make a joke. No one can be this retarded.
BttFag here. Marty did actually make the plan of assaulting Lorraine in the car in the parking lot of the dance. But: in discussing this ahead of time with George, they were both extremely uncomfortable with the plan, and it backfired before Marty did anything. Lorraine smoked (this action surprised her future son) and came onto Calvin Klein (Marty) really fuckin strong.
Willis is a fucking butthead if he thinks that anything was solved from this because all the two scenes proved was: 1.) Marty is in dire straits by having to resort to this clearly fucked-up thing with so little time left, and 2.) his mom was a hypocrite in his original timeline, and her becoming less of a prude at the end is character development.
That's like the opposite of the movie though. I don't even like the movie, but that description is wrong, even as a joke it doesn't make sense.
Biff is too much of an alpha male to be the protagonist in Willis' eyes, and you know this.
The true protags were those terrorists at the beginning that gunned down Doc for stealing their plutonium.
I feel like Willis is like one vaccine away from going full Chris-chan. His twatter would be a great source of keks if it weren't for all the fucking toys he talks about, which is sad in itself. If the Mandela Effect is real, surely he was already a resident of the shitty universe.
Like this strip. The only sense that can be made from Marcie sharing a STUDIO APARTMENT with a dozen people is an explanation for why she's deaf.
Should be descendants at the end of pic here
…Does Willis have some sort of problem with Dexter's Lab and Dial M for Monkey?
Of course he does, it's a show about a guy doing his own thing with an annoying sister that constantly interupts him and ruins his plans.
Might as well be named the Mary and… whatever the trans name is. Don't read the comic but love seeing idiots act like idiots and yet feel proud about it. It's like the emperors new clothes only he also sold him miracle cream that is clearly cow dung.
It always ultimately boils down to too much self-importance. Just because your parents didn't love you doesn't mean everyone has to suffer the same way.
Also Willis is going deep into the strawman with that one holy shit, is he genuinely an adult ? This crap would make sense from a young teen at the very least
Anyway, here are the new edits. I'm quite fond of the last one.
That last comic reminds me….
Superb writing. I don't remember the actor's name, but he tends to voice-act insane folk…I think he was in KotOR…? Anyway. It sounded like he was speaking.
The digits don't lie, Val. u dun gud
Carla has to be one of the worst characters in existence. Her whole character is basically "I'm trans and annoying", even fucking Claire is more interesting than that.
Really glad they please you. Enjoying doing many of them as well.
Apparently most trannies are like that (skip to ~2:10).
Oh, the car being her friend possibly making her mentally ill?
Yes. The car is satan
Dat subtle strawman with an obvious punchline
This thread is amazing.
That's college alright.
If literally everyone you meet hates you, maybe, just maybe, they're not the problem.
Wut, he must of seen the Berenstain universe version of Back to the Future.
Wh- damn, I fell for it, Willis, you cuck loser!
……I want to date that trap fuck
You're welcome freund.
Did you even see the film? George will "fight" Marty when he tries to "rape" his mom, but his mom ends up wanting him.
Before checking the website I seriously thought these were edits ment to mock how childish and petty the characters are.
Carla truely is the way SJWs see trannies and coloureds. Whenever you're around him, you're expected to walk on eggshells, accept his assholish behaviour without showing qualms, and take every single one of his quirks into account.
Nice OC, enjoy your freedom! Being from Cuckrabia Sweden myself, I hope we follow suit.
Also, the best DoA quotes come from Mary. All other characters just blur out an uninteresting slur of trivial observations and "humorously quirky" comedy.
Willis is still a faggot for trying to make this about feminism.
And Willis didn't even come up with them half the time :^)
You don't have to try this hard, /christian/. Not everyone is here because of religious zeal.
What really irks me is that he draws 3 different kinds of eyes
What are you on about?
Is anyone here even here for religious zeal besides me, although I'd participate regardless?
Well, yeah. If someone is being an asshole you call them on their shit in whenever way possible. That's how it works.
I can see Dorothy cheating on Walky already, and it has nothing to do with his autistic hobbies.
I guess Willis would fit just right on Holla Forums :^j
Hey, it's my OC, kind of.
You're using it wrong.
Latest edit
Carla called shitskin something kinda offensive recently, right? Also they threatened a bystander who wanted no parts. Does that make them 2 or 3 times worse than Notre Damme?
I want to joust Willis
Do you think Willis does this retarded stagnation thing as a way to not develop characters?
Dubs confirm. Willis you cunt.
Hey, what ever happened to drunk user?
wait there was a car chase?
I did miss that character.
I never left.
You faggot, read the comic before making seem like we want him back holy shit why is he saying thesee fuck
Dammit user, I was just about to post the comic before that one. I was even checking the thread to make sure it wasn't already posted. It is good to know this isn't yet another independent plotline, though.
Hold up. Hold up.
Uh, when did Mike turn to Sodomy? I had thought he was a (somewhat of an asshole) warrior of purity.
I probably should have put a spoiler now that I think about it….
Which one?
A Shortpacked comic had him allege that he would have whatever sexuality would allow him to cause more strife. He slept with Ethan and Amber to cause a rift between them. So, no, assholery is more important to Mike than purity.
Ethan, the bowlcut-looking mother fucker.
He used to be cool, now he needs to burn.
It's amazing, even after all these fucking years Willis still sucks at drawing characters who don't share the same face, everybody looks the same and he's getting lazier and lazier every time he shits out a new strip.
Goddammit, I liked Mike because although he was an asshole, he would still have a set of morals. This shit made his character interesting. He'd even make dirty jokes that he'd have to explain.
But noooo, he changes to whatever line of thought can screw things up, or piss people off (I suppose he still fits Holla Forums in this line of thinking?)
Fuck Willis. Just, fuck him.
I think that's what pisses me off the most about Willis. His Universe is interesting and could work, but he's an incompetent, literal retard with a shit personality, and his work reflects that. This ENTIRE Universe would be better off in Holla Forums's hands.
New edits !
Dang, cool poppa trips
Nice. Although, as I suspected would happen, you got the strips in the wrong order, since they were posted in the wrong order. Doesn't really matter, it flows the same way in either order.
Has Mike appeared in edits before? You've given him a good character.
Really ? Fuck, misunderstood your previous post about this then, my bad.
And I think Mike was in a porn ? Don't really know, there's five billion different characters and they're pretty much all copypaste of each other, just with different hair and clothes. Even garbage moé animé isn't that identical.
Willis and Handstab are in a race to the bottom to replace B^Uckley. My money is on Willis's autism, but I feel like his strong leftist retardation may lose to Jeph's pure laziness.
I'm kinda new to these threads
why does every character have cocaine nostrils?
That makes sense; you're writing is too smart for that.
Because they snort cocaine, obviously.
Since when does repressing lust lead to personality disorders? Sage for off-topic
Since anyone took Freud seriously. Which is, unfortunately, too often, but it's one of his many well-debunked theories.
Actually (or obviously) the opposite is true. Exercising restraint often gives a person a stronger feeling of control over their life and are more likely to build self confidence.
It's not even limited to repressing desires or actions. In the 90s uncovering repressed memories was all the rage, but it turns out (like most things in the 90s) this was a bad idea. When you repress memories your brain is doing it as a defense mechanism, to keep everything stable. There are instances where repressed memories lead to unexplained phobias and ticks or straight suicidal depression and in those cases it's time to see a therapist and dig up what Uncle Johnny did, but usually a person is only missing the need for therapy when they repress.
Holy shit, this faggot is really going to play out this retarded little scene isn't he? Couldn't keep it a joke.
Whoops, counter-sage
Who the hell is this?
I have this strong hatred for Dina. Normally I wouldn't care if someone was an atheist, and I wouldn't stick around a dyke, but for some reason she irks me greatly, enough for me to want to burn things.
Was he an OC contributor?
Found this on his tumblr:
Willis drone:
I kind of like the drawing.
No, but characters make things interesting.
It sounds like cancer, actually.
Meh, to each his own I guess.
Oh we are gonna see a fun edit for this.
A retarded tranny who posts way too much in the DoA comments section. Pic related remains my proudest cap of shitlib nonsense.
If I remember the Walkyverse comics right, she was supposed to be kind of a cunt. Which, obviously, just translates into autism.
I hope we accumulate enough OC and art of Mary to make a Do It For Her pic.
That's no excuse.
Oh, I remember now.
I don't get it, what are you trying to say?
I searched "murder" in my picture files and that was the first thing that came up that wasn't a screencap of an article.
There's this shitskin on 4/co/ complaining about his "abusive foster parents", but he never presents any evidence for his "torture". It may have seemed extreme at times, but either he deserved it or his parents had an idea of making him stronger. I think he couldn't handle it, and I would love to fight him.
pic related
Shit, man, I thought you were trying to say something poignant about blood libel. St. Simon is a massive redpill, moreso that he was removed from the canon in the sixties. Also, pic related.
And speaking of jews…
I still wish he hadn't :(
The "abuse" was probably that his foster parents were white and tried to make him act white. Abusive foster parents aren't exactly news, but if you've got whites fostering niggers, they're probably too nice for their own good.
Of what?
Anyway, he wanted to see how Willis would react to his story.
Honestly, if I was forced to choose sides, I'd rather pick Willis.
*if they talk about "abuse"
The catholic church's canon of fucking saint's, mang.
I don't actually know if referring to it as "the canon" is appropriate, but eh, I'm no papist. :^)
Oh, the Dutch. Everything makes sense now.
Haha, he's sandnigger and prairie nigger and gay! I'm not sure what kind of feel I'm getting that he's still defending Christianity as not racist, but it's not a good one.
What's with the Dutch's reputation of being tough?
Also, are you Christian?
Oh man, this guy.
No idea, man. I was just going with the
meme that's been around since Austin Power. Although considering that manual farming labor was involved, I'm willing to bet this is a family that comes from the Dutch Amish. I can tell you firsthand those guys are hardcore, and I really respect them for it.
Nah, I'm still the filthy heathen from . However, I'm also pretty Holla Forums-tier, so I know atheism is a maladaptive trait on both an individual and societal level. Been thinking about attending some churches in my new area to see if anything clicks if they aren't shit.
I'm probably wrong on this one, but all I see in that combination of words is a big jew.
You're mistaken user. I like it. Heck, I'm French, from the country that is literally the second biggest consumer of japanese media on earth, right after Japan itself.
I was talking about -garbage- moé animé, which isn't ALL moé animé, just the garbage kind. In those, it's just retarded girls with all the same faces, just with different hair.
I will never let those cocksuckers live that down
It's this guy (notice his tripcode and the DoA-site avatar).
It's quite simple. I had started around July of last year, and the first step was to stop masturbating (that's what killed the feeling of holiness inside). Then, I would lie in my bed and with the utmost sincerity in my heart I would ask Jesus to fill me with the Holy Spirit (if you can't feel like you truly want it/have doubts, just keep repeating to yourself that you want to know God or something, like magick). Of course, this is if you're serious about changing. Do or do not; there is no try. - Yoda
I dunno about you, but I know very little and I mean, very little moeshit that is even average.
*Also the only two frog cartoons I've seen are Tintin the Animated Series and Wakfu, and the last one made my dick hard but other than that it was hard to watch. i liek tauntauns
*Of course Willis wouldn't confront him, what was I thinking ?
Oh I entirely agree, but sometimes it manages to be bearable. I absolutely despise Kiniro Mosaic, yet I've watched both seasons several times because Karen should take the cock and all the other girls are so fucking thirsty for each other it's rage inducing. Yet in a way, things like the bokura wa minna kawaisou might go in the moé range from time to time, yet it's absolutely, mindblowingly beautiful; ore monogatari is definitely moé as fuck, and it's one of the best animé of the decade; and I'm sure there are other examples but I'm not gonna shit up the thread with off-topic crap.
If you want some great french cartoons, try out things like Kirikou or Ernest & Célestine. Both are insanely good stuff. Astérix animated films ain't half bad either. We have a lot of lewds in the animated territory too, Totally spies being one of the most mentioned shows.
*Oh, and I forgot about Asterix
I saw TS once because nothing else was on, but it never peaked my interest.
Why do you start all your posts with a star ?..
And totally spies is shit but it's great hard-on material. Reminder in France that it's a show for girls. That's what french girls were taught are "cool gals".
When I forget to mention something in the last post
*Goddamn it, every time.
Anyway, it's worse when cartoons are historically inaccurate. "1136" my ass. And those two bandits with nothing but a stick would not go after knights, who train daily in armor. The bandits are probably starving, too. I couldn't even watch the entire thing; even My Little Pony (FiM) isn't that bad.
user, it's a dumb show for little girls. Are you autistic ? And stop using that star.
And I wouldn't my daughter to be watching mindless crap. In fact, she wouldn't be watching anything. Books n shit.
It's okay.
Thad dinosaur girl bothers me a lot. What is she studying? what is she supposed to do? isn't that college just a warehouse of retards and freaks disguised as a college?
I don't like it.
I think in this case it's just because Carla has been shocked into realizing Ruth might be depressed. Granted, it's retarded because Carla's retarded, but I was expecting things to go the other way before I saw the real meaning in his reaction to Ethan's statement about depression. Now, he's just plain lost his enthusiasm for this iteration of stupid shit.
Holy shit, the meme magick is working
16 - 11 - 7 = 2
Y'know, since Christ-Chan is a part of a pagan pantheon, I get worried that they'll hijack Mary too. Of course, they'd feel disgusted if they knew how Kekists and other pagans viewed them, so I dunno.
You forgot:
Willis I am fucking mad you cocksucker don't you fucking dare
You really like that word, don't you?
How is that anyway? I always thought it to be on-par with Maus, and I never picked that one up because that common trope of "le ebil katz XDDD" pisses me off.
*Also, later on it was because it's about the Holocaust™.
Speaking of the holohoax, check 'em
Meh, I tend to have a few words I use repeatedly in english because… well I'm no native, and then I find a new one and overuse it, and then a new one, etc. Previous one for example was "whacko", and for a while I constantly used "tool", and then "dolt"
It's pretty much a masterpiece, as you'd expect from France. It's also very relevant nowaday, with ISIS and "muh islamophobia and women's rights" bullshit, as it heavily describes Iran's recent history and massive cultural shift.
It's also autobiographical so it's better informed than retards who only read the guardian for example.
My French Canadian French-Language teacher who was a baby-boomer constantly shat on Anglo-culture "subtly" and was pompous as fuck, as well as a proto-SJW. I've always hated the French for their self-fellating, but eventually shot it down as bigotry when I started to turn more leftist.
My first redpill was when I realized that the French really are stuck up fucks, and that stereotypes exist for a reason. Thanks I guess.
Oh we're definitely kinda stuck-up, but mostly because we have the best culture on earth. If I had to briefly explain how the French work, it's people who consider they are better than everyone, and oftentimes actually kinda deserve to think of themselves that way.
Also, anglo/american culture IS filthy garbage. It's puritanical gossipy childish worthless sensationalistic crap. Of course there are exceptions (from France as well too, like holy shit, the state of our "humor" is grim as shit), but overall, for every Woody Allen quality from America, you find twenty five Kieslowski in France.
To be fair, we tend to consider that any talented french-speaking artist is French, which includes Québécois and Belgians… so of course that kinda raises the numbers
And also, please never compare canadian frenchies to the French. Thank you.
Maus is fucking hilarious just for the fucked up family relationships that are almost inherent in jews. Even as a bluepill, I thought it was really weird that every single character seemed to have a therapist.
Dammit, I like the French, but dubs don't lie.
On the other hand, I'm given to understand that Quebecois and Parisians are responsible for like 90% of why the French seem like total cunts.
So fucking mad that American culture can't actually be American. Birth of a Nation is a cornerstone of film, dammit! In the Anglo-sphere, anyway. Bet it's not even on the radar for French film buffs. I'll even shill for the Britbongs, since the Scots and Irish add to their culture much like the greater French family does. Anyway, the rivalry between the English/Anglos and the French is such a beautiful thing about our shared heritage. It even managed to cross over the Atlantic! I wonder if it'll continue when we get our shit together and go to space.
Yes, Birth of a nation is a very remarkable movie even in France. It's part of cinema's history, why the hell wouldn't we know about it ? We literally invented cinema, dude.
Also, I don't really care about Allen's jewness, his films are hilarious and brilliant. They're adored in France at least. And why wouldn't jewitude be american ? It's actually ENTIRELY what american culture is about, user ! :^j
What exactly do you mean by this, progressivist?
Care to go into detail?
I'm not saying it isn't deserved. But it gets fucking annoying.
It wasn't invented by Edison you faggot. Edison took something that already existed and made money off of it, like the near entirety of what he claims he invented. He pretty much was Steve Jobs a hundred years ago. Cinema was invented by the Frères Lumière. Fag.
The issue with the anglo-saxon artistic culture these past decades is that it's trying to be as inoffensive as possible. It's doing its best to ensure a committee approved the script and direction of a film, for example, before even thinking of starting shooting it. It's working through test projections instead of allowing artists and creators to do something they want to create. That's what I mean.
Responsible artists are just commercial factories.
Also I still remember when I heard this music for the first time, I thought it was just a cool-ass remix of the Bowser tunes. They're so similar.
I don't blame you. We tend to defend our culture to the death and we have this kind of great pride about what our history and art world produced. If you meet a French person that goes "french art isn't that good", either they're an edgy teen, or they're a cunt that should go back to whatever shitland they're from. I bet they don't even like camembert.
Prove it nigger.
Anything that is worth caring about was invented by the French. At the very least by europeans, maybe. Americans only know how to take other people's ideas.
Don't put the fucking accents so I can ctrl+f better next time cunt
The implications here are off the charts. I see two endgames for the Fucking White Male: self-destruction and Galactic Lebensraum.
Speaking of fucking white males, I was on Willis's twatter looking for salt about Bernie finally cucking to Hillary. Saw none of it, but pic related did give me brain damage. Point to Willis.
Fuck, I could swear embeds and pics worked. Oh well.
You know exactly what he means.
I swear this is nothing but pain
Also, David's shoelaces were untied in the fifth panel, then weren't in the sixth. Little gems like those are always a thing of beauty.
It's the same from a leftist. "Once we get our shit together" -> "Once we achieve world peace" etc.
What the fuck? At least Willis could explain why it was smarter instead of making sound subjectivist. She might like Carla's show better because muh progressivism.
Ok so if DMM is Dexter's Lab then what the hell is Ultra Car
Turbo Teen.
and there it is.
I'm not really going to argue on this until you lay down your narrative, but my view of the endgame is a prediction. The resurgence of racially aware nation-states is the most favorable outcome to my race, and the result I can best predict about such nation-states once they are no longer restricted by globalists and international finance, and going off of our current technology, is a slow expansion into the stars.
Now, I don't know what kind of ideology would propose that planning and predicting the future is somehow bad, but it seems to me a dangerously blind and high time preference one.
Heh, I forgot Walky's name was actually David until now. I would have thought this was the one time no one in comic would cuck for Carla, but I guess not.
Did I ever say that though?
Anyway, I just explained why I called it progressivism. I was mistaken.
All right, cool. Didn't want to jump to conclusions myself and call you a lolberg or something. Even I think that's a shit meme
I forgot to give this one props. I really hope Willis sees fit to combine Becky and Carla into a maelstrom of terrible.
That pic is from 4cuck, just thought it was kinda funny.
I was a lolberg, and for a very short time a fascist, but I basically went from libertarian to monarchist/traditionalist.
This is sort of relevant to Willis.
Oosh, that's another one. It's not even fun to deride or hold contempt for like Willis or Handstab, it's just sad, like the video says. Only just started the video, but the comic does just affirm my narrative about leftism, considering that it started as very basic bitch liberalism/centrism and has progressed into just garbage feminism.
Hell yeah. I'm not too big on absolute monarchy, but feudal traditions are great.
Should've specified what kind.
Definitely feudal monarchy, but I wouldn't mind absolute.
Greg is politically moderate, just so you know.
Thinking about it, absolute monarchy would be fine for a nation that's not too big, I was initially thinking it's not practical for the US or a European Empire or a Space Empire. Not sure where the dividing line would be, but yeah, some kingdoms could be absolute.
Yeah, he seems fine. He's actually better than I predicted when I saw the ponies. He has nice things about Christianity to say wrt Jack Chick, and I liked his thing about being nice to the rats where realistically that would probably run you out of your house. Very red-pirred. He's got good points about ideological creators falling into their own nihilism that's very ugly to the everyman, a point Holla Forums should learn. I bet the black pilling there turns off more normalfags than the anti-semitism or racism or whatever.
Are you Christian?
Most ponyfags seem to be reddit-tier moderate left since SJWs hate them (I'm sure you've heard of Molestia? Jim did a video on it way back then). Quite a lot of people frequent 4cuck's /mlp/ thanks to this one faggot who owns /7get/ here, but Greg has been around before it changed, IIRC. As /pone/ has a liking for Holla Forums, so did pre-late-2014 /mlp/, so it would make sense that Greg would pick stuff up.
Exactly, and I'd pick fascism for nations that need to be put back onto its feet, and move up from there.
*oh, and he does have a disliking for the Tea Party and doesn't think Trump is very good I'm still meh on him tbh, but recognizes that the left/right paradigm is a farce that needs to die or maybe it's just the parties, I dunno.
Got the new strip here, Willis is spazzing out again.
Holy shit these are boring
dubs confirm
Let's just say I'm giving Christianity a fair shake for the first time in my life. Normally when a reddit-tier ponyfag brings up Jack Chick it's to go into
territory. I was pleasantly surprised when Greg was wishing Chick focused more on positive things the church does for society, which I found pretty annoying before I saw Christianity as a good thing.
The Molestia event in itself was funnier than the Molestia comics, especially once seeing that the Tumblr folk involved managed to make such a comic look wholesome compared to their shitty lives.
Yeah, Tea Party's total garbo from any perspective, even a libertarian one. Left/right is all kinds of screwed, especially in Current Year America, but the most important thing I've seen is that Globalist/Nationalist is theoretically split left and right, but only with Trump have we seen the right stop moving towards globalism. I'm not sure if we're moving beyond moderate nationalism, let alone the kind of nationalism I and the rest of Holla Forums want, but hey, it's something. If I could get every normie to swallow that most basic of redpills, I'd be happy.
more twitter wit from Shillis
Notice how he's not talking about anything specific about the movie? Like what he liked, what he didn't like etc. He's just going "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS MOVIE YOU'RE A SEXIST TRUMP LOVER LAWL!".
Willis is mentally ill
He doesn't comprehend how actual functioning adults act
They also make fun of a man for having no dick, get the fuck over it. The humor in ghost busters was for teens who just learned about all that stuff and it had some kinda smart shit for the adults AND was dumb enough that a stupid babby could get it. Jesus christ.
The fact that Willis had the fucking gull to put the Maximal and Predacon symbols on the door fucking sickens me.
I get it! You fucking like Transformers! Now tell an actual story that isn't just "Fuck Christians" or shut the fuck up!
At least I can see that.
Did he ever went to college anyway?
Yeah, he went to UI sometime in the 90's.
Don't know what he studied, but that's where he started making comics.[spoiler]I have seen all of those comics up to cumming of age book 5 and I have smiled at less than ten[/Spoiler]
Seems pretty realistic to me.
Probably the liberal arts faculty.
Have you been to a college?
This is a generous portrayal.
I've study a comunications degree and never found so much cancer in my classes.
But of course it was a chatolic private highschool in Spain.
I studied in the engineering faculty in a Swedish (I know, shoot me) university. Me and a friend used to go down to the gender faculty and listen to the students there. One time I remember two white women riding their bikes past us saying
I'm so sorry, user.
I just wanted to edit videos or do some shitty work in a TV or small production.
Just decided to invest some of my savings in the degree because I was finishing my work contract after 3 years working in the public university doing some variable jobs. Now I'm doing a postdegree or however you call it in english because the public university offers it for free because I have some disability.
edits might take a while guys, sorry
not really feeling the humor coming in right now after that shit in france
take care of yourselves
Maybe you could just have one character saying thoughtful things while everyone else just says "Allahu Ackbar."
New page cunts
My brother used to love dinosaurs. Then he started to get into guns and WWII like everyone else thanks to CoD and Battlefield 1942, so I stopped talking to him because he was no longer interesting.
You gotta work to bridge the gap, man.
Great OC, man. One minor criticism, though: In your second pic, there is a one-to-one mapping between the text in the left and the right column. However, the paragraphs are of varying sizes. I've seen this often and I've always hated it. It makes it difficult to easily see which paragraph about Mary corresponds to which paragraph about Carla. I would recommend adjusting the paragraphs so that they begin at the same place in both columns.
Two more suggestions, while I'm at it:
They're from 4cuck
I had to really think, best guess is it's M.A.S.K.
It's Transformers. This whole ridiculous argument between Walky and Carla is Willis attempting to """""prove""""" that Transformers is objectively the best cartoon ever.
…Actually, no, I take that back. He probably considers himself to have already done that at some point during his career. Somebody who really likes Dexter's Lab and Dial M for Monkey probably just did something he finds offensive recently, and this is his way of passive-aggressively dealing with them.
Never assume faggot.
That cunt, besides being a retard, has no taste because she called the tiranosaur rex boring. Fuck you bitch for chosing the edgy normalfag option that is the velociraptor.
Even with flamboiant feathers the tiranosaur is the best.
Wow… Willis sure sucks making relatable characters that aren't complete strawmen for his counterarguments.
wullis drawn that one bitch in nothing but a shirt
why is ruth being a crazy shut in anyway
Don't you just love how realistic and smooth Willis' dialogue is?
Let's see what a Jew has to say about dinos
IIRC, it's because she's a depressive alcoholic not unlike JephJax. I don't think Ruth has stabbed her hand yet though.
Was about time I got done with those.
Fuck your pokemons.
It's a joke
Fresh shit!
Jokes are for chumps.
Oh God, why is the tranny not wearing pants?
Never mind, I don't wanna know.
Is he moonwalking? It looks like he's walking forward.
This motherfucker gets paid over 5K a month for this horseshit.
He copy pasted her torso from the previous panels, it only looks slightly different because of her arms' position.
I apologize for that.
New strip hoe moes.
Gotta admit, the art and writing were funny for once. "Senor Billingsworth", corruption, Sal's face… and then the last panel ruins it by reminding me what comic this is.
Yes, because sex is the most important thing in relationships and fixes everything.
This faggot watches too many shitty cartoons.
I swear to fucking god willis must be doing it on goddamn purpose, that made SO MUCH SENSE in context
I think the enlightened despotism and constitutional monarchies of the late 18th century were the height of human progress. once bismarck was fired and the retarded clusterfuck of alliances that lead to WW1 got formed everything went down the shitter.
*19th century
*oh yeah, and
I was comf, then this comic removed me from this state. Could Willis have found the essence of uncomf?
Eh, it was OK. It takes a while to realize just how fucked the Enlightenment was, but this was a good reaction to it. Bismarck was boss.
>Carla is a complete cunt ready to break her promises the minute she doesn't like the results of them instead of just saying "no" before it happens which has happened more than once
that sandnigress is alright though
Actually, I think that Billie might just be stupid enough to legitimately believe that the blatantly caucasian amazi-girl has secretly been her ambiguously-brown roommate the entire time, based purely on the latter's motorcycle skills.
If that's the case, though, then it means that she's not above blatant and obvious blackmail to manipulate people into obeying her demands.
This is true. Billie is fucking retarded and thinks her roommate puts on whiteface, shrinks 4 inches, and gains 20 pounds to pretend to be useful and mysterious.
God damn it I hate Willis so much.
Good to see you again, Val.
This strip reminds me of something. Homosexual death cults, batman, hotheads…
Something's familiar here.
Willis wants to kill himself
But he's too scared
I actually like how those ones turned out.
that means monster, not idiot.
dubs confirm
Maybe the joke is that she doesnt know japanese.
Yeah, basically every time Willis gives a character a weird accent, I just give them a weird speech-quirk. Becky uses slurs from all around the word, and that dark girl (forgot her name) says animé words.
I don't really know why… I think I felt those accents sounded retarded and fake in the first place, so I just went all out with the made-up thing.
Man, why did Willis have to give Mary a turtleneck after we switched her out? We're going back in for that outfit, boys.
I fucking hate this goddamn planet
Is good.
Willis tried to play it of as if Mary lost the last fight, but apparently the other characters are still terrified of pissing her off or being judged by her.
Ha, gotta respect the true authority in that shithole.
OK, so, I was wrong. It wasn't a turtleneck, it was a scarf and jacket of some sort. However, this has had no effect on my assuredly chaste boner.
Oosh, didn't think I'd find Hegelian Dialectic in Fallout.
This is so realistic though
A rude annoying ugly tranny virtue-signaling and ruining everything around him, just like a real tranny. He "helps" and "solves problems" but still finds a way to make himself the center of attention, just like a real tranny.
Also, I wonder how willis is going to commit suicide
He's too pussy to do it.Send him epileptic shit en-masse.
If my only friends were a gay alcoholic happa and a retarded tranny, I'd probably be this depressed too.
I'm waiting for good writing
Sorry, I took a while. Hope you'll enjoy.
The psycho has a point for once. Quite often people fuck things up by pussying out from communicating crucial information. I doubt Willis had this in mind when he wrote the scene, though.
I think he did. Jerry "Lily" Peet definitely did about some other show.
Fucking nice. Did you mess with Mary's face in 68? It kind of looks like it, but I can't say for sure. Every time I look at 70, I notice another disgusting detail.
I did, just a tiny bit. Wanted to keep her looking a bit "nicer" than the rest of the cast, namely she doesn't have that cringy constant sniffing on her face.
And yeah, I always try to add some sweet small soft content here and there to perfect the tone :^j
If that's Mary, why keep it that wide? One only needs their ears. Sal's a retard; you can hear through those doors. The doors are not that thick.
Pretty sure that's Amber, since Sal is standing in front of Amber and Dina's room in panel one.
I'm pretty sure that's Dina then. I assumed it was Mary because she was there then gone, and she's been spying on the others. Also, Willis drew the peering eyes a bit sinister-looking, and Mary's supposed to be one of the "antagonists". If it's Dina's room then that's probably her.
so is someone gonna make a new thread?
Why? Only 323 replies
Yes, but soon page 10. Page 10 is the last page. Once it leaves page 10, the thread is ded.
Someone should get a thread ready once we reach that page 10 threshold.
Any ideas for the thread name ? "Aging of Dumb : Everybody wanna die" or something ?
Actually forget I said anything, we're already at page 10.
But not if we bump the thread, right?
Probably because it was done by Obsidian.
… wait, you don't know about bump-limits ? Are you serious ?
How long have you been there ?
Anyway, a new Aging of Dumb thread is needed quite quickly !
It's surprising how we got bumped off so quick. We went from page 4 to 8 in like a day.